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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,机场口语培训,At the airport,1,Self Introduction,name,job,working age (,工龄,),hobbies,(爱好),(30 minutes,),2,机场大厅,(at the airport),第一部分:咨询台(,At the information desk,),第二部分:办理登机手续,(Checking in),第三部分:过安检(,Going through Security),3,第一部分:咨询台,(At the information desk),Key words: arrive,到达,take off,起飞,delay,延迟,announcement,通知,a.m.,上午,p.m.,下午(和晚上的时间),例如:,7,:,30 a.m.,2:30 p.m. 9:00 p.m.,4,固定句型,1. When will the Flight+,航班号,arrive?/ When is Flight+,航班号,supposed to arrive?,XX,班机什么时候抵达?,arrive:,抵达,到达,suppose:,应该,2 . It will arrive at +,时间,/ It is supposed to arrive at+,时间。,它将在,XX,时间抵达,3. The Flight XX is delayed because of,XX,班机因,XX,原因而延误了。,4. There will be a XXX.,将会有一个,XXX,。,5,情景模拟,情景:一乘客在咨询台询问班机到达时间及延误原因。,6,模拟范例,Staff: Can I help you?,Mike: Yes. When is Flight CA 72 supposed to arrive? CA72,航班什么时候到达?,S:It is supposed to arrive at 7:30 am, but its delayed because of bad weather. There will be an announcement about it shortly.,早上,7:30,分,但是由于天气原因飞机延迟到达。很快就会有通知。,7,(接上文),M: I see. When is it actually arriving?,我明白了。那航班最终什么时候会到?,S: At 9:00 oclock a.m.,早上,9:00,。,M:Thank you.,S:Youre welcome.,8,第二部分:办理登机手续,(Checking in),Key words: ticket,机票,passport,护照,allowance,限额,remove,去掉,item,物品,baggage / luggage,行李,boarding card,登机牌,hand luggage,手提行李,suitcase,箱子,scale,称,overweight,超重的,9,Key phrases:,bring the weight down,减少(行李)重量,pay the excess baggage,为超重部分付款,removefrom,把,从,中移开、去除,charge somebody,收费,leave from,从,起飞,10,固定句型,1. :,Can I have you ticket please, sir/miss/ madam?,请出示您的机票,2 .,Can you place XX on here please?,您能把,XX,放在这里吗?,Your,bags are over the allowance.,您的包超重了。,Your baggage allowance is XX kilos and your bags weight XX kilos.,行李限重为,xx,千克,但您的包重,XX,千克。,5. Your flight leaves from Gate XX at XX.,您的航班,XX,点从,XX,号登机门起飞。,11,固定句型,eitheror,或者,或者,You can either or you can,您可以,,或者您也可以,。,7.,It comes to $XX.,总共,XX,美元。,8. Here is your XXX.,这是您的,XXX.,9.,Ill have to charge you.,我得收取您的费用。,10. Its over there, to your left/right.,在那边,向左转,/,右转。,12,情景模拟,情景:某乘客检票登机, 但行李超重,机场服务人员要求他减少行李重量或为超重行李付款。,13,模拟范例一,CID=check-in desk PAX=passenger,CID: Good morning, sir.,PAX: Good morning.,CID:,Can I have you ticket please, sir?,请出示您的机票,PAX: Yes, of course. Here you are.,CID: And your,passport, please?,PAX:OK, here you are.,CID:,Can you place your bags on here, sir?,您可以把包放在这边吗?,PAX: Ok. Here you go.,14,CID: Im sorry, sir, but,your bags are over the allowance. Your baggage allowance is 20 kilos and your bags weight 28 kilos.,您的包超重了。规定重量为,20,千克,您的包是,28,千克。,PAX: Hmmwhat shall I do?,CID: Well, sir,you can either remove some items from your bags to bring the weight down or you can pay excess baggage.,您可以去掉一些包里的东西,减轻包的重量,或者您也可以为超额的重量付钱。,PAX:OK. How much is it?,CID:,It comes to $72.,总共,72,美元。,PAX: Here you are.,CID: Thank you. Here is your,ticket, passport,and,boarding card,. Next, please.,15,情景模拟二,CID:,How many pieces of luggage do you have,?,您有几件行李?,PAX,:,I have two.,CID: Fine. Do you have any,hand luggage,?,您有手提的行李吗?,PAX,:,Yes,I have a suitcase and a small shoulder bag.,我有一个行李箱和一个小的肩包。,CID: Thats fine. Can you put your luggage on the scale?,您可以把包放到称上吗?,(工作人员看到读数为,25,千克,),But your luggage is five kilos overweight, so Ill have to charge you.,你的行李超重,5,千克,我得收取您的费用了。,16,(接上文),PAX,:,Just a minute, please. Ill put my dictionaries in my shoulder bag and then it wont be overweight. (,从包中拿出两本字典。称的读数刚好是,20,千克。),CID,:,Thats fine, sir.,Your flight leaves from Gate 14 at 7:15 pm.,您的飞机晚上,7:15,分从,14,号登机门起飞。,PAX: Where is Gate 14?,CID,:,Its over there, to your left.,在那边,向左转。,PAX: Thank you, sir.,17,第三部分:安检,(Going through security),Key words: conveyor belt,/knvei/,传送带,metallic objects /,i,tems,/mitlik/,金属制品,tray,盘,metal detector,金属检测仪,take off,取下,step through,通过,raise ones arms,抬起胳膊,pocket,衣服口袋,18,固定句型,Place XXX here, please.,请把,XXX,放在这儿。,Place XXX in the tray, please.,请把,XXX,放在盘子里。,2. Excuse me, please check your pockets for XXX, XXX, and so forth.,请查找口袋里是否有,XXX,,,XXX,等。,3. Please step through,(,the metal detector).,请过安检。,4. Would,you mind doing ?,您介意做,吗?,5. Please raise your arms.,请抬起您的胳膊。,6. Its your XXX. Would you mind taking it off,?是您的,XXX,(造成了响声),您介意取下来吗?,19,情景模拟,情景:某乘客过安检时身上有戒指导致金属检测仪发出警告,安检人员要求其拿出金属物品并重新安检。,20,模拟范例一,SO=Security Officer PAX=passenger,SO: Place your hand luggage here, please, miss.(,指着传送带),And place any metallic items in the tray.,PAX A: OK.,乘客,A,走过金属检测仪,检测仪发出声响。,SO:,Excuse me, miss, please check your pockets for keys, mobile phones, and so forth.,请查找兜里是否有钥匙,手机等。,PAX A,:(在兜里找到几个硬币),Im terribly sorry.,21,SO:,Could you please put them in the tray and walk through again, miss,?,请您把硬币放在盘子里然后再走一遍,可以吗?,(,这次没有声响了),SO: Next, please. Please remove your keys, watch and other metallic objects.,PAX B: OK, Im ready now.,SO:,Please step through.,(,乘客,B,走过金属检测仪,检测仪又响了),SO: Hmm,would,you mind standing here please, miss? And raise your arms.,(,工作人员拿检测仪围着乘客,B,检测,在乘客手指附近发出声响),SO: Its your ring, miss. Would you mind taking it off?,PAX B:OK, no problem.,(,这次没有声音了,),PAX B: Can I go now?,SO: Yes, miss. Have a nice trip.,22,Thank you!,23,


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