IBM 服务部的六堂课

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单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,P,11,版权所有 1993-2006 金蝶软件(中国)有限公司,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,服务业务,IBM,学到的六件功课,November,1,4,2008,9/22/2024,1,背景说明,在 1991 年的时候,IBM 也注意到,非维护性的服务,已经贡献了 9.26% 的业绩。经过了十多年的经营,目前服务已经,贡献了IBM 40% 的业绩。,为什么会有这个成果,大约可以归结了以下方面:传统的努力工作与严肃的承诺、跟随客户不断成长、建立了有纪律的管理及财务系统,并且投资在招募人才及培训人员。,IBM 基于了这十多年的服务业务,总结了六项因素,供大家参考。,这份文件,是,IBM Corporate Archive,所整理的。时间是,2002,年五月。,IBM 开始服务业务,1989,年,,IBM,成功的帮助,Kodak,设计、建置及运维数据中心,开始受到鼓舞。同年,,IBM,也提供,Business Recovery Services,协助企业持续运维。,1991,年春天,,IBM,管理层批准了服务战略:在,1994,年,成为世界级的服务公司。同年,将,System Services Division,改组为,Integrated Systems Solutions Corporation,,是,IBM,全资的子公司。,1993,年,并没有解散这一个公司,而是将,integrated,变成了,IBM,服务业务的模式:包含了硬件、软件及服务。当时网路是时兴的方向:包含了,client server,与,internet,的,都符合了 “,integrated”,1995,年,IBM Global Services,成立。,IBM,要统一组织去开发及交付服务。重点是能够更集中有关于技能、知识、能力于客户的问题,并且使各项资源可以重复使用,提升响应时间。,IBM 学到的功课,In building its services business over the past 10 years, IBM has learned at least six lessons which might be applicable to other businesses.,在历经十年、建置服务业务,IBM 至少学习到了六项功课,这些功课,或许可以应用在其他的业务之上。,壹、坚持此项业务及文化的变革,是需要长期实施的,First, commit to business and cultural change for the long run.,IBMs successful services evolution was not initially obvious to observers. Even thought the service-only business ( excluding maintenance )was unprofitable until 1994, IBM stayed the course, and that business has grown accordingly.,IBM 服务事业的成功,并不是一开始就看得到的。甚至一开始,直到 1994 年,是不赚钱的生意。IBM 还是待在这一条路线上,直到业务因此而成长。,贰、人的投资,并投资建立流程支持他们,Second, invest in people and the processes to support them.,In the service business, People are the brand. For that reason, IBM invests over $1 billion a year in education and training for its employee, much of it done via distance learning.,在服务业务的领域中,人是品牌。就是因为这一个原因,IBM 每年投资了超过十亿,在教育与培训员工,多数是以远距离教学的方式完成。,叁,将资源贴近客户的需求,Third, align your resources closely to customer demands.,肆、坚持核心实力,并且持续专注于策略,Fourth, adhere to your core strengths and remain focused on strategy.,IBM did not get distracted by the dot-com mania. The company believed e-business was not about browsers but was really about business; not about clicks but about commerce. IBMs business plan was based on that belief and when the market eventually shifted in that direction, IBM was ready and positioned to deliver mission-critical services solutions.,IBM 并没有分神于 dot com 的狂热。公司相信电子商务不是只有浏览器,而是业务;不是鼠标的点击、而是商务贸易。IBM 的业务计画,始终基础于相信市场最终会转移方向。IBM 当时已经准备好定位自己,可以提供关键业务服务的方案了。,伍、建置与联合多种价值链,Fifth, build and leverage multiple value chains.,In todays global business environment, alliance and “co-operation” are common practices because no one company can do it all. Competitive advantage can be derived by identifying the role that best suits your company and by recognizing what someone else can do much better or much quicker and combining the two.,在今天,全球业务环境,联盟与合作是共同的实践典范。因为,没有一个公司可以全部包下来。竞争的好处能够推论出,让每一个公司找到自己的最佳角色,以及认清哪一些,人可以做的更好及更快。并且让这两件事情合并起来。,陆、使自己抢先并更快的进行创新,Sixth,adapt anticipate and be quick to innovate.,IBM now regenerates its services portfolio on a rigorous and regular basis. Annual strategic plans are a relic of the past.,IBM 现在,重新产生服务的产品,是以严格和有规律为基础。每年的战略计画都会被当作遗宝。,联系方式:,chiehwu,业务咨询热线:4008-830-830,金蝶网站:,


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