高中牛津英语模块三第三单元M3U3 复习课课件

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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2017/4/22,#,M3U3 Back to the past,Key words/Phrases/Important sentences,赣榆高级中学高一英语备课组,1.,兴建、建立,(vt.) _,过去式,_,过去分词,_,2.,逃脱(,vi.&vt.,),_,过去式,_,过去分词,_,3. erupt-n. _,4. explode-n. _; adj._,5. decorate- n._,6. _vt.,毁坏,摧毁,过去式,_,过去分词,_,7. complain- n._,found,founded,founded,flee,fled,fled,eruption,explosion,explosive,decoration,destroy,destroyed,destroyed,complaint,8. expression- vt._ adj._,9. fortunate- adv._,adj.(,不幸的,)_ adv. _,n. (,幸运,)_ n.(,厄运,)_,10. declare- n. _,11. memory-vt._ n.(,纪念碑,)_,12. educate- n._ n. _,adj.(,有教养的,) _ adj.(,反,) _,13. glory- adj._,14. aware- n._ adj.(,反,) _,express,expressive,fortunately,unfortunate,unfortunately,fortune,misfortune,declaration,memorize,memorial,education,educator,educated,uneducated,glorious,awareness,unaware,15. basis- vt./n. _ adj._,16. corrupt- n._,17. judge- n. _,18. poison-adj. _,base,basic,corruption,judg(e)ment,poisonous,失落的文明,安排某人做某事,作为,而有名,听讲座,夺取;接管,涌出,被活埋,造成很大的破坏,使,处于保护之下,被,装饰,lost civilizations,arrange for sb. to do sth.,be known as,attend a lecture,take over,pour out,be buried alive,cause much damage,putunder protection,be decorated with,11.,未能做成某事,12.,分解;出故障,13.,停靠点,14.,被,逐渐覆盖,15.,建筑遗迹,16.,流经,17.,大树成荫的绿洲,18.,砍掉,19.,导致某人做某事,20.,结果是,11. fail to do sth.,12. break down,13. a stopping point,14. be covered over by,15. the remains of buildings,16. run through,17. a green land with huge trees,18. cut down,19. lead to sb. doing sth.,20. turn out,21.,建立在,的基础上,22.,很不幸做某事,23.,逃离,24.,成为废墟,25.,自取灭亡,26.,剩下的,50,美元,27.,碰巧做某事,28.,公布;扑灭,29.,被分成,30.,发现保存完好的尸体,21. found on/upon,22. be unfortunate to do sth.,23. flee away,24. in ruins,25. ruin oneself,26. the remaining 50 dollars,27. happen to do sth.,28. put out,29. be divided into,30. discover the preserved body,31.,进行突袭,32.,起航去,33.,被严重损坏,34.,向日本宣战,35.,为了纪念,36.,和观众进行眼神交流,37.,经历;顺利完成,38.,向某人抱怨某事,39.,恢复知觉,苏醒,40.,表达自己,31. carry out a surprise attack,32. set sail for,33. be badly damaged,34. declare war against/on Japan,35. in memory of,36. make eye contact with,the audience,37. go through,38. complain to sb about sth,39. come to oneself,40. express oneself,41.,无法表达,42.,找出路,43.,教育某人做某事,44.,无疑、确实,45.,起义、反抗,46.,阻碍(某人),47.,患病,48.,认为,是,49.,控制,50.,对,变得厌倦,41. beyond expression,42. seek ones fortune,43. educate sb to do sth,44. no doubt,45. rise up against,46. stand in ones path,47. come down with,48. think ofas,49. take control of,50. grow tired of,51.,在,的前面,52.,作为,的结果,53.,受够了,54.,探求真理,55.,意识到,56.,对,有深远影响,57.,变得尴尬,58.,将某人告上法庭,59.,将某人处死,60.,被迫做某事,51. ahead of,52. as a result of,53. have enough of,54. search for the truth,55. be aware of,56. have a deep influence on,57. get embarrassed,58. take sb to court,59. put/sentence sb to death,60. be forced to do sth,1.,离城市不远处有一座火山。,Near the city _.,2.,车来了。,Here _.,3.,他来了。,Here _.,4.Many people were buried alive,_,整个城市也是。,was a volcano,comes the bus,he comes,so was the city,5.,今天,我见到了罗马古城庞贝,它就跟两千年前一模一样。,Today I saw the ancient Roman city of Pompeii _.,6.,当我在城中慢走时,我看到保持原样的街道,沿路都有垫脚石,这样下雨天你就不必在泥泞中行走了。,When I _, I saw streets just as _, with stepping stones_, so you did not have to_.,as it was 2,000 years ago,walked around the city,they had been,along the road,step in the mud on rainy days,7.,原来,火山灰覆盖了没能逃离城市的人,他们的身体几乎全部烧化消失了,只留下火山灰里的人形空当。,It _ that after the ash covered the,people who_,their bodies nearly completely broke down and,disappeared, _.,8.,他专心地研究楼兰,这使他成了该领域的知名专家。,His devotion to the study of Loulan has _ in this field.,turns out,failed to flee the city,leaving empty spaces in the ash,made him a famous expert,9.,你说话时至少要让别人听懂。,When you talk, you have to at least _.,10. _ (,既然你已经通过考试,), you can drive on your own.,11.,似乎博物馆和图书馆对她都没有吸引力。,_ seems attractive to her.,12.,他既不抽烟,也不喝酒。,_ nor does he drink.,make yourself understood,Now that you have passed the test,Neither,the museum nor the library,Neither does he smoke,13.,如果废物妥善处理,就不会对环境造成危害。,If _, waste will do no harm to the environment.,14.,公元前,334,年,他率领当时已达四万两千人的军队进入中东,接着是埃及,兵锋所至,所向披靡。,In 334 BC, he took his army, now with 42,000 men, into the Middle East and then Egypt,_.,treated properly,defeating every army that stood in his path,15. _(,毫无疑问,) your success has resulted from your hard work.,16. _what he said(,从他说的话来看,), he was very disappointed.,17.,我们期待看到在不久的将来新的考试制度被实行。,We are looking forward to _,in the near future.,There is no doubt that,Judging from/by,seeing the new exam system carried out,Thank You,Have a good day,


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