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Exercises,(8) Both the state schools and private ones _ _foreign languages and computers.,(9) we must not only have a powerful regular army, but also organize contingents of the peoples militia _.,(10) _, we had a pleasant five-day trip to Thailand and enjoyed its beautiful scenery.,on a large scale,By and large,put more emphasis on search for give an impetus to lead to,on a large scale in general by and large turn out,be associated with in turn as far asbe concerned,put more emphasis,on,III.,Exercises,2.,Fill in each blank with the most appropriate word from the four choices given below.,traveling,People who like traveling have their reasons. One is that traveling provides,(1),for them to taste strange food and to know foreign customs that they,(2),would not know. Their second reason is that travelers can,(3),friends along their way. The most important reason they maintain is that by this instructive activity they can,(4),their horizons, enrich their experience of life, and expand their,(5),of knowledge,(1) A. hopes B. opportunitiesC. experienceD. challenges,(2) A. otherwise B. whileC. somewhatD. therefore,(3) A. become B. findC. makeD. know,(4) A. extend B. enlargeC. broadenD. widen,(5) A. room B. spaceC. scaleD. scope,B,A,C,C,D,III.,Exercises,especially of geography and history. traveling enthusiasts, in fact, may convince you,(6),listing more reasons.,Those who dislike traveling have their,(7), too. They can enumerate a number of the disadvantages of traveling, which may be summarized as follows. a. traveling wastes money and,(8),. Of course, traveling and accommodations require money. Walking and climbing when seeing sights often,(9),travelers. b. Perilous peaks and furious rapids, fierce beats and cruel robbers that travelers often encounter,(10),their lives. c. It causes a lot of inconvenience if you leave your home even a day.,(6) A. throughB. withC. byD. in,(7)A. reasonsB. causesC. excusesD. ideas,(8)A. strengthB. energyC. muscleD. health,(9)A. exhaustB. confuseC. tireD. puzzle,(10)A. endangerB. annoyC. injureD. hurt,C,A,B,C,A,III.,Exercises,Hunger, thirst, bad weather pain the traveler a lot. In their,(11), travelers are as foolish as those who ask for trouble.,In practice, traveling does more good than,(12),. So-called disadvantages described above can be regarded as good conditions in which the travelers can build up both physical strength and,(13),. If your economy and health permit, you might as well do some traveling from time to time. Perhaps, an exotic atmosphere and charming,(14),attract you so much that you forget to leave. It will at least help you get rid of tiredness after work. Even a,(15),experience, I am sure, will show you that traveling is beneficial in more than one way.,(11) A. mindB. ideaC. thoughtD. view,(12) A. hurtB. harmC. dangerD. terror,(13) A. privilegeB. powerC. rightD. willpower,(14) A. vegetationB. spotsC. landD. scenes,(15) A. lonelyB. singleC. riskyD. dull,D,B,D,D,B,III.,Exercises,3. Translate the following passage into Chinese.,Air Travel,Many people prefer to travel by air. This is because air travel has some advantages. First, airplane is the fastest means of transport today, and it takes the least time for people to travel from one place to another, thus saving them a lot of time. Besides, air travel is very comfortable. The friendly air hostesses will look after your every need. On long flights, there are films and music to entertain you.,On the other hand, traveling by air has its disadvantages. Perhaps the most obvious is the element of danger involved. We often hear of the news about hijackings and crashes.,To conclude, although flying involves risk, I would say that the advantages outlined above outweigh the disadvantages. If I were asked to choose between traveling by air and traveling by train, I would choose the former.,III.,Exercises,4.,Translate the following sentences into English.,(,1,) 旅游给人们提供了了解其他风俗文化的机会,同时也丰富了他们的知识。,(,2,) 如果你去过某一个给你留下深刻印象的地方,你将会对有关这个地方的新闻报道更感兴趣。,(,3,) 现在有些旅行社推出新的项目,例如:寻根旅游、美食旅游、购物旅游等。,(,4,) 总的说来,休闲是帮助人们摆脱来自社会的压力和紧张。,III.,Exercises,(,5,) 随着我们生活水平的提高,越来越多的人在假期中外出旅游。,(,6,) 每周四十小时的工作使人们有足够的时间享受各种娱乐和运动。,(,7,) 今天在许多旅游景点,交通在很大程度上已经得到了改善,从而促进了当地的旅游业。,(,8,) 通过旅游我们能够增长新的知识,结识新朋友,品尝特色菜。,III.,Exercises,5. Topics for discussion,.,(,1,) Do you like traveling?Why?,(,2,) How can we improve and promote the tourist industry in China?,III.,Exercises,The End,Chinese Version,航空旅行,很多人更喜欢乘飞机旅行,这是因为航空旅行有很多优点。首先,飞机是当今最快的交通方式。对人们来说,从一个地方到另一个地方旅行,乘飞机花费的时间最少,因此节省了人们很多时间。另外,航空旅行非常地舒服,友好的空姐会满足你的每一个需要。在长途航班上,还有电影和音乐让你消遣。,另一方面,乘飞机旅行也有它的缺点。可能最明显的就是其所包含的危险因素,我们经常听说关于劫机事件和飞机失事的新闻。,总而言之,尽管飞行存在着风险,我仍说,上面所列的利远大于弊。如果要我选择乘飞机旅行还是坐火车旅行的话,我会选择前者。,(1) Traveling offers chances to people who are eager to know other customs and culture, meanwhile, enriches their knowledge.,(2)If you have been to an impressive place, youll show more interest in the news and report about it.,(3),Nowadays, some travel agencies provide new items, such as genealogical travel, gourmet travel, shopping travel and etc.,(4) In a word, leisure can help people free from the strain and nervousness from the society.,(5)With the improvement of our life, more and more people will go traveling on their holidays.,(6)The forty-hour workday in a week makes people have enough time to enjoy different entertainments and sports.,(7) Today at many scenic spots, transportation has been bettered on a large scale, hence it promoted the local tourist industry.,(8)We can enlarge our new knowledge, make new friends with others and taste the specialties through traveling.,(1) Yes, I do.,Because, I have several reasons; Firstly, traveling can relieve me from the strain and stress in my busy study life. Secondly, as Im eager to know other customs and culture, traveling can offer me an opportunity to enrich my mind and knowledge. And finally, traveling can also help me make new friends and taste all kinds of cuisines both at home and abroad.,(2) Tourism is a prosperous industry in China now. More and more people want to travel around and enjoy the natural sceneries with their own eyes. So I think that this is the very chance for us to further develop the tourist industry in China. In order to improve and promote the tourist industry, first of all, we should stick to the reform and open-door policy. Then, our government should better our law system and the consumer protection, as well as invest more money in the construction of infrastructure of our countryto provide a better transportation network and build more highways. Last but not least, more qualified guides who can speak fluent foreign languages should be trained in the tourist industry.,参考译文,北京,1北京作为中国的首都是一个新旧交融,魅力无限的地方。今天的北京占地16,808平方公里,是中华人民共和国(建于1949年)的政治、文化和行政管理的中心,是1,380多万北京市民的家园和中央政府的所在地。,参考译文,北京,2尽管“北京人”的遗骨表明早在50万年以前已有人类生存于此,北京作为人类的居住地已超过了3000多年。它是蒙古、明朝、满族直到现在的中华人民共和国的权力中心,跨越了近700年的历史。,参考译文,北京,3作为世界上少数未傍主要河道而建的内陆首都之一,北京将自己长期显赫的历史归功于战略性的地理位置。由于它位于中国华北平原的西北端,北京是向北进入内蒙古大草原,向西进入山西高原和穿过长城最东部的山海关,进入东北的门户。,参考译文,北京,4北京第一次繁盛是在战国时期(公元前476-221),那时它是燕国的首都,又称冀(意思是“芦苇”,因为当时四周是沼泽地)。当蒙古皇帝忽必烈,将元朝(公元后1264)建都于此时,改名为大都(伟大的首都),但是随后明朝的第一位皇帝迁都至南京,直到第三位皇帝时期才又迁到北京,。,参考译文,北京,5 北京因此而得名,意指“北部京都”,与南京,即“南部京都”相对。从那以后,北京一直是首都,除了本世纪上半叶,国内战争这段时期,蒋介石执掌军队,将政府迁往了南京。,参考译文,北京,6 1949年10月1日,在天安门城楼上,已故的毛泽东主席正式宣布中华人民共和国的成立。,参考译文,北京,7 具有历史意义的天安门城楼,不仅是中国心脏的象征,更是北京的中心。整座城市由此辐射展开,或者更确切地说,由广场北面辉煌的皇家宫殿,即古老的紫禁城皇宫展开。北京古城把紫禁城作为首都的实质上的中心,并在一段时期内按这种规划进行城市的开发。新旧交汇在北京随处可见古老的紫禁城仰视座座摩天大厦,位于城市北面著名的八达岭长城环抱于停车场之中,存在数世纪之久的烽火台紧挨着机动车立交桥,古老的四合院点缀着灯火炫目的超市,宽阔的柏油马路汇成了自行车的海洋,铃声此起彼伏,而阴湿的地下帝王陵墓也灯火通明。,参考译文,北京,8 中华人民共和国的首都北京,是世界历史名城之一。它不仅是中国的政治和行政管理的中心,还是中国最大的纪念碑与珍品的宝库。因而几乎所有去北京的游客都被首都的特殊魅力所深深吸引。当人们谈及北京时,不由自主地会提到世界最大的公共广场天安门广场。到中国旅游的外国游客中,超过百分之九十的人希望去北京,而他们在北京的旅游又通常会以这座城市的中心,具有伟大政治和历史意义的天安门广场为出发地。,参考译文,北京,9 可容纳5,000,000人的天安门广场,西侧是人民大会堂,东侧是中国历史博物馆和中国革命博物馆,北侧是古老的天安门城门,毛主席纪念堂则位于广场的南面。,参考译文,北京,10 在明(13681644)、清(16441911)之际,天安门广场只有现在面积的四分之一大小,红墙环绕,普通人中只有那些被执行死刑的人才能被拖入围墙内。,参考译文,北京,11 1911年的辛亥革命推翻了清朝之后,城墙被推倒,允许普通人进入,从那以后广场就成为历史上许多游行示威的地点。,参考译文,北京,12 中华人民共和国成立之后,广场扩建到现在的面积。每逢节日喜庆和政治集会时,广场上总是人山人海,红旗飘扬,灯光音乐,相映成辉。,人有了知识,就会具备各种分析能力,,明辨是非的能力。,所以我们要勤恳读书,广泛阅读,,古人说“书中自有黄金屋。,”通过阅读科技书籍,我们能丰富知识,,培养逻辑思维能力;,通过阅读文学作品,我们能提高文学鉴赏水平,,培养文学情趣;,通过阅读报刊,我们能增长见识,扩大自己的知识面。,有许多书籍还能培养我们的道德情操,,给我们巨大的精神力量,,鼓舞我们前进,。,


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