人力资源管理2(英文版)劳务市场现有问题( 21页)

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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,hapter,Human Resource Management,Human Resource Management Goals,Activities undertaken to attract, develop, and maintain,an effective workforce within an organization.,Develop an Effective Workforce,Training,Development,Appraisal,Maintain an Effective Workforce,Wage and salary,Benefits,Labor relations,Terminations,HRM planning,Job analysis,Forecasting,Recruiting,Selecting,Attract an Effective Workforce,OSHA,Human Resource Management,Three Parts,All managers,are resource,managers.,Employees are,viewed as assets.,Matching process,integrating the,organizations,goals with,employees needs.,Chase Manhatten Bank,Human Resource Managers,Find,Recruit,Nurture,Train,Retain,Human Resource Strategy,Provide the correct mix of employees and skills needed to meet competitive conditions.,Cut costs and improve efficiency.,Improve quality, productivity, and customer service.,Tight Labor Market Reasons,Economic,Downsizing,Restructuring,Social Factors,Demographic,Reengineering,Federal Legislation,Point of the laws is to stop discriminatory practices.,EEO Legislation Attempts:,balance the pay given to men and women.,provide employment opportunities without regard to race, religion, national origin, and sex.,ensure fair treatment for employees of all ages.,avoid discrimination against disabled individuals.,To define enforcement agencies for these laws.,Equal Employment Opportunity Commission,Major Federal Laws Related to Human Resource Management,New Ways of Working in the21st Century,21st Century,Worker,Advent of Teams,Telecommuting,Outsourcing,Interim or contingency,workers to save money,Lifelong Employability,Employers obligation to,provide opportunity for,self-improvement,Human Resource Planning,Human resource planning begins with several questions:,What new technologies are emerging?,What is the volume of the business likely to be?,What is the turnover rate?,The forecasting of human resource needs and the projected matching of individuals with expected vacancies.,Attracting an Effective Workforce,Choose Recruiting,Sources,Want ads,Headhunters,State agency referrals,HR Planning,Retirements,Growth,Resignations,Select the,Candidate,Application,Interview,Tests,Welcome New,Employee,Employee Contributions,Ability,Education,Creativity,Commitment,Expertise,Company Inducements,Pay and benefits,Meaningful work,Advancement,Training,Challenge,Match Mode,Match with,Sprint,Recruiting,Internal recruiting or “promote-from-within.”,External recruiting is recruiting from outside the organization.,Realistic job previews give applicants all pertinent and realistic information-positive and negative-about the job.,Activities or practices that define the characteristics of applicants to whom selection procedures are ultimately applied.,Internal Recruiting Advantages,Less costly than and external search.,Higher employee commitment, development, and satisfaction.,Offers opportunities for internal career advancements.,Cisco Systems,Selection,Job description,a listing of duties and desirable qualifications,Selection devices,application form,interview,paper-and-pencil test,assessment center,Determining the skills, abilities, and other attributes,a person needs to perform a particular job.,Interviewing a Job Applicant,Prepare a road map.,Use open-ended questions in which the right answer is not obvious.,Do not ask questions that are not relevant to the job.,Know what you want.,Allow enough time so that the interview will not be rushed.,Listen-dont talk.,Developing anEffective Workforce,Orientation Training,Classroom Training,Programmed and,Computer-Assisted,Instruction,Conference and Case,Discussion Groups,Performance Appraisal,HRM professionals concentrate on two things:,The accurate assessment of performance.,Training managers to effectively use the performance appraisal interview.,The steps of observing and assessing employee performance, recording the assessment, and,providing feedback to the employee.,Assessing Performance Accurately,360-degree feedback,:,uses multiple raters to appraise employee performance.,Halo error,:,error that occurs when an employee receives the same rating on all dimensions.,Homogeneity,:,rating error that occurs when a rater gives all employees a similar rating.,Behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS),:,rating technique that relates an employees performance to specific job-related incidents.,Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale,Maintaining anEffective Workforce,Compensation,Wage and salary structure,Benefits,When necessary, terminations,Pay-Trend Line,


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