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ASQ Master (Title),This is an example of first level text,This is an example of second level text,This is an example of third level text,This is an example of fourth level text,This is an example of fifth level text,American Society for Quality,Section Management Process2002-03,An Overview,Changes,SMP Committee charged with:,Making SMP more “section-friendly” and easier to use,Incorporating Society and SAC goals into the process (retention (growth), value, satisfaction),Changes,Fundamental section requirements from S-1 incorporated,No extra submissions mandated,Just officer/committee list and annual financial report,Business plan strongly encouraged to be submitted to RD,Changes,Enhanced recognition criteria/levels,Additional tools provided,Eliminates one position SMP chair,The chair and chair-elect or if there is none, the vice chair, will be the SMP contacts,Quick Summary,SMP focuses on the cyclical process of running a section,Meeting basic requirements,Planning and goal-setting,Implementing plan,Evaluating member needs and satisfaction,Evaluating progress towards goals,Meeting basic requirements and planning,Quick Summary,Wide array of tools are provided with SMP and other HQ tools are highlighted,(tools are denoted in this presentation by pink font color),Manual and tools provide an outline of running a section,SMP now more of a “How To”,Quick Summary,SMP and the recognition piece has been divided into two categories:,Section Basics,Section Performance,Section Basics,Sections meeting SB have a solid foundation from which to serve their customers,Based on minimum requirements for section existence from Policy S-1 and Society Bylaws,Section Basics,Submit Officer/Committee list to HQ by May 1, 2002,Chair, treasurer, auditing chair and examining chair positions need to be filled,Officers/committee list form,Section Basics,Submit,complete,audited,financial report to HQ by August 15, 2002,Treasurers Manual,Financial report forms,Policy S-4 (treasurer and auditor responsibilities),Section Basics,Have at least 30 members as of March 31, 2002,Officer/committee list form,Hold regularly scheduled activities,Uphold bylaws and policies,Section, Model, and Society Bylaws,Policies & Procedures,Section Basics,To achieve Section Basics recognition, criteria must be met by the stated deadlines,Recognition sent out late August:,Letter from RD,Mention in journal of record,Use of Section Basics Logo,Section Performance,Second level of SMP,Where the cycle of section management comes in PDCA,Plan,Develop business plan in spring/summer 2002,What do we want to do this year?,How are we going to do it?,How are we going to measure this how will we know if were successful?,Plan,2 sets of goals to consider:,SMP goals (based on Society and SAC measures),Sections own goals and objectives,Plan - Goals,SMP Goals,Based on Society and SAC measures:,Member satisfaction,Member value (do members value their section?),Member retention,Plan - Goals,SMP Goals for 2002-03:,Retention rate,- increase by 5 percentage points (comparing 02-03 rate to 01-02 rate),From membership figures as of March 31 of each year,Value and satisfaction, meet or exceed Society average (02/03 is a year to establish baselines),These two measures taken from 2002 Section Assessment Survey,Plan - Goals,Sections own goals,Based on member feedback and requirements,2001 Section Assessment Survey results,SMART,In alignment with the Societys 2002-03 strategic plan,2002-03 Strategic Plan and Guide,Plan,After goals have been set.,How will they be measured?,How will you know your on the right path to reaching that goal?,Plan,Goals/measured should be documented in a plan,Template is available, but you should use what works best for your section,Business plan template,Sample plans from 701 and 1414,Activity ideas from 1999-00 and 2000-01 Total Quality sections,Plan,Other tools to assist in planning:,Key Dates Management Calendar,Best Practices Library,Your regional and deputy regional directors,Plan,Share your plan with your Regional Director by September 1, 2002,(not mandatory, but very strongly encouraged),No need to send plan in to HQ,RDs may recognize sections that meet the deadline,Do,Now the plan can be implemented,Throughout the year, progress should be continually monitored,Event/meeting evaluations,New member needs assessments,Retention rates, etc.,Do,Since progress is being tracked, changes can be made in order to improve chances to achieve goals,Do,Many tools available (SMP tools and other HQ tools) to help in this stage:,Sample needs assessments and evaluations (for meetings, events, SEC),Membership lists and downloading guide,Growth charts (sent to sections in summer),Other leadership resources on ASQNet,Do,Annual business report form,Great template to help track basic progress,Administration database,Access database to help manage membership lists/information (available late spring 2002),Retention Model,developed late spring/early summer,Check,In spring of 2003, the check stage begins,Start to compile results of business plan,Data from 2002 section assessment survey can be reviewed,Sections will be asked to assist HQ in promoting participation in this survey.,Annual business report form can be completed,Check,Conduct member needs assessment,Figure out what members expect from section,Meeting topics, times, locations,Educational programs,Certification needs, etc.,Needs assessment sample and tips,Check,Look at needs assessments from new members that have joined throughout the year,Look at March 31, 2003 member numbers for retention,Membership lists,Administration database,Act/Plan,In late spring/summer 2003,you can act on the findings from the check stage as you plan for the 2003-04 year,Then, the CYCLE STARTS OVER,Section Performance,Two types of recognition,Total Quality Award,Excellence Award,Sections can achieve both, one or the other, or none,Sections must meet Section Basics requirements in both 2002-03 and 2003-04 to be eligible for recognition,Section Performance,Total Quality Award,Submit the results of your 2002-03 business plan,(and cover letter),to HQ and your RD,by September 1, 2003,75% of goals need to be met,Meet Section Basics in 2003-04,Section Performance,Section Excellence Awards,Meet Section Basics in 2003-04,Meet SMP goals:,Retention 5 point increase,(as of 3/31/03),Value and Satisfaction meet or exceed Society average,(from 2003 Section Assessment Survey results, available by Spring 04),Section Performance,Three grades of Section Excellence Awards:,Gold meeting all three of SMP goals,Silver meeting two of SMP goals,Bronze meeting one of SMP goals,Recognition,Total Quality Award,Letter from RD*,Certificate*,Mention in journal of record*,Plaque at HQ*,Pins (4/section)*,Name badge ribbon at 2004 AQC,Award presented to section rep. at 2004 annual business meeting at AQC,* Distributed in September 2003,Recognition,Gold Excellence,Letter from RD,Certificate,Mention in journal of record,Plaque at HQ,Pins (4/section),Name badge ribbon at 2004 AQC,Award presented to section rep. at 2004 annual business meeting at AQC,Entered into drawing to win one of three 2004 AQC registrations,Recognition distributed spring 2004,SMP Manual,Mailed to chairs and chair-elects (or vice chairs) in mid-March,Describes the process in two ways:,Matrix,Narrative,SMP Manual,Tons of tools available ,including tool list that describes resources available from HQ,Manual and tools on ASQNet:,LeadershipDocumentsBrowse by PositionSMP Chair,Tools in Word or Excel if they need to be manipulated,SMP,Any questions?,


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