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,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,期末复习,译林版英语四年级上册,ABC song,音素表,Aa,Hh,Jj,Kk,Ee,Bb Cc,Dd,Gg,Pp,Tt,Vv,Ii,Yy,Oo,Uu,Qq,Ww,Ff,Ll,Mm,Nn,Ss Xx,Zz,Rr,以元音字母开头的单词:,A,E,I,O,U,apple, animal,egg,,,elephant,,,eye,,,ear,ice cream,orange,umbrella,,,uncle,元音字母开头的单词表示,“,一个,”,,,要用,an,animals,dog, cat, pig, duck, chicken, tiger, lion, horse, elephant,tiger,,,horse,的拼写要注意,1. like + n. (-,s,),2. like,this/that/the,+ n. (,单数,),3. like,these/those/the,+n. (-,s,),4. -Do you like + n. (-,s,)?,-Yes, I do./ No, I dont.,5. -Do you like,this/that,+ n. (,单数,)?,-Yes, I do./ No, I dont.,6. I like + n. (-,s,). Theyre,7. I like,this/that,+ n. (,单数,) Its,fruit,apple, orange, banana, pear, mango, pineapple, grape,mango,的复数形式是,mango,es,I have a + n.,单数,I have,an,+ n.,单数,(,必须是元音字母开头,),(,apple, egg, elephant, ice cream, orange,),I have +,数量,+n.,(,-s,),I have,some/many,+n. (-,s,),Do you have a/,an+n,.,单数?,-Do you have,any,+n.(-,s,)?,-Yes, I do./ No, I dont.,7.I do,nt,have,any,+,n.(-,s,),(,在疑问句或者否定句中,some,改,any),8. mango-mango,es,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,thir,teen,four,teen,fif,teen,six,teen,seven,teen,eigh,teen,nine,teen,numbers,thir,ty,for,ty,fif,ty,six,ty,seven,ty,eigh,ty,nine,ty,想要询问个数:,How many +,n.(-,s,) do you have?,I have +,数量,+,名词,.,How many +,n.(-,s,) would you like?,Id like+,数量,+,名词,.,想要询问价钱:,单数,How much,is,the,? Its ,yuan,.,How much,is,it,? Its ,yuan,.,复数,How much,are,the,? Theyre,yuan,.,How much,are,they,? Theyre,yuan,.,play basketball, play football, play table tennis, skate, swim, jump,sports,其他动词:,look at, eat, drink, stand, sit, open, close, sleep, talk, shout,play,basketball/football/ table tennis,I can +v.(,动词,) too.,I ca,nt,+v.,either,.,You/He/She/We/They/xxx,can+ v.,-Can you +v.?,-Yes, I can./ No, I cant.,6.-Can,he/she/we/they/,xxx,+v,.?,-Yes,he/she/we/they/xxx,can.,-No,he/she/we/they/xxx,cant.,7.,cant = cannot,介词,in, on, under, behind, beside, near, at,表示地点:介词,+the/,物主代词,+,in the on my under your,behind his beside her,想要询问东西在哪里:,单数,Where,is,the? Its ,复数,Where,are,the? Theyre,想要猜测东西的地方:,单数,Is,the,in/on/under/behind/beside the ?,Is,it,in/on/under/behind/beside the ?,答句,Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.,复数,Are,the,in/on/under/behind/beside the ?,Are,they,in/on/under/behind/beside the ?,答句,Yes, they are. / No, they arent.,food,hamburger, sandwich, noodles, egg, cake, ice cream, hot dog, pie,sandwich,复数形式,sandwich,es,所有的饮料都不可数,要用,glass/cup,来形容,复数体现在,glass,es,/cup,s,上。,a glass of juice, two glass,es,of milk,a cup of coffee, two cup,s,of tea,What,would,you,like,? Id like ,Can I help you? Yes. Id like,Anything else? Id like,Would,you,like,? Yes, please.,No, thanks,eye,s,,,ear,s,,,nose,,,mouth,,,hair(,不可数,),五官,形容男生的五官,用:,His, is,His,(ears, eyes, and),are,形容女生的五官,用:,Her, is,Her,(ears, eyes, and),are,形容总体长相,用:,Hes,Shes,+,形容词,(,tall, short, cool, beautiful,),1.What do you have ? (,五十张贴纸,),2.Whats this? (,一把好看的伞,),3.What are those?,(紫色的葡萄),4.Wheres your clock? (,在冰箱上,),5.Whos the boy over there?,(我的好朋友迈克),6.Are these rulers? (,不,不是。,),7.What time is it? (,十一点,),8.Is that a chicken? (,是的。,),按要求回答问题:,9.Do you have any toy cars?,(不,但我有些洋娃娃。,),10.What do you like?,(,那只可爱的大象,),11.Can Helen skate?,(,是的,她滑冰滑的很好。,),12.Can I have one? (,当然可以。给你。,),13.What would you like?,(,一杯牛奶和一个汉堡包,),14.How much are your shoes? (48,元,),15.Can I help you?,(,是的。我想要两杯咖啡。,),16.What,colour,is it?,(黑白相间),17.Is it in your bedroom?,(,不,不在。,),18.Where are my skirts?,(,在客厅里,沙发上,),19.How much is the fan? (,三元,),20.Is her hair short?,(,不,她的头发是长的。,),21.Are his eyes small?,(,是的,他的眼睛是小的。,),22.Is the robot short?,(,不是的,它是高的。,),23.Who is the girl in red? (,我表妹,),24.What can your father do? (,打乒乓,),25.Are the robots cool? (,不是,),26.,Do they like to play basketball? (,是,),27.Can they run fast? (,不,),28.,How many sweaters do you have?,(,十二件,),29.Would you like some coffee?,(,不,谢谢。,),30. Where is your brother?,(,在小吃店,),31. Where are the twins? (,在家,),32. What can you do,,,Mike,?,(打乒乓球),33. Are the eggs in the fridge?,(,是的,),34. Is Tinas tail long?,35.Look at the bird! (,多么漂亮啊!,),


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