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专项二单项选择,(,名词,),外研安徽版九年级下,1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,提示,:点击 进入习题,5,11,12,13,14,15,答案呈现,B,A,A,C,A,C,A,B,A,A,B,D,16,17,18,A,C,B,C,A,B,19,20,B,A,1,. 【2021,安徽,】Have you ever heard “A,thou-sand-mile,journey begins with the first,_”,?,Yes. Its a famous Chinese saying by Laozi.,A. class,B,. step,C. break,D,.,exam,B,2,. 【2021,云南昆明,】Zhang Guimei started the,first free,senior high school for girls to help them get an,_ in,Lijiang, Yunnan.,A. education,B,. invitation,C. information,D,.,imagination,A,3,. 【2021,甘肃武威,】If the weather is nice, we,could have,a(n) _,in,the park.,A. picnic,B,. chance,C. place,D,. idea,A,4,. 【2021,湖北武汉,】The idiom (,成语,) “,Mengzis mother,makes three moves” tells of a mother who did all she could to provide the best,_ for,her child.,A. experience,B,. instruction,C. environment,D,.,information,C,5,. 【2021,湖南岳阳,】We see some _,rising,into the air at the opening of our new library.,A. balloons,B,.,balloon C,.,balloones,A,6,. 【2021,江苏南京,】Yuan Longping was a world-famous scientist. Because of his achievements, rice _,has,been increased greatly.,A. population,B,. contribution,C. production,D,. introduction,C,7,. 【2021,江苏扬州,】We can always find,something good,in a bad,_ if,we look for it.,Its so true. Lets make full use of what comes.,A. situation,B,. direction,C. instruction,D,.,competition,A,8,. 【2021,江西,】Your leg looks really bad! I think you should send for a _,about,that.,A. pilot,B,. doctor,C. singer,D,.,postman,B,9,. 【2021,山东菏泽,】Chinas high-speed,railway,_,is,leading the world.,Thats right. It is moving further into the world.,A. technology,B,. environment,C,. population,A,10. 【2021,山西,】Jenny, I cant solve the,problems by,myself. What should I do?,Maybe working in groups is a good,_.,A.,method,B. survey,C,.,report,A,11,. 【2021,四川达州,】If you want to be a doctor like Zhong Nanshan, hard work is the key to _,.,A. treasure B,. beauty,C,. success,D,.,health,C,12,. 【2021,天津,】His beautiful music has,brought_ to,people all over the world.,A. difficulty,B,. pleasure,C. weather,D,. danger,B,13. 【2021,云南,】,Hi, Mom,is a moving film. It has been on for several months in the,_.,A. museum,B,. bank,C. library,D,.,cinema,D,14,. 【2021,浙江温州,】Mike, a 7-year-old boy, has,a great,talent for _,.,He can draw nice pictures though he has never learned it.,A. art B,. sport,C,. music,D,.,science,A,15,. 【2021,湖北荆州,】Whats your _,about the result,of our schools basketball match?,Im sure my class will be the winner.,A. preparation,B,. prediction,C. information,D,. introduction,B,16. 【2021,湖北十堰,】The,_ of,the Sanxingdui Ruins Site,(三星堆遗址),shocked the world.,A. discovery,B,. development,C. disbelief,D,.,difference,A,17,. 【2021,重庆,A,卷,】There are many _,teachers,in this primary school.,A. woman B,. womans,C,. women,D,.,womens,C,18,. 【2021,重庆,B,卷,】June 1st is _,Day,.,A. Children,B,. Childrens,C. child,D.,childs,B,19. 【2021,福建,】Could you tell me the _ of the sweater?,Yes. Its,¥,125.,A. color B. price C. shape,B,20. You have a nice house! Whose room is this?,Its _ .,A. Jack and Peters B. Jacks and Peters,C. Jacks and Peter D. Jack and Peter,A,


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