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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Basic writing基础写作,How to write a story about a person?,1,本节课重点难点,重点:短句变成长句,尤其是复合句和并列句的使用。,难点:五个句子之间的自然过渡和衔接词的选用是写作难点。,2,Make the sentence longer. The longer, the better.,Our maths teacher is a woman.,Our maths teacher,Our maths teacher is a _ woman.,Our maths teacher is a_woman,who _,_, our maths teacher is a _ woman, who _.,3,某中学生英语报社举办中学生“2005感动中国”观后感征文。你被2005感动中国人物洪战辉的事迹深深感动。根据下面提示写一篇征文,投给这家报社。,洪战辉事迹简介:,1、1982年出生于河南农村;,2、1994年父亲得了精神病并在当年捡来了一个刚出生的女弃婴;,3、1995年,母亲不堪重负离家出走。,4. 他边学习边照顾捡来的妹妹和生病的父亲,担负着常人难以想象的重担考上大学,并一直带着妹妹上大学,照看她,写作要求:只能用5个句子(不包括已给出的部分)表达全部的内容。,参考词汇:2005感动中国 Touch China 2005,4,Group 1,1. Recently, I watched Touch China 2005 on TV.,2. I was deeply moved by the story of Hong,Zhanhui.,3. He was born in Henan Province in 1982.,Sentence1:_,Recently, I watched Touch China 2005 on TV and was,deeply,moved by the story of Hong Zhanhui who was born in Henan Province in 1982.,5,Group 2,1. He was 12.,2. His father got mental disease.,3. One day he brought home an abandoned newly-born girl.,Sentence2:_,6,Group 3,1.His mother suffered from the heavy burden.,2.A year later, his mother deserted the family,3.Hong began to shoulder the responsibility for taking care of his little sister and sick father.,Sentence3:_ _,A year later,his mother, suffering from the heavy burden, deserted the family and Hong began to shoulder the responsibility for taking care of his little sister and sick father.,7,Group 4,1.Hong loved school and studied hard,2.He was finally admitted to college.,3.He took his sister with him and continued,to care for her.,Sentence4:_ _,Hong, who loved school and studied hard, finally was admitted to college, but he took his sister with him and continued to care for her.,8,Group 5,1.Personally, I hold the view.,2.There are many good qualities in Hong worth our learning.,3.The qualities are his sense of responsibility, courage and a loving heart.,Sentence5:_,Personally, I hold the view that there are many good qualities in Hong worth our learning, including his sense of responsibility, courage and a loving heart.,9,Recently, I watched Touch China 2005 on TV and was,deep,moved by the story of Hong Zhanhui who was born in Henan Province in 1982. When he was 12, his father got mental disease and one day brought home a abandoned,new-born,girl. Whats worse, a year later,,his,mother, suffering from the heavy burden, deserted the family and Hong began to shoulder the responsibility for taking care of his little sister and sick father. To our delight, Hong, who loved school and studied hard, finally was admitted to college, but he took his sister with him and,continue,to care for her. Personally, I hold the view which there are many good qualities in Hong worth our learning, his sense of responsibility, courage and above all, a loving heart.,10,Practise Basic writing,基础写作实战演练,11,写作内容:,Great Swimmer Michael Phelps,1.迈克尔 菲尔普斯是美国一位非凡的游泳运动员。,1985年6月30日出生于美国马利兰州巴尔的摩市。,2. 他7岁开始游泳,经历了许多艰苦的训练。15岁的时候,他参加了2000年奥运会,并在200米蝶泳比赛中排名第五。据报道,他是这次次奥运会中自1932年以来竞争的最年轻的男性选手。,3 在北京奥林匹克运动会,迈克尔 菲尔普斯实现了他的8枚金牌梦,打破了7个世界纪录,创造了历史。,4. 你的启示。(可以用谚语),写作要求:只能用5个句子(不包括已给出的部分)表达全部的内容。,参考词汇:迈克尔.菲尔普斯Michael Phelps;马利兰州巴尔的摩市 Baltimore, Maryland ;非凡的extraordinary.蝶泳butterfly。,12,Great swimmerMichael Phelps,Michael Phelps is a great American swimmer,who,was born in Baltimore, Maryland on June 30, 1985.,When,he was seven years old, he started swimming and experienced much tough professional training.,At the age of 15, he attended the 2000 Olympics and placed fifth in the 200-meter butterfly,as the youngest male athlete,to compete in the Olympics,since 1932,.,Furthermore, at the Beijing Olympic Games, Phelps realized his 8- gold-medal dream and bravely broke 7 world records,creating the history,.,Its no wonder that where theres a will, theres a way,as the old saying goes,.,13,Dear Mr. Helper,Im a senior 3 student. I am now in great need of,your help because I can hardly stand the great pressure.,Every day we stay at school for about ten hours to,have lessons _ spend at least three to four hours doing,our homework. _, hardly can we find any time,to do what we want. _, We suffer from lack,of sleep, which, in the long run, is not good for our health.,The reason why we are carrying such a heavy,burden is that we are getting the pressure from the,college entrance examination. _, Our parents,have high expectations of us.,I am looking forward to your advice.,Yours sincerely,Li Hua,第3步 连句成篇,and,As a result,Whats worse,In addition,14,


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