module3 Collecting stamps is my hobby

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Welcome to our class!,Unit 1,Collecting stamps is my hobby.,安丘市青云山小学,赵竹花,Module 3,Let,s sing a song!,T,here,s a Great Wall in China.It is very very long.,Theres a Great Wall in,China,.,It is very very,str,ong.,There are many,many people and they like to sing this song.,Theres a Great Wall in China and its very very long.,In China theres a Great Wall,a Great Wall,a Great Wall.,It is very very very big and its a very famous wall.,Runing, runing, I like running.,Drawing, drawing, I Iike,drawing.,Swimming, swimming, I like swimming.,Dancing, dancing, I like dancing.,Chant,New words,1),collect,收集,2),stamp,邮票,3),hobby,业余爱好,嗜好,4),men,男人(复数),5,),women,女人(复数),6,),another,另一个,3、Collect,ing,stamps is my hobby.,My hobby is,_,_,singing,.,My hobby is,_,_,dancing,.,My hobby is,_,_,swimming,.,4、These are some stamps from,C,hina,.,These are some stamps from,_,_,C,anada,.,These are some stamps from,_,_,America,.,Listen and answer,Whats Simons hobby,?,Has Simon got any,stamps from Canada,?,Read the text loudly and fluently,pay more attention to the,Chinese meaning.,(大声,流利地朗读课文,,并且注意课文的汉语意思),superstar,Show time,Lets have a chant:,Collect,collect,I collect stamps.,Stamps,stamps,Ive got lots of stamps.,Hobby,hobby,collecting stamps,is my hobby.,We all love our hobbies.,选择正确答案,快乐闯关,Make a survey,(做调查),Which group is the best ?,最佳小组,Homework,1.Listen,read,and recite the dialogue.,2.Talk about your,hobby in groups,then write it down.,Thank You !,


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