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,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,信息检索与文献阅读,(化学0701-0702),2009,年9月27日,第一部分 化学专业基础英语阅读,(20学时),第二部分 英文阅读材料,(12学时),第三部分 信息检索,(16学时),第一章 作为定量科学和物质科学的化学,第二章 原子、分子和离子,第三章 气态,第四章 热化学,第五章 有机化合物和基团的命名,第六章,无机化学、有机化学、物理化学、分,析化学化学术语,第一部分 化学专业基础英语阅读(20学时),第二部分 英文阅读材料(12学时),第一章 松香酸度的标准测试方法,第二章 族半导体制备的新方法:InP纳米晶,的超声化学合成,第三章 分子离子材料的计算机模拟,第四章 透射Laue法的X射线衍射,第五章 销售合同,第六章 专利说明书,第三部分 信息检索(16学时),第一章 信息检索基础,第二章 超星图书馆,第三章 中国期刊网,第四章 维普,第五章 工程索引(Ei),第六章 美国化学文摘(CA),第七章 专利,教材和参考书:,1,、,魏高原,,化学专业基础英语知识(,I,)(,Introductory Chemistry Speciality English,),,北京大学出版社,,2004,。,2,、,Reading Materials (,自编讲义,),。,3、,陈英,科技信息检索(第二版),科学出版社,2005。,4、,万锡仁, Information Retrieval and Related Reading Materials,(待出版)。,5,、,美, Philip Ball,著,魏高原等注释,,化学专业基础英语(,II,),,北京大学出版社,,2001,。,Chapter 5,Nomenclature for organic compounds and groups,第五章,有机化合物和基团的命名,课堂教学内容安排,第一节课,教学要求说明,课文阅读理解,第二节课,课文阅读理解(续),布置课后作业,课堂书面练习,一、教学要求,掌握:,有机化合物的命名规则的英文表达;饱,和烷烃、烯烃和炔烃、环烷烃、芳烃化,合物的命名。,熟悉:,有机化合物的命名规则(中文)。,了解:具有单键和双键的官能团的命名。,。,Saturated and Unsaturated Hydrocarbons,(,饱和烃和不饱和烃,),1. nomenclature for saturated hydrocarbons,(饱和,烃,的命名法,),二、课文的阅读理解,Alkanes,(,paraffin(,石蜡,),hydrocarbons,) (,链烷,,烷烃,),CnH2n+2,The first four members of the,alkane,series,are,methane ( CH,4,),ethane ( CH,3,CH,3,),propane ( CH,3,CH,2,CH,3,),butane (CH,3,CH,2,CH,2,CH,3,),(ii) Alkane with more than four carbon atoms,prefix,:,penta, C,5,hexa, C,6,hepta, C,7,octa, C,8,nona, C,9,deca, C,10,C,5,C,6,C,7,C,8,C,9,C,10,A prefix indicates the longest continuous chain of carbon atoms; the suffix,后缀,ane is added to this prefix,e.g.,penta+ane,pentane (,戊烷,),hexa +ane,hexane,(己烷,),(one of the two as is dropped),支链烷烃或烷烃的衍生物的命名:,(,1,),The position and name,of branches from the main chain, or,of atoms other than hydrogen,are added as prefixes,前缀,to the name of the longest hydrocarbon chain,.,(,2,),The position of,attachment to the longest continuous chain,is given by a number,obtained by numbering the longest chain from the end nearest the branch.,In this way, the groups attached to the chain are designated(,指定,) by the lowest numbers,e.g.,2-chloropentane (2,氯戊烷,),2-methylbutane (2,甲基丁烷,),2,2,4-trimethylpentane,(2,,,2,,,4,三甲基戊烷,),(or the common name, isooctane,异辛烷,),1-chloro-3,3-dimethylpentane,(1,氯,3,,,3,二甲基戊烷,),2-methylpropane,(2,甲基丙烷,) (isobutane,异丁烷,).,b. Cycloalkanes (,alicyclic,hydrocarbons or cycloparaffin) (,环烷烃,)CnH2n,The nomenclature of cycloalkanes follows the same pattern,used for the noncyclic alkanes.,If there are substitutes, one is given the number 1 and others are given the lowest possible numbers,e.g. cyclopropane (,环丙烷,),1,2-dichlorocyclohexane,(1,,,2,二氯环己烷,),c. Primary, secondary, tertiary, and quarternary carbon atoms.,primary carbon atom (,伯碳原子,),(the C joined to only one other carbon),secondary carbon atom(,仲碳原子,),(to two other Cs, as in the sec-butyl group),tertiary,carbon atom (叔碳原子),(as in the tert-butyl group,特丁基,),quarternary carbon atom(,季碳原子),d. normal hydrocarbons (unbranched),e.g.,n-hexane (normal hexane),正己烷,e.,alkyl group,methyl,ethyl,n-propyl isopropyl,n-butyl tert-butyl,n-pentyl cyclopropyl,n-hexyl cyclohexyl,n-heptyl cyclobutyl,n-octyl,2. nomenclature for unsaturated hydrocarbons,a. Alkenes (olefins) CnH2n and alkynes (acetylenes) CnH2n-2,To derive the systematic names of the individual alkenes,烯烃,链烯, the,ane,of the corresponding saturated hydrocarbon name is dropped and ene is added,if one double bond is present, adiene is added,if two double bonds are present,and so on.,e.g. , ethene(,乙烯,), 1,3-butadiene(,1,3丁二烯,),Similarly, the individual alkynes are named by,dropping the,ane,and adding,yne,adiyne, atriyne, and so on,. In either case, the position of the multiple bond is indicated by numbering from the end of the chain, starting at the end that will assign赋值the lower number to the first carbon atom of the multiple bond.,e.g. , 1,3-pentadiyne.,The preferred,首选的,system of nomenclature for organic compounds is that formulated,(用表达),by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry,(国际理论和应用化学协会 ), IUPAC.,In the common system of nomenclature, the ane ending of the saturated hydrocarbon name is replaced by ylene for the olefins,烯烃,.,Compounds,containing triple bonds,are sometimes named as substituted acetylenes. (,乙炔),(Because of the triple bond between the carbon atoms in acetylene, each carbon can have only one group attached to it. ),e.g.,ethylene,乙烯(,ethene, vinyl,),propylene,丙烯,(propene, allyl,烯丙基,),-butylene (1-butene),isobutylene (2-methylpropene),-butylene,丁烯,(2-butene, crotyl),acetylene,乙炔,(,ethyne, ethynyl,),methylacetylene,丙炔,(propyne, propargyl),vinylacetylene,乙烯基乙炔,(1-buten-3-,yne) (yne,某炔,),在普通系统命名法中,对于烯烃的命名方法是,将饱和碳氢化合物的名称末尾的ane替换为ylene. 包含三键的化合物有时被称为取代的乙炔。(因为在乙炔的三键中每个碳原子仅可连有一个基团。),Cycloalkenes are common, but cycloalkynes exist only for C,8,or larger rings. The triple bond is not flexible,( 能变形的),enough to fit easily into smaller rings.,Beginning with propylene,alkenes,烯烃,of the homologous相应的, 类似的series of molecular formula CnH2n are isomeric with,cycloalkanes,.,(e. g., propene,cyclopropane),Acetylenes,(炔烃),of the series of molecular formula CnH2n-2 with n2 are isomeric with,cycloalkenes.,(e. g. ,propyne and cyclo-propene),b. Aromatic hydrocarbons and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons,In aromatic hydrocarbons derived from benzene, the added groups are referred to as substituents,取代基,. The name of a single substituent is added to benzene as a prefix, as in ethylbenzene(,乙苯,).(ethyl,乙基,). Three structurally isomeric forms are possible for a disubstituted benzene, whether or not the substituents are the same,.,The three possibilities are designated,ortho,邻位,(abbreviated o-),meta,间位,(abbreviated m-),para,对位,(abbreviated p-),e.g. , m-xylene (C,6,H,4,(CH,3,),2,).,Numbers are also used to show the positions of substituents in aromatic compounds.,Unless there is no question of what the structure is, as in hexachlorobenzene,numbers are always used to locate the substituents when three or more are present in the ring.,The benzene molecule less one hydrogen atom is known as the phenyl group, C,6,H,5,.,e.g.,diphenylmethane,(C,6,H,5,),2,CH,2,.,Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons contain two or more aromatic rings fused together. (“Fused”熔合,的,rings have in common a bond between the same two atoms. ),e.g.,naphthalene,萘,1,4-dimethylnaphthalene 1,,,4,二甲基萘,anthracene,蒽,phenanthrene,菲,naphthalene,anthracene,Serveral resonance forms can be written for each of these compounds. Numbers are assigned by convention惯例 to carbon atoms in fused熔合,的,ring systems (except to those at the points of fusion, where substitution is not possible). The location of substituents are identified确定by the assigned numbers.,3. nomenclature for functional groups,官能团的命名,halo (-X),卤素,hydroxyl (-OH),羟(基)氢氧基,alkoxy (-OR),烷氧基,amino -NR,3,; R,n,NH,3-n, a primary (n = 1),or secondary (n = 2) or tertiary amine (n=3),氨基,-NR,3,; R,n,NH,3-n,伯,(n = 1),或仲,(n = 2),或叔胺,(n=3),aldehyde or formyl (-CHO),醛基或甲酸基,carbonyl or keto or oxo (-CO-),碳酰基(羰基),酮类的,含,氧的,carboxyl (-COOH),羧基,amido (-CONH,2,),酰胺基,carboxyl halide (-COX),卤化酰,anhydride (-COOCOR),酐,ester (-COOR),酯,nitro (-NO,2,),,硝基,nitroalkane (R-NO,2,),硝基烷,sulfonic acid (-SO,3,H;R-SO,3,H),磺酸,cyano (-CN; nitrile,腈,R-CN),氰基,1,Translate the technical terms in the text into Chinese by referring to relevant dictionaries.,2,01,,,05 (page 50-51),三、课后作业,01 What is the name of the international body that devised the systematic nomenclature used for organic compounds? In this system what is the suffix that is used to indicate a saturated hydrocarbon? How is the number of carbon atoms indicated in the name of a saturated hydrocarbon? Is 2-dimethylpentane a correct name ?,05 Draw the molecular structures of the following compounds:,(a) 3-hexyne,(b) 1,3-pentadiene,(c) cyclobutene,(d) 3,4-diethylhexane,(e) 1-butyne,(f) 2-methylpropene,(g) 2-ethyl- 3-methyl- 1-butene,(h) 3-methyl-l-butyne,(i) p-dinitrobenzene,(j) n-propylbenzene,(k) 1,3,5-tri-bromobenzene,(l) 1,3-diphenylbutane,四、课堂练习,05 A sample of coke contains 90.9 % carbon by mass. Assuming that the heat produced by the burning of this coke comes from the combustion of C to CO,2, calculate the total quantity of heat obtainable at 25,through the burning of exactly 1 kg of the coke. If the coke sample contained 0.1 % sulfur by mass and this sulfur burned completely to sulfur dioxide, SO,2, what is the total quantity of heat that would result from this source when the coke was burned? The heats of combustion of C and S are -394 kJ/mol and -297 kJ/mol, respectively.,将下题翻译成中文,并回答其中的问题:,Elements are pure substances that cannot be decomposed into simpler substances by ordinary chemical changes. At the present time there are 106 known elements. Element 106 is man-made and as yet unnamed. Some common elements that are familiar to you are carbon, oxygen, aluminium, iron, copper, nitrogen, and gold. The elements are building blacks of matter just as the numerals 0 through 9 are the building blocks for numbers. To the best of our knowledge, the elements that have been found on the earth also comprise the entire universe.,The acitivity of a catalyst is properly expressed as the rate per unit area(usually per m,2,) of active surface, and comparisons between different catalysts have to be made on this basis. Even when the inert material is present, measurement of the total surface area is a matter of great importance. It is normally desirable for the catalyst to have a high surface area, but there is a limit to what can be achieved merely by making the particle size very small,.,


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