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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2015/11/2,#,词,汇中的模块学习法,英语的常用词汇数以千计,是一个大模块,我们可从模块识词、模块记词和模块用词的角度把高中,3500,个英语单词创建为,350,个模块。第,7,版,高中英语词汇,7,周会,8-9,月重新上市。,记单词要做到“三会”:首先是会读,然后是会意思,其次是会拼写。,Mary always enters the room,last,and she is,the last,girl l like.,Dad is,anything,but a cook,and Mum is,nothing,but a cook.,北外著名教授、全国基础外语教育研究培训中心常务副理事长张连仲老师说:,记单词不要记“单”词,,也一定不要“单”记词。,词汇模块,16,字教学法,词不离伴,词不离串,,词不离换,词不离段。,1.,词不离伴,“,词不离伴,”,是,指,给单词找伙伴,(partner),,,把单个的词扩展为一个小模块,模块里可能是词组、短语、短句子,也可能是同类词语,这样生词就有了“亲朋好友”,有了生存环境,不再孤立无助,记起来容易产生联想。这叫单词的,生存模块,。,例如(人教版高中英语第一册,Unit 1Friendship),:,课本后词汇表,自学或课堂笔记,survey n.,调查,make a survey of,ignore vt.,忽视,ignore ones mistakes,loose adj.,松的,live a loose life,suffer vi.,遭受,suffer from a cold,recover,恢复,recover from the cold,grateful,感激的,be grateful to sb. for sth.,concern vt.,担心,be concerned about,2.,词不离串,无论什么版本的英语教材都难于做到在课本中有规律地复现单词,而词汇模块教学法则能有效地弥补这一不足。“词不离串”是把单词按照类别一串串地连起来,为生词找一群伙伴,形成单词的,联系模块,,从而提升单词的复现率,有效避免单词的遗忘和沉淀。模块的大小可根据教学进度,而,变化的、动态发展的,是不断增大的。我们可根据单词的读音、意思、构词法、搭配、用途等来串连一个单元的单词或词语。,词汇表,课堂笔记,survey n.,make a survey of/look into,ignore vt.,ignore/overlook ones mistakes,loose adj.,live a loose life/loosen the belt,suffer vi.,suffer from/learn from,recover,recover from/benefit from,grateful,be grateful/thankful to,concern vt.,be concerned/worried about,多词一义模块,angry mad,cross,annoyed,rest break,relaxation,interval,ban forbid prohibit; allow permit,delay put off postpone,Internet interview interaction interpreter,6. telephone telegraph telecommunication,7. out of reach out of,t,ouch out of kindness,模块,记词,3.,词不离换,英语中一词多音、一词多变、一词多义的单词较多,,我们,要从多角度认识并掌握一个单词的用法,而不是孤立地、片面地学习一个单词。“词不离换”指的是通过词的不同变换全方位学习和掌握一个单词,如单词的读音变换、词形变换、词性变换、搭配变换、词义变换等,我们把这种“词不离换”的方法称作词语,变换模块,。例如,:,一词多义模块,模块,记词,1. Im very,content,with the,content,of the book.,2. When the girl,went,out her face,went,red.,3. Dont,desert,your dessert on the,desert,.,4. All the people,present did present,presents,to us.,5. Doctors are supposed to be,patient,to their,patients,.,6. We witnessed the,accident,by accident,.,7. I cant,attend,you for I have to,attend my classes,.,8. She wanted to,make,a good teacher and she,made it,.,阅读与模块,Ricky: What is the best part of the mountain rides?,Jackie: My favorite thing is getting a break from being indoors. After being inside all day, its nice to enjoy the clean air and feel the wind.,58.,What does Jackie like most in the mountain rides?,A. Having a rest,B. Drinking the water,C. Watching the birds,D. Enjoying the weather,多词一义!,Book 5-6,一词多联,1.,吸引,3 2.,提出,2 3.,企图,2 4.,预见,2,5.,责备,2 6.,展览,3 7.,重要的,3 8.,连接,4,9.,压力,2 10.,拒绝,3 11.,不断的,2 12.,约会,2,13.,抛弃,2 14.,组成,2 15.,怀疑,2 16.,错误,2,17.,用完,3 18.,终于,4 19.,负担,2 20.,禁止,3,21.,习惯,3 22.,戒烟,3 23.,困难的,3 24.,粗鲁,2,25.,影响,3 26.,冒险,3 27.,反对,4 28.,上升,2,29.,代表,3 30.,发生,4 31.,事实上,5 32.,保证,2,33.,解雇,3 34.,采用,3 35.,完成,3 36.,建设,2,37.,评估,2 38.,严厉,2 39.,指控,2 40.,治愈,2,4.,词不离段,“词不离段”即围绕本单元的话题,把本单元的单词按黑体字、动词、形容词、词组及短语等进行分类,然后就某类词语编写为一段文字,这样既练了词汇,又练了语法,对写作和单词记忆均有好处。,这种模块称作“,文段模块,”。,例,如,:,根据下列方框中的动词,以,friendship,为话题,编写一段小故事:,ignore, pack, concern, suffer, recover, settle, disagree, dislike,My friend Bob had a bad habit of smoking and suffered a lot from it, which,concerned,me a lot. I asked him to give it up again and again, but he,disagreed,with me,and,ignored,my advice. Unfortunately, he fell ill last month because of his heavy smoking and had to stay in hospital. With the help of the doctor who,has settled,down near my home, I asked Bob to stop smoking from then on. This time, to my great joy, he took my suggestion and promised that he would,dislike,smoking any longer. As soon as he,recovered, he came back home,packed,all his remaining cigarettes and threw them away.,找啊找啊找啊找,,找到几个好朋友。,手拉手,在一起,,单词放到模块里。,找啊找啊找啊找,,找到几个好朋友。,你拉我,我拉你,,经常见面不忘记。,


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