2013秋牛津译林版八上《Unit5 Wild animals》(Task)课件

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 4 Wild animals,Task 1,Learning about different wild animals.,kangaroo,giant panda,squirrel,camel,dolphin,wolf,giraffe,zebra,tiger,bear,monkey,lion,polar bear,fox,tortoise,根据句意及所给首字母填空.,The c_is called a ship or boat of the desert.,Lets go across the road at the z_ crossing.,Most people are afraid of the w_. They like eating meat.,I read the story “The Hare and the T_.,We often use she to refer to a f_.,amel,ebra,olves,ortoise,ox,6. Have you seen the cartoon The L _ King?,7. A m_is very good at climbing trees.,8. A polar b_ is white and lives in the north pole.,9. A g_ is an African animal with dark spots on a yellow skin and a long neck and legs.,10. A s_has a long soft tail and lives in the tree.,ion,onkey,ear,iraffe,quirrel,11. A k_lives in Australia and has a pocket in front.,12. A g_ p_lives only in China and its favourite food is the bamboo.,13. There is a d_ show in the Undersea World .,14. A t_ lives in the forest or the mountain and eats small animals.,15. The hunter likes to kill a b_ for its fur and paws.,angaroo,iant,anda,olphin,iger,ear,bamboo shoots and leaves,fish,fruit,grass,insects,smaller animals,tree leaves,vegetables,snails,camel _,fox _,giraffe _,monkey _,panda _,polar bear _,tiger _,wolf _,grass, tree leaves,smaller animals, insects,tree leaves,fruit, vegetables,bamboo shoots and leaves,fish,Task 2 Choose the correct food,smaller animals,smaller animals, insects,snails,Task 3 Favourite wild animals,A: Which wild animal do you like best?,B: I likebest.,A: Which animal do you like least?,B: I like least.,My favourite animal only lives in China. Its a giant panda.,Appearance:,Ability:,Favourite food:,The best place they live in:,Dangers:,fat but lovely, black eyes, black and white fur,can climb trees,bamboo shoots and leaves,in the wild / forests,Its difficult for them to live in the wild.,Getting fewer and fewer,Task 4 Something about giant pandas,A,The growth of Xi Wang,1 day,weighed just 100 _ and drank her mothers milk for _ _ 14 hours a day,10 days,looked like _ _ _,4 months old,weighed about 10 _ and started to go _ her home _ _ _ _,6 months old,started to eat _ _ and _,8 months later,_ _ a healthy young giant panda and weighed 35 _,20 months old,had to _ _ _,grams,up,to,a,white,mouse,kilograms,kilograms,outside,for,the,first,time,bamboo,shoots,leaves,grew,into,look,after,herself,B,Giant pandas are,in danger,now.,If hunters catch a giant panda, they will kill it for its fur.,If farmers cut down trees and forests, giant pandas will have nowhere,to live.,Mothers often leave baby pandas for two whole days on their own . If people find baby pandas alone, they will often take them away.,C,giant pandas reserves bigger,more reserves,farmers to leave the giant pandas reserves,Make,_,_,Build _,Encourage_,the actions we can take to protect giant pandas,D,After _( read) the story of Xi Wang, we all know the _(grow) of a giant panda. We also know the _(important) of _(protect) them. They are in great_(dangerous).,We can take the _(follow) actions. We must grow more _(bamboo) and build more _(reserve). We should encourage hunters _(not kill) them and and encourage farmers _(leave) the giant panda reserves.,reading,growth,importance,protecting,danger,following,bamboos,reserves,not to kill,to leave,E. Fill in blanks with proper forms.,Task 5,Consolidation,1. 许多野生动物面临危险.,Many wild animals are in danger.,2. 一千克是1000克.,A kilogram is 1000 grams.,英语老师总是鼓励我课堂多发言,.,The English teacher always encourages me to speak more in class.,4.我们一定要采取以下措施学好英语.,We must take the following actions to learn English well.,5.如果农民砍伐树木森林话, 大熊猫就无处可住了.,If farmers cut down trees and forests, giant pandas will have nowhere to live.,6. 在一开始时, 我并不喜欢数学.,At the very beginning, I didnt like maths.,7.乌龟能活到150岁.,Tortoises can live up to 150 years .,8. 可惜得是, 对野生动物来说在野外生存很困难.,Sadly, its difficult for wild animals to survive in the wild.,9. 她第一次在学校图书馆借书.,She borrowed some books from the school library for the time.,10. 这些孩子将来要单独在外国生活.,These children will live in foreign countries on their own in the future.,Love nature,love life.,Grammar A,Using conditional sentences to talk about possible situations.,If引导的条件状语从句,What will happen if we grow more bamboo?,If we grow more bamboo, giant pandas will,have more food.,What will you do if you go to the zoo?,We will watch the dolphin show if we,go to the zoo.,What will a bear do if it is in danger?,If a bear is in danger, it will,attack people.,What will a polar bear do if it is hungry?,If a polar bear is hungry , it will,catch fish from the water.,What will elephants do if they are thirsty?,Elephants will walk till they find a river,if they are thirsty.,What will tiger do if they live in the wild?,Tigers will hunt for their own food if they live in the wild.,What will male wolves do if there,is danger?,Male wolves will protect their families,if there is danger.,1.If you,eat,my food, I,wont talk,to you.,-I,wont,talk to you if you,eat,my food .,2.If I,dont have,food, I,will,die,.,-I will die if I dont have food.,一般现在时,从句,一般将来时,主句,Grammar (1),Work out the rule,1.定义:谈论到一个可能的行为会产生一个可能的结果.,2.时态:if 引导的句子用一般现在时,主句用一般将来(主将从现,3. 句子的结构: A: 主句+if引导的从句.,(主句在前从句在后),B: 引导的从句, +主句.,(从句在前主句在后,中间加逗号),一用所给的动词填空,1. If he _ (watch) the animal carefully, he _(get) enough information.,2. I cant finish the work if you_ (not help) me.,3. If you dont go there tomorrow, I _,(not go), either.,4. _(not cross) the road if the light_ (be) red.,5. If a giant panda _ (have ) no food, it _ (die).,watches,will get,dont help,wont go,Dont cross,is,has,will die,6. The baby panda _ (live) on his own if his mother _ (leave) him for two whole days.,will live,leaves,7. If we _ (build) the giant panda reserves, we _ (encourage) them to leave.,8. If we _ (not do) anything, soon there _ (be) no pandas in the world.,build,will encourage,dont do,will be,二Translations,1. 如果你吃我的食物,我就不和你讲话;如果我不吃食物,我就会死;如果我死了,就没人照顾你了。,If you eat my food, I wont talk to you.,If I dont eat food, I will die. If I die, no one will look after you.,2. 如果明天不下雨,我就去公园.,I will go to the park if it doesnt rain,.,3. 如果他有更多的时间, 他就去观看海豚表演.,If he has more time, he will watch the dolphin show.,4. 如果我去世界公园, 我会了解很多有关世界名胜.,I will learn a lot about the world if I go to the World Park.,5. 如果人们发现小熊猫单独那儿, 他们会抱走他们.,If people find baby pandas alone, they will take them away.,6. 如果老虎生了孩子,他们会群居.,Tigers will live as a family if they have babies.,Grammar B,Use “because/ because of to give reasons for something.,because/ because of,Work out the rule,Why did you go to the zoo yesterday?,-,Because,I wanted to see animals,.,-Because of,watching animal shows,.,-Because of,the wonderful show,.,because引导原因状语从句,because of名词名词短语宾格代词,Practice,1. Why does Daniel have poor eyesight?,2. Why did the students leave school early?,3. Why didnt Jim come to school today?,4. Why should we prevent people cutting downs trees?,5. Why were the dolphins tired?,6. Why must we learn English well?,7.Why were you late for school this morning?,一选用because/because of,1. _ it was blowing strongly, Millie closed all the windows.,2.Little Peter ran to the big tree _ the heavy rain.,3. Amy often goes to Beijing Zoo _ she likes animals very much.,4. Pat has poor eyesight _ working on the computer too much at night.,5. The airport is closed _ the bad weather.,Because,because,of,because,because of,because of,二改错,My mother had a bad cold so she fell into the river on her way home.,Uncle Li had to walk home because of he lost his wallet.,All the plane in the airport cant take off because the heavy fog.,I like reading books about animals because I will get lots of,informations,from books.,He got up late because of go to bed too late last night.,because,去掉of,because,because of,information,going,Appearance:,Ability:,Character:,Favourite,food:,Danger:,fat but lovely, black eyes, black and white fur,can climb trees,very quiet and peaceful,bamboo shoots and leaves,Hunters hunt them for their fur.,Farmers cut down trees and they have nowhere to live.,Their living places are becoming farmland.,Report: Giant pandas are in danger,Report: Wolves are in danger,grey fur, not very big,Appearance:,Ability:,Character:,Food:,Danger:,good eyesight, hearing and smell,be friendly; work as a team; never attack people; dont kill for fun,animals, insects, snails, vegetables,loss of living areas; no home;,no food,Appearance:,Ability:,Character:,Food:,Danger:,Report: Tigers are in danger,yellow fur; bright eyes,run fast; be good at hunting,live alone; live as a family,other animals,Hunters hunt them for their fur and bones.,( to make furs and medicine,),Report: Bears are in danger.,Appearance:,Ability:,Character:,Food:,Danger:,Big and strong, small eyes,black or brown fur, sharp paws,Can walk upright, good at swimming,and climbing trees,Like to move around in the daytime,seldom hurt people,small animals, nuts, honey,Hunters hunt them for their fur and paws,Sample writing,Elephants are very big and strong. They are grey and have long trunks and tusks.,Elephants have poor eyesight, but very good hearing and smell. They can lift heavy things and break down branches with their trunks.,Appearance,Ability,Elephants are very friendly towards each other and towards their neighbours. Usually, they live in a group. Young male elephants dont leave the group until they are about 12 years old.,Sadly, there are very few elephants in the world. Their number is getting smaller and smaller because their living areas are becoming farmland. If people keep taking their land, elephants will have nowhere to live. Also, people hunt them for their tusks. We must stop this. If we dont take any action, there will be no elephants in the world.,Dangers and actions,Character,


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