How Is Language Related to Culture

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,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,How Is Language Related to Culture,1,Jokes:,1.两人吵架。一个人气急骂起来:“你有什么了不起,能把我吃了!”,“不能,我是回民!”,2.某人刻苦学习英语,终有小成。一日上街不慎与一老外相撞,忙说:“I am sorry.”,老外应道:“I am sorry too.”,某人听后又道:“I am sorry three.”,老外不解,问:“What are you sorry for(four)?”,某人无奈,道:“I am sorry five.”,2,contents,1.Culture and language are intertwined and shape each other, and cultural literacy is necessary to understand the language being used.,(paragraph 1),3,contents,2.In our environment we are aware of the implications of these choices.,All languages have social questions and information questions. Words in themselves do not carry the meaning.,The meaning comes out of the context, the cultural usage.,(paragraph 2-4),4,contents,3.Language reflects the environment in which we live and cultural values.,(paragraph 5-6),5,examples,The use of colour terms varies from language to language, and culture to culture.,Colour terms,Chinese Culture,English Culture,Red,festive,jubilant;,例:红娘,红火。,successful,smooth;,例:红人,走红。,beautiful,nice;,例:红颜,红装,envious,jealous,例:眼红,violent,cruel;,e.g. a red battle,danger,tension;,e.g. red alert,6,examples,Colour terms,Chinese Culture,English Culture,White,funeral,sadness;,例:红白喜事,failure,unvalued,foolish;,例:白费力气,白旗,白痴,tricky,crafty;,例:白脸,pure,bright,happy;,e.g. a white wedding,faithful,honest;,e.g. white hand,good luck,e.g. a white day,7,contents,4.We translate concepts from a foreign language and culture with words that fit our priorities.,Sometimes different cultures use identical words that have rather different meanings.,(paragraph 7-11),8,Administration,English:,n,1) management of the affairs of an organization, such as a business or institution,2) the body of people who administer an organization,3) the conduct of the affairs of government,9,French:,Action de grer un bien,un ensemble de biens.,Administrateur,trice:Personne charge de ladministration dun bien.,10,contents,5.Language lives, and it changes over time.Words and phrases that are used commonly at one time may be discontinued or their meaning may change over time.,Semantic change,Semantic broadening holiday:holy day any rest day,Semantic narrowing deer: any animal a particular kind,Semantic shift silly used to mean happy in Old English,11,example: to go south,在80年代之前,其用法只限于字面意思,即“去南方”。而到了80年代中后期,意思变化层出不穷。,当我们使用“to go / head south ”的比喻义时,其表达的意思通常是指“下降,变坏;数量、质量或价值的减少”,亦指“情况越来越糟糕”。如果是某些人“go south”,这意味着他们某种程度上让你失望了;如果是股票市场“go south”,你将很可能会被套牢;如果运动员“go south”,这意味着他或她已经过了巅峰时期;如果是电脑的软硬件“go south”,那意味着这些软硬件坏了。,例句:,Ice-cream sales go south since it is near winter.,冰淇淋的销量自入冬以来就开始下滑。,12,contents,6.A language, if spoken in different parts of the globe, ultimately will develop differently. pidgin,13,Questions,Try to translate the following words :,as stupid as a goose,old gray mare,落汤鸡,一丘之貉,蠢猪,河东狮,birds of the same feather,a drowned rat,14,


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