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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Project,Unit,1,Producing a TV show,牛津高中英语,(,模块,三,高一,下,学期,),Animals are friends of human beings. However, some animals will cause trouble or danger to us in some situations. For example, when they are hungry or when they feel themselves in danger. Do you know some dangerous animals on the land?,Danger in the water,What do you know about sharks?,Most of them have a weak sense of _ but a strong sense of _.,Sharks must keep _ so that they will sink.,sight,smell,swimming,shark attack,Text one,Para,1,Three,rather dangerous,sharks,Great white shark,Tiger shark,Bull shark,1.Do,all the sharks attack human,beings?,Only about 30 types are known to have attackedd human beings,Para 2,Three,types of shark attacks,Mistake,human,for,fish,把,误以为,Taste,human flesh,push human with nose,type1,type3,type2,Give up and swim away,Bite human,Wait for human to swim by,Attack,human suddenly,Sharks seldom attack humans.,Para 3Four suggestions to reduce shark attack,Dont swim in the dark,Dont swim if having a,fresh,wound,Dont wear bright clothing or,jewllery,when swimming,Stay in groups,Para,4,Three,pieces of advice to follow if being attacked by shark,Keep,calm. Do not panic,恐慌,.,Hit the shark on the,nose with your fist,拳头,.,Stick,插入,the,finger in the sharks eye,Why is the number of shark attacks increasing?,Para 5Dont be frightened by sharks,Humans are,30 times more,likely to be hit,by lighting than be attacked by a shark,language points,Unit1 Project,自主学习:,.,Understand the following sentence structures:,1. but only about 30 types,are known to,have attacked,human beings.,(,P18L2,),我们知道只约有,30,种鲨鱼攻击过人类。,=,but it is known,.,that only about 30 types have,attacked,human beings.,据说,这本书已经被翻译成好几种语言。,翻译:,1,),2),3),It is said that the book has been translated into several languages.,People say that the book has been translated into several languages.,The book is said to have been translated into several languages.,have been sent,be reading,be put up,Fill in the blanks,:,The boy is said to _ (send) to hospital yesterday.,When he came in, I happened to _,(,read,),at the table.,The new cinema to _,(,put up,),next year will be very large.,2.,Contrary to,what many people might,assume, evidence shows that sharks seldom attack humans .(,P18L11),和很多人认为的正好相反, 证据显示鲨鱼极少攻击人类。,Contrary to,与,相反的是,,,Assume,假定,假设,认为,设想,Decide the part of speech of “contrary”.,1) His views are,contrary,to mine.,2,),You didnt bother me.,On the contrary, I like your company.,3) Cruelty and kindness are,contraries.,4)Contrary,to expectation, he didnt win in the contest.,5)The garden party was put off because of the,contrary,weather.,adj.,相反的,对立的,n.,相反,n.,对立面,对立的一方,C,adj.,相反的,对立的,adj.,相反的,对立的,3.,Hit the shark on the nose,with your fist.,用你的拳头击打鲨鱼的鼻子,动词,+,宾语,+ by (on, in) + the +,身体部位,此种类型常用的动词有:,( ),1,),He was wounded in the arm.,2,)球打在杰克的头上。,catch, pull, seize, hit, take,他的手臂受了伤。,The ball hit Jack on the head.,4,. You are 30 times more likely to be hit by lightning than be attacked by a shark.(P18L57),你被闪电击中的几率比受到鲨鱼袭击的几率大三十倍,sb,. is likely to do,sth,.,It is possible (for sb. ) to do,sth,.,很有可能,.,possible,it is,likely,that .,probable,他很有可能被重点大学录取的。,_,He is likely to be admitted to a key university .,形容词和副词比较级的倍数表达法:,倍数,+,比较级,+than,倍数,+ as,as,倍数,+ the + n. (length, size, height) + of,这座桥是那座桥的三倍宽。,1.The bridge is three times as wide as that one.,2.The bridge is three times the width of that one.,3.The bridge is twice wider than that one.,Key expressions,1.different types of sharks,2.two other sharks,3.contrary to,4.mistakefor,5.give up,6.swim away,7.be fit to do,sth,.,8.wait for sb. to do,sth,.,9.swim by,10.result in,11.reduce the risk of,12.follow (these) suggestions,13.a,fresh wound,14.over a long distance,15.keep calm,16.hit the shark on the nose,17.stick ones finger in the sharks eye,18.be likely to do,sth,.,Many animals are of great help to our daily lives or make great contributions to the development of science and technology. Can you list some of them?,Why did the officer write a message in the story?,By what means was the message sent?,Read,part 1 and,Answer,Why does the officer write a message in the story?,Because hundreds of enemy soldiers rush towards them and he wants to get help.,2.,By what means is the message sent?,The officer writes a message on a piece of paper. He rolls up the paper and puts it into a small,case,盒子,and then reaches into a,cage,笼子,and gets a bird. Attaching the message to its leg, he sets the bird loose. The bird is a pigeon.,watch,for,roll,up,put,into,reach,into,attach,to,set,loose,1.,当心,2,。 卷起来,3.,把,放进,4.,伸手去,拿,5.,附在,贴在,依附,6.,释放,Read,part 2 and,Answer,1,. Why were pigeons used in ancient time,to send mails?,Because pigeons have a good,sense of,direction,方向感,and can find their way,over long,distances.,Read,part 2 and,Answer,2,.,When were pigeons employed by,armies to carry messages to and from,the,front lines,前线?,During both World War and .,find,ones way,home,as,far away as,1,800,kilometres,carry,messages,1.,找到回家的路,2.,远达,1800,公里,3.,传递信息,How do pigeons find their way?,Pigeons,appear,to,似乎,好像,看起来像,have,a compass inside them that tells them which way is north. They also appear to use their sight and even their sense of smell to tell them which way they should go.,Read,part 3 and,Answer,1.,The soldiers are asleep,while,a guard watches for the enemy . (P19L1),一名哨兵在站岗放哨, 其他士兵都在梦乡。,We,kept silent,while,he was speaking. _,I was busy doing my homework,while,he was devoted to playing computer .,_,他说话,的时候,我们要保持安静。,我忙着做作业,而,他却专心打游戏。,2.,Attaching,the message,to,its leg, he,sets,the bird,loose,. ( P19 L8),他将信系在它的腿上后, 便松开鸟儿。,Attaching,the message to its leg,充当,_,attach to,attach importance to,政府应该重视改善人民生活,_,时间状语,附在,贴在,对,.,重视,The government should,attach great importance to,improving peoples living conditions .,3. During,both World War I and II, pigeons were employed by armies to carry messages to and from the front lines,saving the lives of many soldiers and even helping win some important victories .,(,P19,L17,),在第一次世界大战和第二次世界大战期间,鸽子被军方用来和前线往返传递信息,挽救了许多士兵的生命, 甚至帮助赢得了一些重要的胜利。,现在分词做(,),结果状语,1,),_(sleep) at home last night, I heard a knock at my door.,2) The teacher came in the classroom, _ (,hold)a,book in his hand.,3) He scored 100, _(make) him the best student.,4) He was a great realist, _(write) ordinary men and women in their misfortune.,Sleeping,holding,making,writing,4.,Though it may seem hard to believe,,,the bird,the officer uses,is the same bird,often seen,in,public parksthe pigeon. (P19L11),虽然这 令人难以置信, 但是那名军官所用的鸟和我们常在公园里看到的一种鸟是同样的,鸽子,让步状语从句,定语从句,过去分词做定语,8. However , it was in war that they found their greatest use .(,P19L16),然而,是在战争中 他们的最大用途被发现的。,_,句型,句子结构:,_,强调,It is /was +,被强调部分,+that +,其余成分,.,6.,Of course,,,since a compass,alone,is not enough to find ones way, they also appear to use their sight and even their sense of smell to tell them which way they should go.(P19L22),In,the United States,alone,the number of infections in hospitals is estimated at close to two million each year. ( ),位置,( ),2),Ill go there,alone.,( ),3) Im,alone,but I dont fell lonely.,( ),adj.,独自的;单独的;,所修饰名词后面,adv.,独自地;单独地,adj.,独自的;单独的;,【,合作探究,】,.,two other sharks,同义短语,:,another two sharks,two more sharks,IV. give,归纳:,give away _,give back _,give off _,give in,(,to,sb,),_,give out_,give up_,放弃;泄露;分发;出卖,归还;反射;恢复,发出(光等);长出(枝、杈等),屈服;让步;交上,分发,发出;公布,发表;用尽,精疲力竭,放弃;交出,1) The flowers,a sweet fragrance.,2) He _most of his fortune to the poor.,3) Our food has _ .,4) I wish my brother could _ smoking.,5) Parents should not _to their children too much.,6,),When can you,the money that you owe?,give /gave off,gave away,given out,give up,give in,give back,V.,理解以下句中,remain,的意思和用法:,1. A few pears,remain,on the trees.,2. She,remained,in her office all the afternoon.,3.,This room,remains,cool all summer.,4.,How to improve their working conditions,remains,a problem .,5. Several problems,remain to be solved.,6. It,remains to be seen,whether the old couples will like the trip .,vi.,留下;剩余;,vi.,逗留,link v.,保持;依然;,link v.,依然是,留待,尚待,+to-v,有待被,.,VI. stick,一词多义:,stick,v.,刺,戳;粘贴,张贴;陷入,卡住,(,过去式,, 过去分词,1). The nurse stuck the needle into my arm.,翻译:,. 2).,他把一张邮票贴到信封上,.,翻译:,3).,车轮陷入泥里,我们不能前进了。,and we could not go on.,stick out,stick to,4),如果你坚持真理,你就无所畏惧,., youll fear nothing.,5) stick to or insist on,He,going to the park on foot.,stuck,stuck,护士将针插进我的胳膊,.,He stuck a stamp on the envelope.,The wheels of the car stuck in the mud,突出;坚持;醒目,坚持;粘住,If you stick to the truth,insists on,VII. risk,,,avoid,(,v.,),+,做宾语,常用动词,doing,习惯跟动名词作宾语的动词,:,避免,错过,延期,(,avoid,,,miss,,,put off,),建议,完成,多练习,(,suggest,,,finish,,,practise,),喜欢,想象,禁不住,(,enjoy,,,imagine,,,cant help,),承认,否定,嫉妒,(,admit,,,deny,,,envy,),逃脱,冒险,请原谅,(,escape,,,risk,,,excuse,),忍受,保持,介意,(,stand,,,keep,,,mind,),VIII,:词语辨析,:,be fit to do,sth,.,适合干某事,这鞋不适合穿。,be fit for,适合,(有 “适宜,称职”的含义),这食物对你的客人来说不合适。,fit / suit / match,It doesnt _ you to have your hair cut short.,Carpets should _ the curtains.,This coat doesnt _me. Have you got a bigger size.,Military training _ men for long marches.,The shoes arent fit to wear.,The food isnt fit for your guest.,fit,主要是指尺寸、大小、形状等方面的适合。,Her coat fits (her) perfectly.,她的大衣很合身。,The key doesnt fit the lock.,这把钥匙打不开这把锁。,suit,则主要指款式或花色等方面的适合。,Do you think that this style suits me?,你觉得这种款式适合我穿吗,?,Red and black are,colours,that suit me very well.,红色和黑色都是适合我穿的颜色。,suit,还可以用来谈论某种安排和情况是否方便。,Tuesday would suit me very well for a meeting.,星期二开会对我来说很合适。,Will it suit you, if I come around three?,我,3,点钟左右来,你觉得合适吗?,match,主要表示“与,相配或相称”。,Her clothes do not match her age.,她的衣服与她的年龄不配。,match,比得上:,No one could match the skill of the unknown carver.,没有哪个人的技艺能比得上那位不出名的雕刻家。,fit,/ suit / match,It doesnt _ you to have your hair cut short.,Carpets should _ the curtains.,This coat doesnt _me. Have you got a bigger size.,Military training _ men for long marches.,match,fit,suit,fits,5) Her shoes_ her dress; They look very well together.,A. suit B. fit C. compare D. match,6) He knows a lot about film .No one in our class can_ him in that knowledge.,A. catch B. suit C. fit D. match,D,D,The wonderful world of pigeons,Text two,Sentence pattern,it was,in war,that,they found their,greatest use.(Line16),强调句型,一般式:,一般疑问式:,特殊疑问式:,It is/was +,强调的内容,+that,注意:强调的内容可以是名词,代词,分词,,或介词短语充当的状语成分等,Is/was It +,强调的内容,+that?,WH(,特殊疑问词,)+,is/was,It +that,Word,usage,Remain,一、,作不及物动词用,1,表示“剩下”、“仍有”,,例如:,This visit will always remain in my memory,这次拜访将永远留在我的记忆之中。,2,表示“留下”、“逗留”,特指在他人走后留下。,例如:,They went,,,but I remained,他们走了,但我留了下来。,3,表示“尚待”、“留待”,后面接,被动语态的动词不定式,。,例如: ,One problem remains to be solved,有一个问题尚待解决。,That remains to be proved,那尚待证实。,How this compass works,remains,a mystery,(Line20),Word,usage,Remain,二、,作系动词用 表示“一直保持”、“仍然,(处于某种状态)”、“继续存在”、“依然”。,1,后面接名词作表语。,例如:,In spite of their quarrel,,,they remained the best friends,他们尽管吵过架,却仍不失为最好的朋友。,2,后面接形容词作表语。,例如,We must always remain modest and prudent,我们必须经常保持谦虚、谨慎。,3,后面接介词短语作表语。,例如:,Victories remain with us,胜利属于我们。,watch,for,roll,up,put,into,reach,into,attach,to,set,loose,sense,of direction,1.,当心,2,。 卷起来,3.,把,放进,4.,伸手去,拿,5.,附在,贴在,依附,6.,释放,7.,方向感,find,ones way,home,as,far away as,1,800,kilometres,carry,messages,the,front lines,8.,找到回家的路,9.,远达,1800,公里,10.,传递信息,11.,前线,Producing a TV show about how an animal uses its senses.,Planning,Work in groups of four to discuss and choose which animal you would like to focus on, and then write down the name of the animal and one of its unique senses. Each of you can be responsible for researching information about one aspect of the animal.,Aspects you can cover,Food,Habitat,Size,Unique sense,Animal,behaviour,Preparing,You may go to a zoo, watch an animal documentary, read some books or surf the Internet to get the information you need. While you are doing such things, you need to take notes. You will get together to discuss what should included in your show. You will make a list which focuses on how the animal uses its senses and think about how to present the information.,Producing,You each work on a different part of the TV show. When the different parts are put together, read the writing carefully, correct the mistakes and add some new ideas.,Presenting,Each group will take turns presenting your TV show to the class by showing your work and narrating. Have a discussion to decide which groups TV show is the best, and who is the best storyteller.,Homework,Do part A, B and C on Page 90 in Workbook.,Review,words and phrases in this unit.,


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