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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Cummins 7 Step Problem Solving Process,康明斯七步解决问题方法,1,At Cummins we use a standard method of problem solving process which is used in all our plants world wide,改解决问题的标准方法在康明斯全球范围内通用。,Other major manufactures use similar methods, the one in use in Cummins has 7 steps and is used to track internal and external problems and not just for problems that relate to component problems,其他制造商采用类似方法,康明斯采用的是7步法,针对内部和外部的问题,并且不只是与零件相关的问题,7,STEP,7,步法,2,Contents of the 7 step,7,步法的内容,1,Identify the problem,确定问题,2,Determine possible causes and importance,确定可能的原因和重要度,3,Take short term action,采取临时措施,4,Gather data and design tests for cause,contribution,收集数据,设计试验排列原因,3,Contents of the 7 step,7,步法的内容,5,Conduct test, Analyze data and select solution,开展试验,分析数据和选择解决方法,6,Plan and implement permanent solution fail-safing where necessary,计划,实施永久性措施,需要时采用防错法,7,measure and evaluate for continuos improvement, and recognize the team,对持续改进进行测评,评价鼓励团队,4,6.计划并 实施永久措施,Plan and implement permanent solution,1.查明问题,Identify the problem,2.确定可能的原因,Deter.possible causes &importance,3.采取短期措施(应急措施),Take short term action,4.收集数据,,拟定试验方案,Gather data & design tests,5.进行试验,分析数据,选取解决问题方法,Conduct test, Analyze data and select solution,7.,对继续改进 进行测定和评估,measure & evaluate & re-cognize the team,七步法,7,STEP,5,Step 1 identify the problem,第一步 确定问题,Problem statement must be clear and concise and quantifiable,问题阐述必须清楚扼要,可以测评,Understand your customers desire this may be different to your perception of the problem,了解你用户的期望,可能不同于自己对问题的理解,Involve all relevant departments,使相关部门均参与其中,6,Step 2 Determine possible causes and rank their importance,第二步 确定可能的原因和重要度,Select the most likely CAUSES of a problem (normally more than one cause for the problem),选择多数可能的问题发生原因(通常不止一个),Team must be knowledgeable of the product and the process each team member should contribute , involve operators,成员应有产品和工艺方面的知识,积极参与,包括操作人员,7,Step 2 Determine possible causes and rank their importance,第二步 确定可能的原因和重要度,Team must know how to brainstorm, organize data and rank most likely causes,团队熟知“头脑风暴”法-集思广益,,运用数据,排列大多数可能的原因,Team should be cross functional and include operators,8,Brainstorming ?,Brainstorming means gets ideas from different points of view and should always include operators,During this time no criticism is allowed ,everyone can and,must,speak his/her mind,A good way of collecting data is to use “Post it Pads “,9,Step 3 Take short term action if required,第三步,采取临时措施,We must protect the customer from possible problems whilst we search for permanent solution,必须保护用户防止发生可能的问题,同时寻找永久解决措施,This may mean 100% inspection Control, failsafing,这可能意味着100%检查,采用防错方法,Our aim is to install controls that prevent defective components from being shipped to our customer,目标是落实控制,防止有缺陷的产品发往用户,10,Step 4 Gather data and design test of causes to quantify their contribution to the problem,第四步 收集数据,设计试验排列原因,This is to determine which factors generated in Step 2 have the greatest contribution to the problem,该步确定在第二步中哪个因素为关键,To do this we need data , this can be in the form of histograms, capability analysis ,design of experiment , engine test etc .,对此,需要数据资料,可从柱状图、能力分析、试验设计等中获得,11,Step 5 conduct test, analyze data and select solution,第五步 开展试验,分析数据和选择解决方法,Review and analyze the data based on the plan designed in Step 4,依据第四步中的内容,分析评价数据,Select solution based on this data,依据这些数据,选择解决办法,Solution should provide the maximum protection at the lowest cost,解决办法应为最有效的保护和最低的成本,Solution must be tested or confirmed before implementation,解决办法实施前必须经过试验或确认,12,Step 6 Plan and implement permanent solution,failsafe were possible,第六步 计划,实施永久性措施,尽可能用防错法,Team members must be knowledgeable of the product and the process,成员应有产品和工艺方面的知识,积极参与,包括操作人员,Preferred method is a change to the design of product or process,首选的方法是改变产品或工艺设计,Next preference is to failsafe the process,接下来是工艺上采取防错,Solution must be tested,解决办法必须经过试验,13,Step 7 Measure and evaluate for continuous improvement and recognize the team,对持续改进进行测评,评价鼓励团队,Verify that improvement has been achieved determine the next level of improvement,核实改进已完成,确定下一步改进目标,Normally most plants track problems for 90 days if no more new incidences are found then the problem is considered closed, this depends on production rates and usage,通常90天后要再跟踪,是否重复发生,之后才关闭,这要根据生产产量和使用情况,Management give recognition for the teams work,管理者进行认可,并鼓励团队,14,6.计划并 实施永久措施,Plan and implement permanent solution,1.查明问题,Identify the problem,2.确定可能的原因,Deter.possible causes &importance,3.采取短期措施(应急措施),Take short term action,4.收集数据,,拟定试验方案,Gather data & design tests,5.进行试验,分析数据,选取解决问题方法,Conduct test, Analyze data and select solution,7.,对继续改进 进行测定和评估,measure & evaluate & re-cognize the team,七步法,7,STEP,15,


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