Chapter 5.3动词 被动语态ppt

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Chapter 5.3 Passive Voice,1/When Predicate is used to represent an action. There are two kinds of relationship between subjects and Predicate namely.The Active Voice and the Passive Voice. When subject is an executant. We should use the Active Voice when the subject is a receiver of the action We should use the Passive Voice,I speak English. English is spoken by me.,1,2/ Structure,1). Be+ done.,He often buys books in this bookshop-,He usually reads a novel in the evening-,2). Was/were+ done,I received a present from my friend.-,She took it away.-,2,3). Will+ be+ done,/would be+ done,You would not be allowed to take so much luggage with you.,He asked me what tools would be needed in the work?,4).be being+ done/ ; was were+ being+ done,A new railway is being built here.,The case was being investigated by the police,3,5). Have+ been+ done/had+ been+ done,The building has been decorated well.,Production costs had been greatly reduced,6). shall/ will+ have been done,The project will have been finished by the end of next year.,7). Should/would+ have been+ done.,He said that the work would have been done.,4,8). There is no passive voice of prefect continuous tense and future continuous tense. If you want to change these sentences, you can use perfect tense or the future tense,We have been discussing the problem for two days -,The problem has been discovered for two days,We shall be discussing it tomorrow-,It will be discussed tomorrow,5,3/ Its usage:,1. we dont know who is the executant of the action or it is unnecessary to know who the executant of the action is.,Such books are written for children.,We have not been told about it.,The bridge has been built.,2. The object of the action is the centre of the talk,The book was written by a worker,The school was built by a businessman,6,3. Because of respect, the speaker isnt willing to say who is the executant,You are requested to give a performance.,You are welcome to give us a talk,4. Sometimes. This is the need of the sentence structure,He appeared on the stage and was warmly applauded by the audience,The plan was especially supported by those who wished to have more chance to speak English,7,5. In Chinese. Passive voice is often used in some sentences.,He was elected chairman of the Students Union.,She was praised for her fine work.,He has been sent to work in Tibet,When will the sports meet be held?,More highways will be built here.,Rice is chiefly grown in the south.,8,4/The passive voice of special structures,1. The passive structure of model verbs Its the same as the future tense.,The work must be finished in time,The machine parts may be needed in our work.,He should be criticized for his carelessness.,9,2. The passive structure of the Infinitive.,The whole plan has to be revised.,All there factors ought to be taken into consideration.,The project is going to be completed.,These criminals are sure to be punished,10,3. The passive voice of the phrasal verb.,Has the doctor been much talked about recently?,Such a thing has never been heard of before.,The children are well taken care of in the nurseries.,For this he was often made fun of.,The house was set fire to by a thief.,11,4. When the verb has double objects. We can change the sentence into two sentences .,The teacher taught them a lot of things in the school-,The journalists asked him a number of questions at the press conference.-,He was asked a number of questions at the press conference.,A number of questions were asked (to) him at the press conference,12,5. When the verb can take compound structure ,generally the object is often put at the beginning of this sentence.,We elected him chairman in the class.-,He was elected chairman,We called him a good man-,He was called a good man.,Note: If the bare infinitive is used as objective complement We should add “to” when it is changed into the passive voice,13,-He saw me go into the room. -,I was seen to go into the room,-He made the small animals stay in the forest,-The small animals were made to stay in the forest,6. If the complex sentence is changed into the passive voice especially with an objective clause (1) We use It in front of the sentence and put the clause at the end of the sentence,People said the fire had been put out.,It was said that.,14,(2). When a complex sentence especially with an objective clause is changed into the passive voice, we can change the complex sentence into a simple sentence as follows.,Its structure is be +p. p. + to do,They said that he would stay here.-,He was said to stay here.,They say that he is a good player.-,He is said to be a good player,15,7.The Passive Voice of the gerund.,It can be used as subject ,object or object of the prep.,Being taught Chinese for one year was useful.,Being punished like that made him unhappy.,He could not bear being looked down upon.,He enjoyed being called the nickname,He is fond of being treated like that,16,8.The passive voice of present participle “ being done ” : Generally it refers to sth that is happening.,I watched her being taken away by a young child.,The building being built there is a classroom building,9. The passive voice of past participle. It has the passive meaning itself,A. Predicative,He got married a year ago.,The window was broken,17,B. Objective complement.,I had my hare cut yesterday.,They had their rooms repaired last year,C. Adverbial.,Seen from the building ,the college is beautiful.,Heated, water can change into vapour,18,10. Differences between link V+ Predicative and the passive voice.,1).the passive structure mainly emphases the action, while the Link V+ Predicative structure focuses on characteristics of subject or state.,The glass is broken.,The glass was broken by my brother,The house is surrounded by trees,The enemy was soon surrounded by us.,19,2). Tenses are different. If it is the Link V+Pre structure. It refers to the state it often uses the Present Indefinite and so on. While the passive structure often appears in the sentence with other tenses such as perfect or continuous.etc,He was injured in the leg,He has been injured twice that year,The bridge is completed,It was completed in 1968,20,3) Adverbials If there are some adverbials to modify the verb, it must be passive voice.,The library is closed.,The library is usually closed at 6 every day.,21,


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