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,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2012/5/29,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,An Introduction to COSMIC RAYS,WEI HONGJIANG,SESS, PKU,1,1785 Charles Coulomb,Discovered that charged body in the air becomes,discharged,1909 Theodor,Wulf,Discovered higher,levels of radiation at the top of the Eiffel Tower than at its,base,with an,electrometer developed by himself,Discovery of Cosmic Rays,2,1912 Victor Hess,Found,the ionization rate increased approximately fourfold over the rate at ground,level at an altitude of 5300meters,Made,a balloon ascent during a near-total eclipse and ruled out the Sun as the radiations,source,Won,the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1936,Discovery of Cosmic Rays,3,1932 C. Anderson,Discovered the anti-electron,1936,S. Neddermeyer,and,C. Anderson,Discovered the muon,1938 Pierre Auger and Roland,Maze,Discovered Extensive Air Shower,1946,G.,Rochester and,C. Butler,Discovered K,0,1965 A. Penzias and R. Wilson,Discovered CBM,R,adiation,Discovery with,C,osmic Rays,4,Atomic nuclei zooming through space,90% protons, 9% helium nuclei, nearly 1% electrons and heavy nucleus.,Others are neutrinos, Gamma rays and antimatter,Primary,Cosmic Rays,5,Elemental abundance in the CRs and the Galaxy (Relative to H),Primary Cosmic Rays,6,The energy spectrum,for,cosmic rays,Primary,Cosmic Rays,7,Particles generated in the cascade process that started by Primary CRs hit other nucleus in the,atmosphere,Can,travel faster than the speed of light in air,(still,slower than,that in,vacuum,),Secondary,Cosmic Rays,8,Vertical fluxes of,cosmic,rays in the,atmosphere,Secondary Cosmic Rays,9,An extensive,cascade of ionized particles and electromagnetic radiation produced in the,atmosphere,Cascade: An,incident particle, which could be a proton, a nucleus, an electron, a photon, or (rarely) a positron, strikes a molecule in the air so as to produce many energetic,hadrons,The,unstable hadrons decay in the air speedily into other particles and electromagnetic radiation, which are part of the shower,components,Extensive Air Shower,10,Electromagnetic,EAS,Hadron-induced EAS,Extensive Air Shower,11,Shower particle tracks: Proton (Simulation),Extensive Air Shower,12,Space,Experiment,AMS,Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer,OSSE Oriented Scintillation Spectrometer Experiment,NINA New Instrument for Nuclear Analysis,PAMELA Payload,for Antimatter Matter Exploration and Light-nuclei Astrophysics,EUSO Extreme Universe Space Observatory,GLAST Gamma-ray,Large Area Space,Telescope,Detection of Cosmic Rays,13,Proposed,in 1995 by MIT particle physicist Samuel,Ting (AMS-01),Mounted,on the International Space,Station (AMS-02),Goals (AMS-02),Precision,measurements of cosmic rays composition and,flux,Detection of antihelium (antimatter),neutralinos (dark matter) and strangelets.,Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer,14,An,operational cosmic ray research module attached to an Earth orbiting,satellite,Goals,Measurements,of the particle and nuclei fluxes in a wide energy range and,precisely,Long-term monitoring of the solar modulation of cosmic rays,;,Measurements of Energetic Particles from the,Sun,High-energy Particles in the Earth magnetosphere and Jovian,electrons,Payload for Antimatter Matter Exploration and Light-nuclei Astrophysics,15,Air Cherenkov telescope (Left),Air,fluorescence telescope,Extensive,air shower array,(Right),Detection of Cosmic Rays,16,Air,Cherenkov Experiment,CANGAROO Collaboration,of Australia and Nippon(Japan) for a,Gamma,Ray Observatory in the,Outback,HESS High,Energy Stereoscopic,System,MAGIC,Major,Atmospheric Gamma-ray Imaging Cherenkov,Telescopes,VERITAS Very Energetic Radiation Imaging Telescope Array System,Detection of Cosmic Rays,17,Located,on the Cranz family farm, Gllschau, in,Namibia,Using,high-energy,gamma-rays,to locate cosmic,high-energy,particles sources,High Energy Stereoscopic System,18,Air,Fluorescence Experiment,HiRes The,High Resolution Flys Eye Cosmic Ray,Detector,Detection of Cosmic Rays,19,Located,on hilltops in Dugway Proving,Grounds in,the west Utah,desert,To study,the highest energy cosmic rays to determine the energy, direction, and chemical composition of the incident,particle,In 2010 final results,confirmed,the,GZK,cutoff,The High Resolution Flys Eye Cosmic Ray Detector,20,Air Shower Experiment,AGASA Akeno Giant Air Shower Array,Pierre Auger,Observatory,Telescope Array Project,ARGO-YBJ ,Astrophysical Radiation with Ground-based,Observatory, Yangbajing,Detection of Cosmic Rays,21,Covers an,area of 100,km,2,For measurement of energy,spectrum and anisotropy of cosmic rays.,Akeno Giant Air Shower Array,22,Covered over 3,000 km,2,(South Site),To detect single,sub-atomic particles (protons or atomic nuclei) with energies beyond,10,20,eV,Pierre Auger,Observatory,23,Balloon-borne,Experiment,Large-area detector,networks,Shower detection by radio,waves,Detection of Cosmic Rays,24,Possible Answer,The Big,Bang,Supernovae,Gamma Ray Bursts,Origins,of Cosmic Rays,25,Reaction in Atomsphere:,n,+,14,N p +,14,C,As a constant source of,14,C,Interfere,on electronics:,Transient,errors in,satellites,Role in climate changes:,Correlation between the flux of energetic cosmic rays and solar irradiance is revealed,Effect of Cosmic Rays,26,Thank You!,Q&A,27,


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