Collocation 大英一

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Collocation in English Writing,I. Definition,the,co-occurrence relationships,between words. A word by the company it keeps,许多大城市的交通越来越拥挤,1aThe traffic in many big cites is getting more and more,crowded,1bThe traffic in many big cities is getting,heavier and heavier.,1,虽然他没有表达出来,但我还是看得出他想什么。,a) Although he did not express them, I could,see his thoughts,b) Although he did not express them, I could,read his thoughts,.,政府设法提高人民的生活水平。,a) The government tries to,improve,the standard of living,b) . The government tries to,upgrade/raise,the standard of living.,2,II. Difference between English and Chinese,Chinese: more economy,English has a new word for a new thing,图书馆,水族馆,博物馆,旅馆,饭馆、体育馆、展览馆,照相馆,大使馆,library, aquarium, museum, hotel, restaurant, gymnasium, exhibition hall, photo studio, embassy,啤酒、鸡尾酒、白酒、葡萄酒、香槟酒,烈酒,beer, cocktail, liquor,wine,champagne,spirits,3,N.,番茄汤,牛肉汤,人参汤。,tomato soup,beef broth, ginseng decoction,个人卫生,公共卫生,环境卫生,,personal hygienicy,public health,environmental sanitation,自然环境,社会环境,舒适环境,natural environment, social circumstances, comfortable surroundings,球迷,棋迷,fan: football fan, movie fan,addict: computer addict, chess addict.,4,Adj/,黄色小说,黄色音乐,黄色电影,filthy novels”,“vulgar music”,“pornographic movies,副总统,副经理,副教授,副司令,副食品,副作用,副标题,,vice president, deputy manager, associate professor, assistant commanding officer, non-staple food, side effects,subheading.,假牙、假象、假花、假肢、假钞、假画、假警察、假医生:,false teeth, false appearance, artificial flowers, artificial limbs, counterfeit money, fake pictures, fake policemen, phony/quack doctors.,5,浓汤、茶、咖啡、头发、眉:,thick soup, strong tea, strong coffee, thick hair, thick eyebrow,谈水,谈茶,谈季:,fresh water, weak tea, slow season,双人间,双重标准,双刃剑,双峰,双塔,双星,a double room, a double standards, a double-edged sword、 twin peaks, twin towers、twin stars,一次性付款,一次性拖鞋,lump-sum payment, disposable slippers,恶性肿瘤,恶性循环,malignant tumor, vicious circle,6,V.,学习知识,学习讲英语,学习榜样,,pursue,knowledge,learn,to speak English,follow,the example,打开电视、打开箱子、打开敲门、打开领结,打开信件,打开奥秘,turn on,the TV.,,open,the box, answer the door,loosen,the tie,unfold,the letter,discover,the secrets,“恢复健康”、“恢复谈判”、“恢复秩序”、“恢复正常”、“恢复知觉”、“恢复,镇静,恢复疲劳,恢复经济,regain/restore ones health, resume talk, restore order, return to normal, recover consciousness, regain composure, relieve fatigue, reconstruct economy。,7,提高会话水平、领导水平、文化水平, 英语水平,improve ones conversational ability, improve the art of leadership, raise the intellectual level , improve English,Subject.,我们国家的建设事业不仅仅需要的是工程师和科学家,同样需要各行各业的能工巧匠。,China in her development needs not only engineers and scientists, but talent of different kinds.,8,你的教学科研取得了长足的进步,但不应因此而自满。,You have made good progress in teaching and researching but you should guard against complacency.,我们同敌人的斗争取得了一个又一个胜利。,We have won one victory after another in the struggle against the enemy,9,III. The Error Analysis,当地人似乎,不怕,天热。,a) The local people dont seem to,be afraid o,f the hot weather.,b) It seems that the local people don,t mind,the hot weather.,吸烟有害,身体,,不要,学他的样,。,a) Smoking is harmful for,your body,. Dont,learn from him,.,b) Smoking is harmful for,health,. Dont,follow his example,.,10,我感到大学学习相当紧张。,a).I feel college studies are quite busy.,b). I feel quite busy with college studies.,他身体虽弱,但思路还敏捷。,a).His body is weak but his spirit is good,b) He is physically weak but mentally sound.,如果像这样看电视,他的眼睛总有一天会瞎掉。,a) If he watches TV like this,his eyes will be completely blind,one day.,b) If he watches TV like this,he will completely blind,one day.,11,VI. The way to study Collocation,Opportunity,:,Adj. abundant, ample(足够的), equal, favorable, golden, great, rare(难得的), precious, unique(唯一的), unusual, wide,N. ,job, education, employment, learning, money-making,V. accept, afford/give/offer/present/provide, appreciate, await(等待), be denied(拒绝给予), embrace(高兴有), enjoy,find, grasp/take/seize(抓住), have, let slip, lose, miss, neglect(忽视),give up/pass up(放弃) utilize/take advantage of(利用), welcome, -arise/occur(出现), -slip away(滑过),12,enjoy,1)保护、支持类,enjoy parental protection受到家长的保护,enjoy grassroots support 得到基层支持,enjoy the thanks and applause of 得到感谢和赞许,enjoy government subsidies得到政府财政补贴,enjoy assistance from从得到帮助,2)待遇、地位类,enjoy a series of privileges 享受一系列特权,enjoy great prestige 享有很高的威望,enjoy red-carpet treatment 受到隆重的接待,enjoy great credibility享有很高的信誉,enjoy access to 有权(有机会)进入(使用),13,3)优势、能力类,enjoy advantages具备优越条件,enjoy market supremacy占据市场的绝对优势,enjoy better communications信息交流渠道更畅通,enjoy a bilingual ability具备使用两种语言的能力,enjoy unlimited market potential拥有无限的市场潜力,enjoy a special place in 占有一个特殊的地位,enjoy a distant edge over sb.占明显优势,14,4)增长、发展类,enjoy low inflation and high rates of growth 通货膨胀率低,经济增长率高,enjoy a 31 percent increase in income 工资增长百分之三十一,enjoy a surge in sales销量激增,enjoy double-digit growth以两位数的百分比速度增长,enjoy the biggest salary rises工资增长幅度最大,15,5)生活、境况类,enjoy the occasional spree,偶尔倾囊狂购一阵,enjoy the greenery,喜欢绿树成荫处,enjoy a revival,重振雄风,enjoy a successful career,从事一项有成就事业,enjoy affluence,生活富裕,enjoy a rehabilitation,得到恢复,enjoy prosperity,处于繁荣,16,6),影响、关系类,enjoy considerable influence,拥有相当大的影响,enjoy a warm working relationship,工作关系融洽,enjoy uncustomary warmth,关系亲热得异乎寻常,enjoy a political honeymoon,政治上打得火热,7),天气类,enjoy a fair amount of sunshine,有较充足的阳关,enjoy a dry day,一天无雨,17,Suffer,),表示遭受病痛,suffer a stroke,中风,suffer head injuries,头部受伤,suffer liver failure,得肝病,suffer stomach trouble,得胃病,suffer brain damage,大脑受伤,suffer agonizing pains,疼痛难忍,suffer mental disorders,精神失常,suffer nervous shock,精神受到刺激,suffer a series of fevers,高烧不退,suffer burns,烧伤,18,2),表示遭受打击,不公正待遇,suffer mental agony,精神痛苦,suffer emotional aguish,情感少受痛苦,suffer discrimination,受歧视,suffer inequalities/injustice,受到不公,suffer negative publicity,被人暴光,suffer abuse,遭虐待,suffer torture,受折磨,suffer beatings,遭毒打,suffer a trauma,精神受创伤,suffer physical violence,遭暴力伤害,suffer punishment,受惩罚,19,3),表示遭受事故、灾害、损失,suffer serious pollutions,受严重污染,suffer rising unemployment,失业人数不断增加,suffer an earthquake,发生地震,suffer serious accidents,发生严重事故,suffer steady economic deterioration,经济状况不断恶化,suffer a sharp decline/drop in production/living standards,产量,/,生活水平急剧滑坡,suffer a crash,飞机坠毁,相撞,suffer a brain drain,人才外流,suffer devastation/damage,遭摧残,suffer decay,衰败,20,suffer a trade deficit,贸易逆差,suffer continuous grain deficits,粮食连年歉收,suffer a famine,发生饥荒,suffer a serious spread of AIDS,爱兹病严重蔓延,suffer high casualties,伤亡惨重,suffer a recession,经济衰退,suffer a widespread drought,大片地区遭受旱灾,suffer a setback,受挫,suffer a defeat,失败,suffer serious consequences,造成严重后果,suffer a fire,失火,21,4),其他,suffer speech problems,讲话困难,suffer a school system,教育制度有问题,suffer poor service,服务差,suffer a change,因变化而受损,suffer flight delays,遇到航班延误,suffer periodic shortage,出现周期性短缺,suffer cycles of success and defeats,经历几上几下,suffer a severe image problem,形象不好,suffer the strains of success,面临成功带来压力,22,V. Dictionary recommended.,1。Oxford Collocations Dictionary for Students of English- 外语教学与研究出版社 74。90,2。新世纪英语用法大词典 上海外语教育出版社 106。00,3。大学英语写作表达词典 上海外语教育出版社 36。00,23,


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