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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,情景交际单选题解题技巧,二忌中文思维,一忌上词下用,三忌直接回绝,四忌答非所问,五要弄清言语含义,1,上词下用,指的是答句部分延用了题干句子的重点词、信息词,按表层意思似乎合情合理,但往往为错误的“虚像”,需经进一步分析后才能确定正确选项。,一忌上词下用,1. I wonder if I could use your telephone.,_.,(,1996,上海,27,),A. I wonder how,B. I dont wonder,C. Sorry, its out of order,D. No wonder, here it is,2. Could I use your dictionary?,Yes, you _.,2,掌握英汉两种语言和文化之间的相同和相异之处,对于准确解题至关重要。我们解题失误之一是按汉语的表达方式和结构去套英语,去选答案,.,二忌中文思维,Do you think its going to rain over the weekend?,_,A.I dont believe,B.I dont believe it,C.I believe not so,D.I believe not,3,(1) Can I speak to Mr Wang, please?,.,A. Who are you B. Im Wang C. Speaking D. Are you John?,(2) Its getting late. Im afraid I must be going now., OK.,.,A. Take it easy.,B. Go slowly,C. Stay longer,D. See you,4,Id like to invite you to dinner tomorrow. Oh, no. Thatll be too much trouble.,Thank you ever so much for the book you sent me. Please dont say so.,Hi, havent seen you for ages! You look fine! Oh, no.,5,这主要是指在对方要求得到帮助,提出请求或邀请时,回答过于直接,不够委婉,尽管从语义角度分析是没毛病的,但不符合英语国家的交际习惯。应该要,注重礼貌和合作优先原则,三忌直接回绝,在作否定回答 时,为了表示礼貌和委婉,通常要用一些委婉词,如,but, Im afraid, Im sorry, thanks, please, had better,等,6,1. “Would/Do you mind doing sth?”,“,Sorry, but I do.”,“Sorry, but I wish you wouldnt.”,“Sorry, but Id rather you didnt.”,“Not at all.”,“,7,1. Id like to invite you to dinner this Saturday, Mr Smith. ,.,A. Oh, no. Lets not,B. Im very sorry, but I have other plans.,C. Id rather stay at home.,D. Oh, no. Thatll be too much trouble,2. I didnt know this was a one-way street, officer.,_,A. Thats all right.,B. I dont believe you.,C. How dare you say that?,D. Sorry, but thats no excuse.,8,四忌答非所问, Let me introduce myself. Im Albert, What a pleasure, Im sorry I broke your mirror., Oh,really? Its OK with me., Pleased to meet you, It doesnt matter,一、要掌握常用的功能意念会话项目, 特别是一些口语式的固定搭配;,二、要理解对话交际场合和交际意图, 理出答题思路,对 策,9,1.,Do you think our basketballers played very well yesterday?,_.,A. They were not nervous at all B. They were still young,C. They played naturally D. They couldnt have done better,2.,I think you should phone Jenny and say sorry to her.,_. It was her fault.,A. No way,B. Not possible,C. No chance,D. Not at all,五要弄清言语含义,3. “Ive never found a better job.”,“_.”,A. I dont think so B. Too bad,C. Congratulations D. Dont worry,10,回答,thank you,回答,thank you,和,sorry,回答,sorry,1.Its a pleasure. 2.You are welcome.,3. My pleasure.,4. Dont mention it,Not at all.,Thats all right.,Thats OK.,Its nothing.,Forget it.,No problem.,1. It doesnt matter.,2. Never mind.,11,Never mind,“Never mind”,意为“没关系”,“,不要紧”,常应用于下列场合,:,1),回答对方的致歉,Im sorry. I came in a hurry and forgot to bring food.,Never mind. You can have ours.,2),回答对方的求助,Sorry to trouble you.,Never mind. What can I do for you?,3),安慰对方,Did you watch the baseball match yesterday?,No, I missed it. By the time I got there, it had already finished.,Never mind. It was a boring match.,4,)用来谢绝别人的提供,意为:不用啦;别费事啦。,Can I help you with it?,要我帮你做这事吗,?,Never mind.,别费心啦。,12,Dont mention it,1.,用来回答感谢或类似于感谢的句子,意为:不用谢;不客 气;不要这样说;哪里哪里。,A,:,Thank you very much.,B,:,Dont mention it.,A,:,The film was wonderful. Thank you for inviting me.,B,:,Dont mention it. Im glad you enjoyed it.,2.,用来回答道歉,意为:没关系。,A,:,I apologize for what I said.,B,:,Dont mention it.,13,Forget (about) it,1.,用来回答感谢,意为:算不了什么,不用谢了。,A,:,Thanks a lot.,B,:,Forget it.,2.,用来回答道歉,意为:没关系,A,:,Im sorry for what I said.,B,:,Forget it! I dont remember anyway.,3.,表示不想提及或无关紧要,意为:忘了它吧;别提了; 别放在心上,A,:,How much do I owe you?,B,:,Forget it.,4.,表示不愿重复说过的话,意为:没什么;别提了。,A,:,Sorry, what did you say?,B,:,Oh,,,forget it.,5.,表示否定,意为:不行; 休想; 不可能; 别抱什么希望。,A,:,Ill take the small truck.,B,:,And leave me to drive the other one? Forget it.,14,not really,1.,表示轻微的否定,意为“不很”。,A,:,Do you want to come along?,B,:,Not really.,2.,表示怀疑或不相信,意为“不会吧”“不见得”“不会是真的吧”,A,:,They got married last month.,B,:,Not really.,3.,表示语气很强的否定,意为“真的没有”“的确没有”。,A,:,Did you watch the news on TV last night?,B,:,Not really.,15,Come on,(1),用来表示请求、鼓励、劝说等,意为:来吧;行啦。,Come on, Bill, you can tell me, I wont tell anybody.,(2),用来催促别人快走,(,做,),,意为:快点。,Come on, its getting dark.,Come on, Mr. Wang is waiting.,(3),表示责备或不耐烦,意为:得啦;行啦;够啦。,Come on, dont sit there dreaming.,Oh, Jane, come on, for goodness sake.,(4),用于挑战或激怒对方,意为:来吧;好吧;试试吧。,Come on! Im not afraid of you.,(5),用于体育竞赛等场合鼓励队员,意为:加油。,“,Come on! Come on! ” shouted the audience again and again. “,16,精品课件资料分享,SL,出品,17,精品课件资料分享,SL出品,18,精品课件资料分享,SL出品,19,


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