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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,Unit11 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?,Section A,1a-2c,教师:平乡新世纪英才学校豆云晓,Unit 4 I,used to,be afraid of the dark,过去,1a-2d,=He,used to be,short, but now he is tall.,他,过去是,矮的,但是现在他是高的,Step 1 Lead-in,whats he like,?,他长什么样子?,/,他什么性格?,He was short,He is tall.,shy,outgoing,He,used to be,shy , but now he is outgoing,他,过去是,内向的,但是他现在是外向的。,In the past,在过去,Now,现在,本节课学习目标,:,语言目标,:自由运用本课单词、词组,句型和语法,.,能力目标,:学会表达人物过去到现在的变化。,情感目标,:一切在不断变化,我们也应该不断增长知识,健全人格,不断去完善自己。,重难点:,used to,句型的用法。,Step 2 New words,humorous -,humor (n.),有幽默感的,silent -,silence (n.),沉默的,keep silent /in silence,helpful -,help (,n.v,.),有用的, 有帮助的,from time to time,有时,=sometimes =at times,score,得分,.,分数,get good scores,取得好成绩,=get good grades,Appearance,外貌,Personality,性格,1a,。,Fill in the chart with words to describe people.,Step 3 Text,1a,tall,高的,short,矮的,fat,胖的,strong,强壮的,thin,瘦的,Appearance,外貌,whats he like?,他长什么样子?,curly hair,卷发,short hair,短发,funny,shy/silent,沉默的,outgoing,lazy,懒的,outgoing,外向的,funny/ humorous,有趣的、幽默的,serious,严肃的,Personality,性格,whats he like?,他什么性格?,helpful/ kind,1b,Listen. Bob is seeing some friends for the first time in four years. What did his friends use to look like?,Mario,used to be,.,He,used to wear,.,2. Amy,used to,be,.,She,used to have,.,3. Tina,used to have,and hair.,short,glasses,tall,short hair,red,curly,1b,1c Look at the picture and make conversations.,A:,Did,XieTingfeng,use,to be short?,B:,Yes, he,did,. He used to be really,short.,A:,Whats he like now?,他现在长什么样子?,B: Hes tall now,.,A,:,Did Tom used to be fat?,B,: Yes, he did. he used to be really fat .,A,: what is he like now?,B,: He is thin now.,Tom,2c,1,Paula,used to be,quiet.,I know .she was always silent in class.,2,I,used to like,music class,2c,Baby,used to be,ugly, but now she is beautiful,Baby,过去是丑的, 但是现在她是美的。,ugly,丑的,beautiful,美丽的,in the past,在过去,wear glasses,戴眼镜,now,现在,范冰冰,She,used to wear,(,过去),glasses ,but now she doesnt wear glasses .,她过去戴眼镜,但是现在她不戴眼镜。,doesnt wear glasses,不戴眼镜,He,used to have,brown hair,but now he has black hair.,他过去有棕色头发,但是现在他有黑色头发,have brown hair,has black hair,难点提示,1 ,如此的。这样的,so such,(,1,),So +,形容词,/,副词,such (a/an) +,形容词,+,名词,(,2,) 有,many much ,few ,little,时只能用,so,Ms.Zhou,is _ beautiful .,=Ms. Zhou is _a beautiful teacher.,There are _,many,teachers in,YingCai,school,拓展:,such a beautiful teacher =so beautiful a teacher,2,、,since,自,以来,现在完成时,since,过去时,It,has been,2 years,since,we,came,to,Yingcai,.,3 primary school,小学,4 see,sb,doing,sth,看见某人正在做某事,so,such,so,2d,2d,Read and answer the questions.,Three years.,1.How many years has passed since they last saw?,2. Who are they talking about?,3.Did Billy use to be shy?,Billy.,Yes,,,he did,。,1. used to do,sth,过去(常常)做某事,我过去是一名学生。,(,现在不是了),刘老师过去有短发(现在不是了,),I used to,be,a student.,Ms. Liu used to,have,short hair.,2,一般疑问句:,3,否定句:,Step 4 summary,Did,you,use,to be a student? Yes , I did / No, I didnt .,I,didnt use,to be a student.,4,对比区别:,Ms .Liu,used to have,short hair,过去(做),but now she,is used to having,long hair .,习惯于(做),In the past,now,1 fat,2,short,3 lazy,4,like,P.E,have curly,hair,shy,1 thin,2,tall,3 helpful,4,like,music,have straight,hair,outgoing,I have changed a lot . I used to ,I am getting better and better. I feel very happy now.,Step 5,能力提升,writing,第一人称写作,.,用所给词的适当形式填空,1. My grandfather used to_ (walk)to work in the past.,2. Are you used to_ (get)up early to read English?,3. What do you think of your Chinese teacher?,He is _ (humor).,walk,getting,humorous,Step 6,课堂检测,practice,.,单项选择,1. She used to_in a small house, but now she lives in a big apartment.,A. lived B. lives C. live D. living,2. He used to be tall, _?,A. doesnt he B. didnt he,C. does he D. did he,3 This is _a big classroom.,A so B such C very,.,句型转换,1. She used to play the piano. (,改为否定句,),She _ _ _ play the piano.,2. She used to be shy. (,改为一般疑问句,),_ she _ _ be shy?,to,use,Did,to,didnt,use,Thanks for listening,


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