Unit 1Personal Relationship 英语课件

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,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,Unit 1 Personal Relationship,1,Part One 1.1 Background Information,All of us are involved in personal relationships. Some of these are related to family, some with fellow students or workers, and others of a variety of types. Most of these are happy, positive relationships, but not all of them. To have a positive relationship a person must invest time and interest in the other persons with whom he is associated. We all understand that our feelings and interest in other persons depend somewhat on what we have in common. Good relationships are usually valued because people who have good relationships are happier and more fun to be with,.,2,1.2 English sayings concerning friendship,A friend in need is a friend indeed.,患难朋友才是真朋友。,A life without a friend is a life without a sun.,人生没有朋友,犹如生活没有了太阳。,In prosperity our friends know us; in adversity we know our friends., John Churton Collins,在顺境中,朋友结识了我们;在逆境中我们了解了朋友。,约翰,丘顿,柯林斯,3,Chinese sayings concerning friendship,People can take any risks, even risk of their lives, especially among male friends, to do everything for their friends disregarding whether its right or wrong.,为朋友两肋插刀。,People can share all their thoughts with their friends, no matter whether its about bitterness, hardships or happiness.,有难同当, 有福共享。,It is your parents that you can rely on at home, but it is your friends that you can count on when out in the society.,在家靠父母,出门靠朋友。,4,1.3 Group Discussion,What kinds of personal relationships do you know?,employerhusband ,driver teacher ,host buyer ,doctor clerk,writer lawyer,performer boyfriend ,5,Group Discussion,employer,employee,husband ,wife,driver ,passenger,teacher ,student,host ,guest,buyer ,seller,doctor ,patient,clerk,customer,writer ,reader,lawyer,client,performer ,audience,boyfriend ,girlfriend,6,Group Discussion,2. What can people benefit from good personal relationship?,to have a sense of being loved, companion, safety, friendship and self-confidence, etc.,instead of sense of loneliness, helplessness, desperation, and frustration, etc.,7,Group Discussion,3. What contributes to good personal relationship?,A heart of forgiveness, kindness, loyalty, helpfulness, generosity, selflessness and responsibility, together with willingness to cooperation, collaboration, unity and sharing.,8,Part Two In-class Reading,9,Part Two In-class Reading,Words & Phrases,Key Words,action,n.,行动;行动过程,动作姿态,Actions,speak louder than words.,谚,行动比语言更有效。,She had a fine,action,.,她姿态优美。,10,Part Two In-class Reading,Words & Phrases,搭配,in/into action 在活动中,开始活动,实行,Translate,Things will be easier when we put the new system into action.,当新方法开始实行时,事情就会变得较容易。,out of action 实效, 失去特有能力,Translate,暴风雨使 失灵。,The storm put the telephones out of action.,take action 活动,开始工作,采取行动,11,Part Two In-class Reading,Words & Phrases,辨析, act, action, activity,.,act,举动,行为 该词常强调其单一性及完满性,并常适用于一件由一个人立即做成的事。,action,行为,行动强调完成某件事情的过程或方式。该词多指一 种复杂的,包括许多动作的,并需要相当时间方能完成的事情。,activity,常以复数形式出现,指基于兴趣或者教育性的活动,或者正在进行的活动状态。多与,engage in, take part in, participate in,连用,.,Fill in the blanks in the following:,Police fight against the,of thieves.,The thief was caught in the,of stealing.,It is said that,are more important than words.,Key:,a,ctivities,;,act,;,actions,12,Part Two In-class Reading,Words & Phrases,injure,v.,1),伤害,损伤,损害,Translate,有两个人在车祸中受了伤,。,There were two people,injured,in the car accident.,2),刺伤(感情),to injure a mans pride,伤某人的自尊心,Hong Kong Phoenix TV news anchor Liu Hai-ruo was seriously,injured,in a British train accident in 2002.,13,Part Two In-class Reading,Words & Phrases,辨析, injure,harm,hurt,wound,injure,较,hurt,正式,多表示指意外的伤害,如骨折之类,致使某种生物功能失去作用,至少是 暂时的失去作用。,hurt,是该组词中最不正式的词,更着重强调疼痛但不致达到使功能失去作用的程度。可表示身体和情感上受到伤害。,harm,包括对生物或者是非生物的伤害。可表示任何形式的消极结果,广泛用于表示抽象意义的表述。,wound,用于表示战斗中子弹或者是刀枪等尖锐物体蓄意造成的伤。,14,Part Two In-class Reading,Words & Phrases,Fill in the blanks in the following:,He had his leg,when trying to save a mate from a fall of coal.,Doctors say that smoking,your health.,The shot,his arm.,My shoes is too tight, it,me.,Will this cleaning fluid,(洗涤剂),your furniture,Key:,injured; harms; wounded; hurts; harm,15,Part Two In-class Reading,Words & Phrases,re,lief,1) the lessening or removing of pain, anxiety, etc.,(痛苦等)缓解,减轻,解除,Translate,Fans support brought R. Baggio some,relief,from the missing of the penalty in the final of 1994s World Cup.,球迷们的支持使罗伯特,巴乔多少缓解了,1994,年世界杯决赛射失点球的痛苦。,16,Part Two In-class Reading,Words & Phrases,2) t,he feeling that you have when something unpleasant stops or becomes less strong,(痛苦、忧郁等消除后感到的)轻松,宽心,宽慰,Translate,发现没丢任何东西,感到很宽慰,。,It was a great,relief,to find nothing had been stolen.,17,Part Two In-class Reading,Words & Phrases,stiff,1) quite hard and not easy to bend,硬的,僵直的,I cant play the piano like I used to. My fingers have gone,stiff,from lack of practice.,我不能像过去那样弹钢琴了,我的手指因缺乏练习变得僵硬了。,2) formal, unfriendly,生硬的,呆板的,不友好的,Facing journalists questions, the Prime Minister always kept a,stiff,face.,面对记者的提问,那位总理总是板着面孔。,18,Part Two In-class Reading,Words & Phrases,a couple of,(一)对,(一)双,两三个,(少数,),几个,Translate,我在卧室找到两双袜子但却不是一对。,I found,a couple of,socks in the bedroom but they dont make a pair,.,辨析, a couple of; a pair of,a couple of (,two or a few, several),两个或几个,e.g.,a couple of,boys,a pair of,(,由两部分合在一起的单个物品或强调亲密的联系和事物相互依赖,),一副,(,眼镜,),一条,(,裤子,),一把,(,剪刀,),e.g.,a pair of,glasses (trousers, scissors, shoes),;,a pair of,gloves,一副手套,19,Part Two In-class Reading,Words & Phrases,be/hang in the balance,1),(命运)未定,在危急中,2),不确定,Translate,尽管她生命危急,但她一心只想着她伙伴们的安全,。,Though her life was,in the balance, she thought only of the safety of her fellows.,be supposed to do something,被期望或被要求做某事,应该,Everyone is supposed to wear a seat belt in the car.,同义,be,expected,to do something; be,required,to do something,cover up,隐藏,掩饰,She tried to,cover up,her nervousness as she waited to make her speech.,20,Part Two In-class Reading,Words & Phrases,lay down,1),献身,牺牲,2),放下,搁下,3),放弃,(,职务、希望,),The terrorists will never lay down their butcher knives.,恐怖主义分子决不肯放下屠刀。,Translate,Countless space experts have laid down their wits and energy to accelerate the realization of the launch of Shenzhou VI spaceship.,无数航天科技人员都曾为加速实现“神舟”六号的发射奉献了自己的智慧和精力。,21,Part Two In-class Reading,Words & Phrases,let out,1),发出叫喊,2),(衣服)加宽,放宽,3,)泄露秘密,He,let out,a cry of pain. to,let out,a coat,He accidentally,let out,that he hadnt been home for three weeks.,他无意中泄露他已三周没回家了。,be willing to do something,愿意干, ,He said he,was willing to,take any job if he was given enough freedom.,22,Background information,about the Passage,The Vietnam War (1954 -1975) is a long civil war between South Vietnam and the Vietcong and North Vietnam, ending in Communist victory.,The United States was fully involved in the Vietnam War, which had a deep and lasting effect on US society and on the way that Americans thought about their own country. This is shown, for example, in many films made about the war, such as,Apocalypse Now,(1979) and,Born on the Fourth of July,(1989). At first most people supported the war, but opposition gradually increased, especially among college students and other young people, as more US soldiers were killed, and as the television news showed terrible pictures of ordinary Vietnamese people being killed and injured. Many young men became “draft dodgers,逃避兵役者)”,23,Background information,about the Passage,and many of them left the country or went to jail in protest. There were large protest marches, many popular protest songs, and the saying make love, not war became popular. Military failures and loss of public support eventually forced the government to bring US forces back from Vietnam in 1973. American people have very divided feelings about the war. Some people feel guilty about the terrible damage that it did to Vietnam, and most Americans now believe that the US should not have become involved in the war. Many “Vietnam Veterans” feel angry that they were made to fight, and because they were not praised for their courage when they came home, but were sometimes criticized by people who opposed the war. But some Americans still support the Vietnam War and believe that the US should have remained in Vietnam until they won.,24,Text Structure,Part 1 (para.1-2) Background of the story,when,in Vietnam War,where,in a small village,who,Missionaries, several Vietnamese children, including one young girl,what,Bombs landed in the orphanage and some children were wounded.,25,Text Structure,Part 2 (para.3-18)- plot the story:,A boy was willing to give away all his blood to save his friend.,Part 3 (para. 19)-,theme of the story:,There is no love greater than this, that a person lay down his/her life for a friend,.,26,Pre-reading questions,1. Why did the other people not give their blood to the little girl?,2. Why did the boy misunderstand the doctors and the nurse before giving his blood?,3. Why did the boy agree to give away all his blood to the girl?,27,Sentence Structures,1.,独立主格结构,:,1. Heng was quickly laid on a bed,his arm cleaned with alcohol, and the needle inserted into his arm.(line27),When she nodded,a look of great relief spread over his face,.(line49),28,Sentence Structures,doing,done,to do,主语,+ adj.,adv.,prep.,n.,独立主格结构在句中作状语,有自己的逻辑主语,表示一种伴随的动作或情况。与句子相比,独立主格结构短小精干,常使句子言简意赅,也使文章的句式丰富多彩 。,29,Sentence Structures,2.,系表搭配,Through all of this Heng,lay stiff and silent,. (line31),“lay(lie)”,在此起到系动词的作用,与其后的形容词构成系表搭配,表示某种持续状态。其它具类似用法的动词如:,rest, stand, keep, turn out, continue, stay, rest, burn, loom,等。,It,turned out,rainy(a rainy day).,He told me to,keep,calm under all circumstances. The old man would never,rest,idle.,30,Sentence Structures,3.,虚拟句结构,The medical team now was very worried because the needle,should not have been hurting their tiny patient,.(line42),这句话中的“,shouldnt have done,”,表达一种虚拟,意为“本来是不应该, ,的”。,这一结构的肯定形式表示本应该做却没有做;其否定形式表示某种行为不该发生却发生了。,Translate,你,本不应该,那样批评他。,You,shouldnt have criticized,him that way.,You,should have got,Mark A in your final examination but your handwriting is too bad.,你,本可以,在期末考试中得,A,但是你的字写得太糟。,31,Sentence Structures,4.,“onlyif”,or,“only if”,只有,,才能,。,They could,only,get the blood,if,one of these frightened children would agree to give it. (line 22),Note:,if only .,要是, ,就好了。,(,引导虚拟从句,表达一种愿望,遗憾等。,),Translate,只有,努力工作,才能,通过测试。,Only if,you work hard can you pass the test.,If only,he would come here a little earlier.,32,Sentence Structures,5.,unless,conj.,除非,,如果不,,,相当于“,if not”,they tried to explain to the frightened children that,unless,they could give some blood to their little friend she would certainly die.(line18),Translate,除非,他先写信给我,,否则,我不会写信给他。,I wont write unless he writes first./ If he doesnt write first, I wont write.,33,Sentence Structures,6. if,conj.,表示“是否”。用于间接疑问句或者,know, wonder,等动词后,引导从句。,Then they asked,if,anyone would be willing to give blood to help. (line20),Translate,你知不知道她,是否,会来?,Do you know,if,she is coming?,34,Sentence Structures,7.,It was clear,that without immediate action, she would die from loss of blood and shock.,(Line 9),如果不能立即采取行动,显然她将因失血过多和休克而死亡。,此句型中,clear,常可被其他形容词替换,。,如:,it is obvious that,it is true that,it is evident that,等,Translate,It is true that,without English course, college life may become much easier,. B,ut,it is obvious that,you cant keep pace with the modern society if you dont study English.,没有英语课,大学生活确实会轻松很多,。但是不学英语,你显然不能适应现代社会的需要。,35,Sentence Structures,8.,倒装句型,:,Greater love has no man than this, that he lay down his life for a friend. (line57),No man has greater love than this, that he lay down his life for a friend.,that,引导的从句为,this,的同位语从句,36,Writing Appreciation,1.,做为记叙文,为增强表达效果和语言的感染力,本文大量采用分词,简单句,以及独立主格结构。 例如:,At this point, a Vietnamese nurse arrived to help, and,seeing,the little ones tears, she,spoke,rapidly in Vietnamese,listened,to his reply, and quickly,answered,him again.(line44),现在分词结构,seeing the little ones tears”,与主句主语是主动关系。本句中的分词“,seeing”,与其后的三个并列谓语动词相得益彰,使得对情景的描述跃然纸上。,分词结构的应用,不仅能够表达出时间、因果、条件、让步以及转折等关系,更重要的是,它使得动词所要表达的动作更加形象具体,简洁明了,以免产生冗赘复杂之嫌。,37,Writing Style Appreciation,2.,大量动作词,形容词以及副词的应用使得人物塑造更加真实、生动。类似动词如下,:,wide-eyed, let out, covering, escaped, shut, open, nodded, spread, quickly, quietly, simply ,Please try to find more and explain them,.,38,Post-reading exercises,Questions:,1. If you were the boy, would you do the same? Why?,2. Do you think many people would make the same choice as the boy did in modern society ? Why?,39,Post-reading exercises,Keys to the Exercises -Post-Reading,Reading Comprehension,1.,1)A 2)B 3)A 4)A 5)B 6)C 7)A 8)C,2.,1) killed2) wounded 3) arrived,4) girl 5) badly/seriously6) blood,7) none 8) American 9) type,10) orphans 11) French 12) difficulty,13) frightened 14) would 15) cried,16) Vietnamese 17) found 18) understand,19) willing 20) friend,40,Post-reading exercises,Vocabulary,1.,1)reply2)land 3)pat,4)supplied,每一位士兵都配置了必要的装备。,5)wound 6)pat,杰克弯下腰来拍了拍那条狗。,7)replied 8)signed 9)wounded 10)supplies,难民营中的食品供应正变得越来越少。,11)sign 12)balance 13)land 14)balance,41,Post-reading exercises,2.,run:,1)D,她有许多组织委员会会议的经验。,2)A,3)C,这部剧在百老汇连演了六个月。,4)E,有谣言说我要参加总统竞选,但那都不是真的。,5)F,那份报纸刊登了一篇关于癌症研究的文章。,6)B,眼泪从他的脸上淌了下来。,42,Post-reading exercises,match:,1)E,这些房门与你房屋的风格不相称。,2)B,他无意中扔了一根燃烧的火柴从而引发了火灾。,3)G,你不能穿着不成双的袜子就出去。,4)D,在欧洲,几乎没有哪一个城市能够与柏林的丰富文化相媲美。,5)C,海伦选择的口红与她的整套衣服搭配得很好。,6)F,在男子总决赛中,阿加西将与桑普拉斯一决高下。,7)A,如果我们能够赢得接下来的三场比赛,那我们还会畅通无阻地进入到半决赛。,43,Post-reading exercises,3.,1) Insert,2) in the balance,继糟糕的业绩之后,公司的前景处于风雨飘摇之中。,3) requests 4) relief 5) let out,6) tiny,他们在一起时看起来是那么有趣,她娇小玲珑而她的丈夫却约有六点五英尺高。,7) steady,选修理科课程的大学生的数量持续降低。,8) stiff,由于开了一整天的车,我的脖子都僵硬了。,9) occasional 10)misunderstood,11) limited12)action,44,Post-reading exercises,Translation,1) Im tired. I,shouldnt have,gone to bed so late.,2) I dont/didnt know Bob very well, but we go/went out for an,occasional drink,together.,3),Were supposed to,meet her at the train station.,4) You could clearly see people drowning, but/and yet you,took no action,to save them.,5),Including,weekends, there are only twelve more days to buy Christmas presents.,6),Without,immediate action, many kinds of wild animals,would die from hunger,.,45,After-Class ReadingPassage ,Key Words,aside,ad.,1).,在,/,到旁边,在,/,到一边,He laid his book aside. We turned aside from the main road.,我们离开大道。,2).,撇开,(,暂且不谈,),Joking aside, we really must do something.,说笑归说笑,我们真得做点事了。,搭配,aside from,除了,以外,46,After-Class ReadingPassage ,boundary,n.,界线,边界,境界,范围,1). The river is the boundary,between the two countries.,这条河是两国的界河。,2). Science advances the boundaries of knowledge.,科学扩展了知识的范围。,辨析, boundary,border,frontier,都含有“边界”的意思。,boundary,主要指领土的边界线。,boundaries of a country,国界,border,指“边界”,常指“边境”,即沿两国边界的地区。,frontier,指“就一国讲的边界”。,He waited for her at the border.,他在边界等她。,Sweden has frontiers with Norway and Finland.,瑞典同挪威和芬兰相邻。,47,After-Class ReadingPassage ,concern,n.,1).,所关切的事,The managing directors only concern was how to improve the quality of their products.,总经理心里想的全是如何提高产品质量。,2).,关心;关怀;关照,a nurses concern for a sick man,护士对病人的关心,3).,焦虑,She showed great concern about you.,她很为你担心。,48,After-Class ReadingPassage ,vt.,1),涉及,This concerns the healthy growth of the children deeply.,这事对孩子们的健康成长关系极大。,2),参与,集中注意力于,卷入,We concerned ourselves with accomplishing the task at hand.,我们参与了手边的这项任务,3),使担心,忧虑,Were rather concerned about fathers health.,我们相当担心父亲的健康。,49,After-Class ReadingPassage ,搭配,so/as far as be concerned,关于,至于,就,而言,be concerned about,关心,be concerned over/at sth.,为某事忧虑,be concerned in sth.,和某事有牵连,be concerned with,牵涉到,与,有关,参与。,50,After-Class ReadingPassage ,Style,n.,风格,作风,文体,;,时髦,(,式样,),时尚,流行式样,;,(商品的)种类,式样,a hair style,发式,That dress is in the latest style.,那套衣服是最新式样的。,v.,设计,造型,搭配,in style,别具风格地,时髦地,out of style,不时髦的,不时新的,in the style of,仿,式,live in style,过豪华生活,put on style,摆架子,妄自尊大,51,After-Class ReadingPassage ,. Phrases and Expressions,havein common,(,与,),有共同之处,The twins have a lot in common.,I dont think we have anything in common.,out of style,不再流行,That kind of clothes is out of style now.,Why not try on some others in style?,set fire to something /set something on fire,使燃烧,点燃,Who set the house on fire? Or: Who set fire to the house?,somebody happen to do something,某人碰巧做某事,He happened to overhear that news when he passed the window.,52,After-Class ReadingPassage ,. Structures,1.It seems,(,to somebody,),that, .,(就某人而言),似乎,/,好像,。,It seems to me that neighbors are going out of style in American. It seems that you were lying.,2. so + a./ad. that,. ,太, ,以至于, ,。,One big beautiful home with a family so rich that they really arent part of the neighborhood.,She described the events so graphically that I could almost see them.,“,她把那些事件描述得活灵活现,我几乎象是能够亲眼目睹了。”,3.Somebody takes some time to do something /It takes somebody some time to do something,.,某人花费时间做某事,It took me 4 hours to drive from here to Edingburgh.,53,After-Class ReadingPassage ,. Language Points,1.The religious teaching to “Love Thy Neighbor”was probably a poor translation of what must have originally been “Respect Thy Neighbour”(line5).,此句中的“,poor,”,在此表示“不好地,蹩脚的,粗劣的”,另外在不同上下文中还可表示“贫穷的”,“贫瘠的,缺乏的”,“可怜的”,“健康不佳的”等。,e.g. a poor nation, poor soil, a poor fellow, poor health.,“must have done something,”,表示对过去发生事情的肯定推测。,除此之外,还有“,might/may have done something”,。其肯定程度自“,might”, “may”,至“,must”,肯定程度逐级增强。,He must have learned that story when he was very young.,54,After-Class ReadingPassage ,2. Love doesnt exist just because we want it to.(line7),爱不会因为我们希望有爱而存在。,该句中的否定词“,not”,实际上是否定后边,because,引导的从句。,这种否定转移有时可造成歧义,,如“,She didnt marry John because she loved him.”,可产生两种解释:,a.,由于爱约翰,她没有与他结婚(她已患病不久于人世)。,b.,她嫁给约翰并不是因为她爱他(而是因为她爱他的钱)。,55,After-Class ReadingPassage ,3.It sometimes happens, but the chances are very small that your neighbours will be your choices as friend.(line14),该句中的“,chances,”,在此表示的是一种可能性,常与表示“有、无”概念的词一起用,如,,Youd have more chances of catching the train if you got a bus to the station instead of walking.,如果你不走路,而是搭公共汽车到车站,较有可能赶上火车。,There is a good/no/a slim chance that .,很有可能,/,没有可能,/,只有很小的可能,。,56,After-Class ReadingPassage ,Questions about it:,1. Paragraph 2,-Whats the difference between “love your neighbour” and “respect your neighbour”?,-Paraphrase “Love doesnt exist just because we want it to.” (an ambiguous sentence),2. Paraphrase the sentence “The bushes or the fence between you is not a cold shoulder, but a clear boundary.” (Line 21-22),3. Explain and translate line 29-30, why are the family not part of the nerghborhood?,57,After-class Reading Passage ,. Key Words,deny,v.,1),否认,否定,拒绝相信,He said that I had stolen his bicycle, but I denied it.,他说我偷了他的自行车,可是我否认了。,2),拒绝接受,拒绝给予,不允许,He denies his wife nothing.,他对他的妻子有求必应。,3),背弃,摒弃,He denied his country.,他背弃了自己的国家。,搭配,deny oneself 1),节制,克己,戒绝,2),放弃,deny oneself to,不会见,(,客人,),谢绝,(,来客,),58,After-class Reading Passage ,辨析,deny,与,contradict,均含“否认”、“否定”的意思。,deny,指“坚定地否认某事为真实的”,如,:He denied the charge.,他否认了控告。,contradict,语气比,deny,强,指“明确地反驳对方的话,并且强调地指证其相反者为真实的”,如,:He contradicts everything I say, even if he has to insist that black is white.,他反驳我说的每一件事,甚至坚持指鹿为马。,59,After-class Reading Passage ,fate,n.,1),命运,宿命,He expected to spend his life


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