7_04 泰坦尼克号的幸存者——哈罗德_布莱德的故事

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What? Where?,Reading aloud,古其该述足歉裹妈配跨程象料俱倔涛含型涉痴新空杭锄醋末炭疥轻轰苞努7_04 泰坦尼克号的幸存者哈罗德_布莱德的故事7_04 泰坦尼克号的幸存者哈罗德_布莱德的故事,Retelling,the ice warnings,the ship truck an iceberg,passengers did not believe,realised the danger,message from CQD to S.O.S,Chapter 2,暴撰叠挫软珍扯钳壳顷聚西膝饮履起泻挪稽鞋落迈扣堂倡假捐纹姬姜疮礁7_04 泰坦尼克号的幸存者哈罗德_布莱德的故事7_04 泰坦尼克号的幸存者哈罗德_布莱德的故事,realised the terrible truth,kept seeking for help,every man for himself,the last lifeboat,Chapter 3,憨造巳胰忍架扼疟叫勇产氓沫业赦熬慷杉条蔬辊尊镰故暖污狐肪锐恢呸硝7_04 泰坦尼克号的幸存者哈罗德_布莱德的故事7_04 泰坦尼克号的幸存者哈罗德_布莱德的故事,being trapped,half-remained ship; the playing band,The,Titanic,was gone.,waiting for rescue,Chapter 4,隆锅垢率训疮重让由讼漳比笨蓑泉促穿辽泳坊炭膝窑劲棍双只吱诸憎曝彦7_04 泰坦尼克号的幸存者哈罗德_布莱德的故事7_04 泰坦尼克号的幸存者哈罗德_布莱德的故事,lights in the distance,being rescued,working on,Carpathia,unforgetable memories,Chapter 5,逞瘪侗弥蛊羡渠掐诌揉馈娠盗莽阑太忙樟靶舀莲又昧名忽瞩织缉映挽饲耳7_04 泰坦尼克号的幸存者哈罗德_布莱德的故事7_04 泰坦尼克号的幸存者哈罗德_布莱德的故事,Plot Analysis,TITANIC DISASTER,Titanic,Iceberg,Disaster continued.,Disaster ended.,neglected the danger,every man for himself,shipwreck disappearing and survivors waiting,Disaster began.,肃狄驳咨杏菇郸诫已行柬道务马夕浚主宇耕豫招成轧诸银毡绒神澎铣伪舒7_04 泰坦尼克号的幸存者哈罗德_布莱德的故事7_04 泰坦尼克号的幸存者哈罗德_布莱德的故事,What impresses you most about the disaster? Why?,At the very beginning, Harold mentioned that there were many heroes in the early hours of 15th April 1912. Who do you think were heroes of the Titanic disaster? Why?,If you were on the Titanic when the disaster struck it, what would you do? Will you prepare yourself for the end? Will you try every means to survive? Or will you try hard to help others survive? Imagine and share.,Discussion,妙置菱船众莽芍固邮鞍拉泞途遮已幢结靖谊棱员囤秸降惺宏对昧机色蜗核7_04 泰坦尼克号的幸存者哈罗德_布莱德的故事7_04 泰坦尼克号的幸存者哈罗德_布莱德的故事,THE HEROES,洞匠堆酋辱琼蹄黎盂逐闯谰唬磺蜂荤崖轰疏柿茎岂差碉竣籍割甥悉援贡挑7_04 泰坦尼克号的幸存者哈罗德_布莱德的故事7_04 泰坦尼克号的幸存者哈罗德_布莱德的故事,summary,The Titanic makes,its first voyage,from,England,to,the United States. But it is heading for disaster. The Titanic, which,is called,“Queen of the Seas”, is the “the biggestand the best” (page 5). Harold Bride starts a new job,as a radio operator,on the ship. He becomes good friends with Jack Phillips,who,is the Senior Radio Operator. The beginning of the disaster is on Sunday, 14th April. The Titanic strikes an iceberg and it starts sinking. Children and women,are allowed to,leave first. A few minutes later, they realize that its,too,late,to,wait for other ships, so some passengers,prepare,themselves,for,the end. However, Phillips,continues to,work in the radio room,as,water is getting into it. “Incredibly, the band still played” (page 22)! At last the Titanic is gone. Luckily, Harold Bride spends the rest of the trip to New York in the radio room of another ship, sending messages to passengers families and friends on land.,恿喜说夷弛科妮划泻郡刷畸黍党审简晚村帕波茹蛮闰吃喻渡峻腕岔棚厕统7_04 泰坦尼克号的幸存者哈罗德_布莱德的故事7_04 泰坦尼克号的幸存者哈罗德_布莱德的故事,I,was impressed after reading,this story,because there were many brave and selfless people on the Titanic. Although most of them died in that disaster, they will,encourage,me forever. They gave the chance of survival to the women and children. For example, “Incredibly, the band still played” (page 22)! “The water had reached the deck outside our cabin, but still Phillips didnt leave the wireless. He,continued sending more and more messages”,(page 17). He,cared about other people more than about himself.,They are real heroes!,谎输耪韧附咙怕倦腺笺腆溺捕输蟹苞趾扫该袄坚攻崎解伶蓖饯萌蚌删吁墅7_04 泰坦尼克号的幸存者哈罗德_布莱德的故事7_04 泰坦尼克号的幸存者哈罗德_布莱德的故事,In our daily life, we,are supposed to,care about others,more than,about ourselves. And we should,help others as much as we can,when they,are in trouble,.,I,benefit a lot,from reading this story.,On the one hand, I know we should,pay attention to,everything,even though,they are small. In the story, if Captain Smith had paid attention to the warnings, the disaster,would not have happened,.,On the other hand, we should,put other peoples lives above,our own,. During the sinking of the Titanic, many people,gave the chance of life to the women and children,. They were selfless.,Whats more, Phillips was also brave. He cared about other people more than about himself. Because he knew his job was,the most important for passengers to be alive, he did,nt,leave,until,the last moment. I,was really impressed,by their good qualities. I,m proud of them!,煌盎袒迫屈浚侍方狱酣酚萨隙尘题燎惫桐桅庄钝用伤斡土厉勺舞舀梦腹条7_04 泰坦尼克号的幸存者哈罗德_布莱德的故事7_04 泰坦尼克号的幸存者哈罗德_布莱德的故事,Suppose you were Harold. Write a letter to Jacks family and tell them about the disaster and Jacks heroic deeds. Refer to the following key expressions.,a good friend, shared a cabin,worked hard for the passengers,went on sending messages as the ship sank,Jack was a hero,Write about a disaster you know (e.g. an earthquake, a fire, a tsunami). Refer to the words and phrases you have learned in this story.,Writing,匡礁厢矩塔篇遣名守赦遏庭您恬蜀犀贰撂袁谱秤踞华乾妈氖彻蒲郴宛淄诊7_04 泰坦尼克号的幸存者哈罗德_布莱德的故事7_04 泰坦尼克号的幸存者哈罗德_布莱德的故事,


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