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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,persist,坚持(不顾阻拦一味的坚持),persist in doing sth,She persisted in reading his poems.,insist,坚持(认为,说,是人的一种态度),insist on doing sth,I insisted on calling doctor.,insist vt.,坚持,;,坚决认为,;,坚决主张,;,坚决要求,+(that),He insisted that we (should) accept these gifts,.,vi.,坚持,坚决认为,;,强调坚决主张,;,一定要,(+on/upon),I insist on seeing it.,我一定要见到它,persistent psistnt a.,坚持不懈的,固执的,;,持续的,持久的,The persistent rain will do harm to his weak knees.,He was a persistent thief.,insistent,a.,坚持的,逼人注意的;显眼的,显著的,an insistent demand,迫切的要求,an insistent rhythm,动人的旋律,I am afraid of his insistent refusal again.,persistence,n.,坚持,固执,顽固;持续性,持久,persistence of energy,能量守恒,persistence of vision,视觉暂留,Her persistence and passion have helped the team to complete the difficult task.,insistence,n.,坚持,强调,极力主张。,insistence (up) on strict obedience,强调要严格服从,I did it because of your insistence.,persistent,psistnt,adj.,坚持的,固执的,avoid,vid,v.,避开,insist,insist,v.,坚持做,fancy,fnsi,v.,想象,幻想,cross,kr:s,v.,穿过,pretend,pritend,v.,假装,prevent,privent,v.,阻止,follow,flu,v.,跟随,avoid,vid,vt.,1.,避开,躲开,I avoided him as much as possible.,我尽量避开他。,2.,避免,avoid +n./+doing,No one can avoid making mistakes while learning a foreign language.,3. 【,律,】,使无效,;,撤销,pretend pritend v.,1.,佯装,;,假装,;2. (,尤指孩子,)(,在游戏中,),假扮,;,装作,pretend to do sth,a.,假装的,;,假想的,prevent,privent,vt.,防止,预防,;,阻止,;,制止,;,妨碍,Who prevents their plans from being carried out?,谁阻止他们的计划不让实施,?,prevent from doing sth,practice :,根据所给汉语,按正确形式填空:,He _ (,坚持,) that he does that work alone .,The teacher tells us that learning English must be _(,坚持的,).,She tried to _(,逃避,) answering my questions .,She wasnt really crying ; she was only _(,假装,) .,What can we do to _(,阻止,) the disease spreading ?,insists,persistent,avoid,pretending,prevent,Why did Elizabeth cross the street ?,questions :,What does Nigel always insist on doing ?,Why did Elizabeth tell Nigel that she was going to the dentist ?,1.I _ the street to avoid meeting him, but he saw me and came running _ me.,2.It was no use pretending that I had not seen him, _I waved to him.,3.He _ has anything to do.,4.No matter _busy you are, he always insists on _with you.,5.I was just wondering how to _ the morning - until I saw you.,6.Not at all, I lied, but Im going to the _.,7.Theres always plenty to read in the _ room!,Language points:,I crossed the street to avoid meeting him, but he saw me and came running towards me.,cross v.,穿过,I cross the garden.,across adv.&prep.,穿过,I go across the garden.,avoid doing sth.,避免,come running towards sb.,向某人跑过来,It was no use,pretending that I had not seen him , so I,wave to,him .,wave to sb,向某人招手,It is/was no use doing sth,做某事是无用的,It is no use crying over the spilled milk,覆水难收,I never enjoy meeting Nigel Dykes,.,enjoy doing sth.,喜欢做,appreciate sth./doing sth.,喜欢做,He never has anything to do,.,用不定式做定语,修饰,anything,,不定式放在不定代词后面,anything to do sth.,任何要做的事,anything to eat sth.,可以吃的东西 ;,anything to drink,可以喝的东西,No matter how busy you are, he always insists on coming with you.,No matter,可以和疑问词(,how , who , when , where , what,等,),一起引导让步从句,表示“无论”。,-No matter where you go , you cant forget your home .,I had to think of a way of preventing him from following me around all morning.,think of a way of doing sth.,想一个做某事的方法,think of a way of solving,prevent sb. (from) doing sth.,阻止某人做某事,让某人不做某事,stop sb. from doing sth.,让某人不做某事,keep sb. from doing sth.,让某人不做某事,(,保持不做某事,),forbid sb. to do sth.,禁止某人做某事,Fancy meeting you here!,=Imagine meeting you here!,真想不到会在这见到你,!,(,fancy,imagine,)“,fance+,名词”表示惊讶,fance, vt.,设想,想像,Fancy Ian not knowing the answer to such an easy question!, vt.,想要,喜欢(往往用于指个人爱好),Its a fine day and I fancy driving down to the coast.,Would you mind my coming with you?,我跟你一道去行吗?,这是一个表示客气请求的结构,,my,是动名词,coming,的逻辑主语。,Would you mind opening the window?,你介意把窗户打开吗?,Would you mind my opening the window?,你介意我把窗户打开吗?,Fancy writing a letter like that!,真想不到写了那样一封信。,Fancy her writing a letter like that!,真想不到她写了那样一封信。,画出课文中所有以,-ing,结尾的动词,动名词复合结构:由名词所有格或物主代词与动名词构成,动名词复合结构多作主语或宾语,作主语时必须是所有格,(,名词所有格,形容词性物主代词,),但作宾语时可以用所有格,也可用普通格,(,人称代词宾格,),avoid doing sth,避免做某事,enjoy doing sth,喜欢做某事,insist on doing sth,坚持做某事,prevent sb from doing sth,阻止做某事,fancy doing sth,想象做某事,be busy doing sth,忙于做某事,mind doing sth,介意做某事,finish doing sth,完成做某事,只能接,doing,做宾语 的动词:,suggest , avoid , complete , feel like , finish , find , practise , escape from , delay , prefer to , give up , admire , enjoy , mind , miss , keep , forgive , admit , deny , consider , be busy , fancy , imagine , require ,只能接,to do,的动词:,want, would like , ask , tell , order , hope , wish , advise , promise , decide , expect , refuse , offer , pretend , fail , help, afford , allow , plan , intend , happen , invite , remind , prepare , agree , determine , learn , manage, encourage ,punish , warn sb not to do ,既可以接,todo ,又可以接,doing,的动词:,stop , forget , remember , hate , like ,love , prefer , begin ,start , try ,continue , mean , regret , need , go on , be afraid,No one enjoys _ at.,A laughing B to laugh,C being laughed D to be laughed,You must do something to prevent your house _.,A to be broken in B from being broken in,C to break in D from breaking in,They insist on _ another chance to try .,A given B giving C being given D to be given,It took the workmen only two hours to finish _ my car .,A repairing B repair C to repair D repaired,Jack said that he wouldnt mind _ for us.,A to wait B wait C waiting D waited,No one can avoid _ by advertisements .,A to be influenced B being influenced,C influencing D having influenced,Hes very busy _ his papers . He is far too busy _ callers .,A to write , to receive B writing , to write,C writing , receiving D to write , for receiving,


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