山东科技版第二学期四年级英语教学课件unit 6 Lesson 2

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,高陵镇中心小学 尹红艳,Unit 6,lesson,2,How are you going there?,教学目标,1.能听懂、会说、认读单词:plane, ship, by, train, bike, 并能结合句型灵活运用。,2.能听懂、会说、认读句型 How are you going there ?Im going there by,3.能运用所学语言询问或回答他人假期旅行将会,选择怎样的交通工具。,4.学会交流,在交流中了解有关旅游的相关知识。,教学重、难点,教学重点,:,句型How are you going there ?Im going there by,的听说、认读及运用。,教学难点,:,句型How are you going there ?Im going there by,的正确理解及运用。,A: Summer vacation is coming.,Where are you going ?,B: Im going to ,Lets talk.,Lets talk.,How,are you going there?,bike,car,bus,ship,plane,train,Im going there,by,1)How are you going to Canada, Jenny?,2)How are you going to Dalian, Peter?,3)How are you going to Shaolin Temple,Li Ming?,4)How are you going there, Danny?,Listen and answer,Look ,listen and line.,1)How are you going to Canada, Jenny?,2)How are you going to Dalian, Peter?,3)How are you going to Shaolin Temple,Li Ming?,4)How are you going there, Danny?,Listen and answer,Im going there by plane.,Im going there by ship.,Im going there by train.,Im going there by bike.,Lets talk.,How,are you going to ?,Im going there,by,?,How are you going to go there?,Lets talk.,Summer vacation is coming. Where are you going to go?,by,bike,by,car,by,bus,by,ship,by,plane,by,train,四人一组,以开火车的形式用所学语言,如 Summer vacation is coming. Where are you going to go? How are you going to go there?完成下列表格,之后分组汇报展示。,How,Lets do.,旅游小调查,Unit 6 Lesson 2,How are you going there?,How,are you going there?,plane,ship,train,Im going there,by,.,.,.,bike,.,板书设计:,Homework,:,1、听课录音,模仿跟读课文。,2、运用所学,询问好朋友的假期外出旅行情况,,完成下列调查表。,How,


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