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I,want to see,the,dentist, please.,Nurse,:,Do you,have,an appointment?,Mr. Croft:,No, I dont.,want to do sth.,want sth.,have a good time,have lunch,have a bath,Nurse,:,Is it urgent?,Mr. Croft:,Yes, it is. It is very urgent.,I feel,awful. I,have,a terrible toothache.,I feel happy.,He feels ill.,have a headache,have a fever,Nurse,:,Can you come,at 10 a.m. on Monday April 24th,?,Mr. Croft:,I,must,see the dentist now, nurse.,Nurse,:,The dentist is very busy,at the moment,. Can you come at 2 p.m.?,Mr. Croft:,That is very late.,Can the dentist see me now?,Nurse,:,Im afraid,that he cant, Mr. Croft.,Cant you,wait till this afternoon?,Mr. Croft:,I can wait, but my toothache cant!,Notes on the texts,课文注释,1.,Do you have an appointment?,你有预约么?,文化背景:,西方国家一般看病都不是去,大医院而去私人医院,医生很忙,需要接待很多病人,只能安排好,时间,按预约时刻去看病,,其他时间一般没办法看病。,2.,Is it urgent? 很急么?,这句话,一般,常用于医院,买票,排队等情况。,I feel awful. 我觉得很糟糕。,感官动词 + 形容词,feel awful,3.,I have a terrible toothache.,我得了严重的牙疼。,terrible,a. 很差的,糟糕的,This is a terrible,film.,这是部糟糕的电影,4.,April 24,th,4月24号,读作:April the 24,th,5.,Im afraid that he cant, Mr. Croft.,恐怕他办不到呀,Croft 先生,Im afraid that+句子,表示否定,不是真的害怕,,而是语气婉转。,I,am afraid that,I,cant come tonight,.,恐怕今天晚上我不能来了,Im afraid that it will rain tomorrow.,我担心明天会下雨。,Dont be afraid that people will laugh at you. 不要害怕人们会嘲笑你。,Review:,宾语从句跟在两类词后:,表示人的情感或心理活动的形容词,afraid/ sure/ sorry/ glad/ anxious/ confident/ proud,S+ be+ adj. +,宾语从句,主句和宾语从句中有,that,连接,后边加句子。,当主句是一般现在时,从句可以用任何时态。,我担心我明天去不了了。,I am afraid that I cant come tomorrow.,很抱歉我昨天没有去。,I am sorry that I didnt go yesterday.,我跟高兴你能帮助他们。,I am glad that you can help them.,2,、,S+ v. +that +,从句,其中的动词为:,think/ know/ believe/ say/ hope/ understand,她知道你会来的。,She knows that you will come.,我相信我能飞。,I believe (that) I can fly.,6.,Cant you wait till this afternoon?,您就不能等到今天下午吗?,情态助动词的否,定疑问句形式,,表示请求,Good morning, Mr. Croft.,Good morning, nurse. I want to see the dentist (,看牙医,), please.,Do you have an appointment (,预约,) ?,No, I dont.,Is it urgent (,急诊吗,)?,Yes, it is. Its very urgent. I feel awful. (,难受极了,),I have a terrible toothache.,Can you come at 10 a.m. on Monday (on/in), April 24th?,I must see the dentist now, nurse.,The dentist is (be,适当形式,) very busy at the moment.,Can you come at 2 p.m.? (at/in/on),Thats very late. Can the dentist see me (I,适当形式,) now?,Im afraid that he cant, Mr. Croft.,Cant you wait till this afternoon?,I can wait, but my toothache cant!,Review,1.I want to see the dentist , please.,对红色部分提问,What do you want to do?,2.Do you have an appointment?,变成肯定句,I have an appointment.,3.Is it urgent ?,变成肯定句,It is urgent.,4.Its very urgent.,变成一般疑问句,Is it very urgent?,5.I feel awful.,对红色部分提问,How do you feel?,7.I have a terrible toothache.,变成一般疑问句,Do you have a terrible toothache?,8.I must see the dentist now, nurse.,变成否定句,I mustntneednt,see the dentist now, nurse.,8.The dentist is very busy at the moment.,对红色部分提问,Who is very busy at the moment?,9.Can the dentist see me now?,变成肯定句,The dentist can see you now.,你知道下面的词组什么意思吗?,1. have a good time / a bath / a cake / a drink,2. have some money / some envelopes,3. have a headache / a fever / flu / an earache,She _,(,go,),to town every day.,She _,(,go,),to town yesterday.,She _,(,buy,),a new car every year.,She _,(,buy,),a new car last year.,He often _,(,lose,),his pen.,He _,(,lose,),his pen this morning.,She always _,(,listen,),to the news.,She _,(,listen,),to the news yesterday.,bought,lost,listened,buys,loses,listens,went,goes,用所给的动词的正确形式填空:,Lesson 7,8,When did you .?,你什么时候.?,1.复习时间表达法口诀:,时间顺读时后分,,时间逆读分后时。,三十以内past连,,三十以后to中间。,分用六十减放前,,时后加一不能欠。,2.复习in,on,at的用法:,【in】是“大姐”,因为后面所接的都是较长时间(月、年、季节等)。,【on】是 “二姐”,后面所接的时间多与日期有关(星期、日期、具体时间、纪念日等)。,【at】是“小妹”,因为接在后面的时间最短(具体时刻或某短暂时间)。,Written exercises A on page 160书面练习,Complete these sentences.,把下列句子改写成过去时。,Exle:,She goes to town every day. She went to town yesterday.,1 She buys a new car every year. She _ a new car last year.,2 She airs the room every day. She _ it this morning.,3 He often loses his pen. He _ his pen this morning.,bought,aired,lost,4,She,always listens to the news,. She _,to the news yesterday,.,5,She,empties this basket everyday,. She _ it,yesterday,.,listened,emptied,DO,Written exercises,B on page 160,When did you / he / they ?,Its 1997. When did you paint this room?,(last year),I painted this room in 1996,Its 5th January. When did she meet him?,(two months ago),She met him on 5th November,背并抄写课文L77,抄写单词,L,7,7,完成,Exercise book,L77-78,.,Homework,Thank you,


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