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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单招英语好作文,必背短语、句型,首先,_,第一次,_,某人第一次做某事时,_,直到现在,_,从那时起,_,在开始的时候,_,同时,_,过了一会,_,随着时间的流逝,_,之后不久,_,first of all/ to begin with,for the first time,the first time +,句子,up to now,since then/ from then on,in the beginning/at the beginning of ,meanwhile/ at the same time,after a while,Its not long before.,As time goes by/on,就我而言,_,众所周知,_,另外,此外,_,更糟,/,严重的是,_,结果,_,我想,_,也就是说,_,说实话,_,as far as I am concerned,As we all know/ As is known to all,besides/ whats more/ moreover,whats worse/more serious,as a result/ therefore,It occurs/ occurred to me that,thats to say/ in other words,to be frank/ to tell the truth,就是因为, _,或多或少,_,迟早,_,为,树立好榜样,_,代表某人,_,一方面,另一方面,_,相反的,_,总之,_,最后但同等重要,_,比如,_,如下,_,just because,more or less,set a good example to ,sooner or later,represent (v.),sb,/ on behalf of,sb,(,介短,),for one thingfor another,on the contrary/ Instead,in conclusion/ in short/ in brief,as follows/ in the following ways,for example/ take for example,last but not least,位于,_,占地,_,有,年历史,_,有,人口,_,适合某人,考取,大学,_,读大学时主修,_,出国深造,_,他是,的骄傲,_,被授予,/,被认为是,._,cover an area of,have a history ofyears,have a population of+,数字,be admitted touniversity,When at college, he majored in,go abroad for further studies,He is the pride of ,be considered as,be located in,正如俗语所说,事物都有两面性。,众所周知,一份耕耘一份收获。,有志者事竟成。,行动胜于任何语言。,条条道路通罗马。,最大的敌人就是自己。,患难之交才是真正的朋友。,欲速则不达。,机不可失,时不再来,孰能生巧。,正如俗语所说,事物都有两面性。,As a popular saying goes, Every coin has two sides.,众所周知,一份耕耘一份收获。,As is known to all, No pains, no gains.,有志者事竟成。,Where there is a will, there is a way.,条条道路通罗马。,All roads lead to Rome.,患难之交才是真正的朋友。,A friend in need is a friend indeed.,机不可失,时不再来,Time and tide wait for no man.,/,孰能生巧。,Practice makes perfect.,对,有耐心,_,对,很严格,_,给我很大鼓励,_,对适合,_,下决心做某事,_,过着幸福,/,艰苦的生活,_,在,上取得快速进步,_,他有很强的意志,_,be strict with,be suitable for,be patient with,be determined to do ,live a happy/ hard life,make rapid progress,He is a strong-willed man.,He is a man with strong will.,give me great encouragement,根据我个人经验,_,事实上,_,我们有理由相信,_,然而,很可惜的是,_,according to my personal experience,in fact/ as a matter of fact,We have reasons to believe that,However, its a pity that,给,带来方便,_,bring convenience to,1.,我们必须铭记除了努力工作,成功没有秘诀。,It must be kept in mind that,there is no secret of success but hard work.,4.,毫无疑问,如果你用心了,你就一定能够达成目标。,There is no doubt that,you are sure to achieve your goals if you put your heart into it.,6.,我们该意识到学习的重要性了。,Its high time that,we,should be aware of,the importance of study.,8.,它让我想起我自己的经历。,It,reminds,me,of,my own experience.,9.,据我所知,写这本书花了他超过一年的时间,As far as I know,it took,him more than a year,to,write the book.,10.,老实说,无论你喜不喜欢它,你没有其他选择。,To be frank,whether,you like it,or not, you have no other choice.,11.,我们浪费不起时间。,We,cant afford to,waste time.,12.,无论英语有多难学,你都必须尽力学好它。,No matter how,difficult English may be, you should do your best to learn it.,14.,只要我们坚持,我们一定会成功。,We will be successful,as long as,we,hold on to the end,.,16.,俗话说,活到老,学到老。,As the saying goes, it is never too old to learn.,17.,显然,我们还有很长的路要走。,It is certain that,we have a long way to go.,四、健康,1.,保持健康是重要的,Itisveryimportanttokeephealthy.,2.,我们如何保持健康呢?,Howcanwekeephealthy?,3.,我们不应该睡得太晚,我们不应该起的太晚。,Wecantgotosleeptoolate.Wecantgetuptoolate,。,4.,我们应该健康的饮食,Weshouldeatthefoodhealthily.,5.,我们应该做更多的运动,Weshoulddomoreexercise.,6.,上周二,我感冒了并且头疼。,LastTuesdayIgotacoldandhadapaininmyhead,。,7.,我不想吃东西。,Ididntfeellikeeatinganything.,8.,我决定去看医生,Idecidedtoseethedoctor.,9.,在医生办公室,医生很仔细地给我做检查,Inthedoctorsoffice,thedoctorlooksovermecarefully.,10.,他说:“没什么严重的。”并且他告诉我要休息并且喝更多的水。,Hesaid:Nothingserious.Andhetoldmetotakearest,anddrinkmorewater.,11.,医生告诉我吃这种药,一天三次。,Thedoctoraskedmetotakethemedicinethreetimes aday.,12.,几天后,我感觉好多了。从那以后我相信了保持健康是世界上 最重要的事情。,Afewdayslater,Ifeltbetter.FromthenonIbelievethat,keepinghealthyisthemostimportantthingintheworld.,8.,他有一头短发。,Hehasshorthair.,9.,他很外向,每个人都喜欢和他交谈,他与我们相处的很好。,Heisoutgoing.Everyonelikestotalkwithhim.Hegetson,wellwithus.,10.,他教英语教的非常好。,HeteachesEnglishverywell.,11.,他工作非常努力。他在第五中学工作。,Heworksveryhard.HeworksinNo.5MiddleSchool.,12.,他喜爱在工作后看足球赛,Heloveswatchingfootballgamesafterwork.,13.,他经常在英语上帮助我。,HeoftenhelpsmewithmyEnglish.,14.,在他六岁的时候,他开始打乒乓球。,Attheageofsix,hebegantoplaytabletennis.,8.,我决定去看医生,Idecidedtoseethedoctor.,9.,在医生办公室,医生很仔细地给我做检查,Inthedoctorsoffice,thedoctorlooksovermecarefully.,10.,他说:“没什么严重的。”并且他告诉我要休息并且喝更多的水。,Hesaid:Nothingserious.Andhetoldmetotakearest,anddrinkmorewater.,11.,医生告诉我吃这种药,一天三次。,Thedoctoraskedmetotakethemedicinethreetimes aday.,12.,几天后,我感觉好多了。从那以后我相信了保持健康是世界上 最重要的事情。,Afewdayslater,Ifeltbetter.FromthenonIbelievethat,keepinghealthyisthemostimportantthingintheworld.,Dear Jane,,Congratulations on your passing all the exams. I am delighted you have really made great progress in your two years of studying in China. All you have gained is the result of your hard work. We are proud of you and we all appreciate your help with our English. We will always remember the wonderful time we spent together. Its pity that you have to go back soon! So a farewell party for you will be held in Room 302 in the Sun Club this Saturday evening. Could you come by 6:00 p.m.? Well have dinner together. By the way, you may take Bus No.332 in front of your hotel and it will take you directly to the club.,I wish you success and fulfillment in the years ahead!,Yours faithfully,Li,Hu,作文佳句构思,1,时间,地点,It is,on Saturday,that,we will hold a party,It is,in Room 203 in the teaching building,that,an English lecture will be held.,作文佳句构思,2,原因,1.,The reason why I am successful was that I work hard.,That is why I was happy.,The first reason is that,作文佳句构思,3,名词,1.,whenever,you have,problem,s, please turn to me for help.,Our city is a new,city,that was set up in the early 1990s,作文佳句构思,4,形容词 副词,as,as,The more ,,,The more ,The +,adj,最高级,+,完成式,作文精美语句,1,名词性从句,What I want,is a lot of time.,What I want,to do is to have a rest.,This is,what I know,That is,why he gets angry with me,That is,where I lived,The teacher is not pleased with,what I did,作文精美语句,2,Please tell me,when the,headteacher,comes,I know,what you need,Whatever you choose,is all right with me.,The reason,why I was sad,is,that he didnt understand me,Do you know the man,standing over there,?,DO you know the man,who is in red,DO you know the man,with whom you are talking,作文精美语句,3,I am not interested in,what he is doing,I was told,有人告诉我,What the teacher said,is important,


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