03 Manufacturing Technology

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,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,PART THREE Manufacturing Technology,wealthwel n. 财富, 富裕, 丰富, 丰饶, 富豪,retrieveritriv vt. 取回, 找回, 恢复, 追溯, 回忆,naivenaiiv adj. 天真的,朴素的,normnm n. 模范; 典型, 标准, 规范; 准则 (劳动)定额, 标准工作量, 平均值数,over time 随着时间的过去,distinguishes from 将与区分开来,3.1 Introduction,1,discretediskrit adj. 分离的, 分立的, 无联系的; 不连续的;【数】离散的,【哲】抽象的,machine tool 机床,productivity,prodktivti n. 生产力, 生产率,drasticallydrstikli adv. 激烈地, 彻底地,newly adv. (表示时间)最近, 新近 (表示频率)重新, 再度 (表示方式, 状态)用新的方式,throughout prep. 遍及, 贯穿,从头到尾; 自始至终 到处, 全面, 完全, 彻底,2,manually mnjli手动地,interchangeability, int,tendbilti可交换互换性,jigdig n. 夹具,gaugegeid n. 标准尺, 规格, 量规, 量表,v. 测量,assembly line sembli 装配线,mass production. 大规模生产,changeover n. (生产方法.装备等的)完全改变, (方针的)转变,numerical control (NC) machine tool 数控机床,3,computer-aided process planning (CAPP) 计算机辅助工艺设计(CAPP),flexible manufacture systems (FMS),柔性制造系统(FMS),computer integrated manufacturing system (CIMS) 计算机集成制造系统(CIMS),artificial intelligence (AI)人工智能(AI,tifi()l intelid()ns ),expert systems 专家系统,provide with 给.提供; 以.装备,Mental processing ment()l 脑力劳动,4,inspectioninspekn 检测,in a broad sense 从广义上讲,raw material 原材料,semi-finished product 半成品,as far as is concerned 就而论,blank blk 毛坯,production planning 生产规划,production schedulingdli 生产调度,quality inspection 质量检查,3.2 Manufacturing process,5,production statistics sttistiks 生产统计,cost accounting 成本会计核算,in a narrow sense 从狭义上讲,plating 电镀,coating n. 涂,镀,敷,覆盖,油漆,上贴,刮,擦胶 涂镀,敷, 覆盖层,(焊条)药皮,外壳,turning 车,milling 铣,6,shaping 修整(的) 成形(的), 造型, 整型,压力加工 刨光; 刨削 ,成形,planing 刨(削,平),drilling 钻,grinding 磨,nonchipping processes 无屑加工,abrasive waterjet machining (AWM),磨料水射流加工(AWM),electro-chemical machining (ECM),电解加工(ECM),7,electrical discharge machining (EDM) 放电加工(EDM),electron beam machining 电子束加工,laser beam machining (LBM) 激光束加工,rules and regulations 规章制度,operations sequencing 工序,makespan 制造时间,from standpoint 从观点看,from the viewpoint of .,from points of view,8,3.3.1 Requirements for process planning,reasonably adv. 适度地, 相当地,production quota 生产预计额, 生产定额; 生产指标; 生产限额,due date 到期日 implement 完成,refined adj. 精制的, 优雅的, 精确的,machining centers 加工中心,jigs and fixtures 工装夹具,supersonic machining 超声波加工,synthetical 综合的,explicit 明确的,清晰的,3.3 Process planning,9,(1) drawing and specifications for a workpiece 零件图形和它的技术要求,Part configuration,零件配置,(b) Technical specifications,技术要求,surface finish,表面光洁度,audio frequency check,音频检查,blank,毛坯,casting, forging,铸造,锻造,3.3.2 Basic information for process planning,10,(2) drawing of the blank piece,毛坯图形的绘制,locating and clamping methods 定位与夹紧方法,allowance 余量,裕量,津贴,smith forging 自由锻,die forging 模锻,cermet 金属陶瓷,workholder 工件夹具,11,3.4.1 Turing 车削加工,lathelei 车床,chuck tk 卡盘,headstock assembly 主轴箱,feed rod 光杆,lead screws 丝杠 tailstockteilstk 尾架,straight turning 直车,taper turning锥形车削 profiling 压型,external grooving 切槽,3.4 Traditional machining,12,3.4.1 Turing 车削加工,facing 端面车削,face grooving 端面切槽,cutting with a form tool 成型刀切,boring and internal grooving 内开模,drilling 钻,cutting off 切断,threadingredi 切丝,车螺纹,knurlingn:li 压花,3.4 Traditional machining,13,3.4.2 Shaping and planing 刨削加工,shaper 刨床,primary cutting direction 主切削方向,ram stroke 滑枕行程,planing 刨,toolholdertu:l,huld 刀夹,cross rail 横梁,intermittent feed motionintmit()nt 间歇切削运动,14,3.4.3 Milling 铣,milling machine 铣床,flat surface 平面,formed surface 成型面,a column and knee typeklm ni 升降台式,vertical spindlevtik()l spind()l 立轴,slab milling 平面铣削,face milling 断面铣削,end milling 立铣,15,3.4.4 Drilling 钻,boring process 镗孔,hand-held drill 手持式风钻,drill press 钻床 twist drills 麻花钻,chiptip 铁屑 fluteflut 排屑槽,lubricant / coolant kul()nt 润滑油 / 冷却液,core drill 中心钻 step drill 分节钻,counterboring and countersinking drills 沉头孔钻 reaming 扩孔,gun drilling 枪钻,16,3.4.5 grinding raindi 磨削,abrasive processbreisiv 研磨工艺,accelerated wear 加速磨损,grinding wheel 砂轮,belt grinder graind 带式磨床,silicon carbide or alumina 碳化硅或氧化硅,undeformed chip thickness 未变形切削厚度,fillet on a shaft filit 轴的圆角,helical profile 螺旋轮廓,concave shape knkeiv 凹面,internal grinding 磨削内圆,17,corrosion resistance 耐腐蚀性,machining accuracy 加工精度,roundness 圆度 cylindricity 圆柱度,parallelism 平行度,perpendicularity 垂直度,residual stress 残余应力,metallographical change 金相变化,machining error 机械加工误差,tolerance limit 公差极限,3.6 Machining accuracy and surface quality 机械加工精度和表面质量,18,wear 磨损 fatigue 疲劳,corrosion 腐蚀,(1) Influence on fitting between parts,clearance fit 间隙配合,deterioration 恶化,腐败,as to 至于,interference fit 过盈配合,ridge 波峰 extrude 挤压,3.6.3 Influence of surface quality on the performance of machined parts 表面质量对加工零件性能的影响,19,(2) Influence on wear resistance 对耐磨性的影响,concentrate on 将集中于,finely ground surface 研磨好的表面,deform elastically and plastically 产生弹性和塑性变形,portions 部分 wet friction 湿摩擦,scatter 分散,弥散,lubricant film 润滑(油)膜,pierce 穿透,穿过 intensive 剧烈的 intensify 加剧,20,linear 线性的,affinity 亲和力,microhardness 显微硬度,微观硬度,peeling 剥落,(3) Influence of corrosion resistance,plastic deformation 塑性变形,non-equilibrium state 非平衡状态,it is more prone to 更易于,21,(4) Influence of fatigue strength,alternate load 交变载荷,periodically 周期性地,internal stress 内应力,surface finish 表面光洁度,residual stress 残余应力,ball peening 喷丸硬化,burnishing 磨光, 抛光, 擦亮,carbonizing 渗碳 nitriding 渗氮,polishing 抛光,vibrated finishing 振动抛光,22,with regard to 关于,specifically adv. 特定地, 明确地,deal with 处理, 论及, 涉及, 研究,isolated adj. 隔离的,孤立的, 单独,significantly 显著地,大大地,performance 业绩,表演,性能,research and development 研究与开发,3.7 Computer integrated manufacturing system 计算机集成制造系统,23,correspond to 与.一致, 符合 ,相当于update v. 使现代化, 修正, 校正, 更新,restricted shape 受限制的形状,printed circuit board 印刷电路板,etching mask 蚀刻掩模,drill the holes 钻孔,24,


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