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I see.,Whose house is it? Guess!,d,o,o,g,box hot not ,/,D,/,Look at the,d,o,g,In the,b,o,x,.,It is,h,o,t,.,Whose house is it,?,Are they _?,Yes, they are. / No, they arent.,cats,It is,.,Look at the,.,b,i,g,f,t,c,t,a,a,/,s,a,d,r,a,t,a,It is,.,b,i,g,f,i,g,p,i,g,d,i,g,Look at the,.,/I/,r,a,bb_t,i,i,t,b,i,t,Can you read?,t,/I/,b,t,/I/,b,r,/,b,t,/I/,How many,rabbits,can you see?,How many,rabbits,can you see?,d,u,ck,c,u,t,f,u,n,s,u,n,Look at the,d,u,ck,In the,s,u,n,.,It is,f,u,n,.,C,u,t,the bread.,/,/,they,ducks,Cut the Bread,are,duck,s,hey,are,t,T,.,re,hey,duck,a,A,T,t,?,Find and Write,s,.,找找错误,并写一写。,g,oo,se,g,ee,se,Are they ducks?,No, they arent.,/Yes, they are.,Are they ?,What are,these,/,those,?,A: What are,these/those,?,B: They are .,A: Are they ?,B: Yes, they are.,/No, they arent.,Lets guess : Whats this?,hen,What are they,?,They are,hens,.,Feed the hens .,Lets guess : Whats this?,horse,horse,house,Theyre horse,s.,What are they?,Ride a horse .,cow,Lets guess : Whats this?,How many cow,s,?,There are five cow,s,?,Milk a cow .,goat,sheep,How many goat,s,?,What are they ?,They are,sheep,.,Shear a sheep .,Whos goats baby?,s,lamb,They are ,Hold a lamb .,猜 一 猜,horse,cow,sheep,hen,lamb,goat,What is it?,A: What do you see? B: I see.,A: Are they ?,B: Yes, they are.,/ No, they arent.,A: What are these / those?,B: They are.,A: How many can you see?,B: I can see .,Look, count and say.,_,horses,_ cows,_ sheep,_ goats,_ lambs,_ hens,five,three,five,two,three,three,Look! This is,my farm.,I have .,Look! This is,my farm.,I have .,_,horses,_ cows,_ sheep,_ goats,_ lambs,_ hens,Look, count and say.,three,six,four,four,four,two,问 一 问,超 级 模 仿 秀,Read and write,Read and write,John: What do you see in the picture?,Zhang: I see five cats, eight rabbits and,two pigs. What are those? Are,they ducks?,John: No, they arent. They are geese.,Zhang: How many geese can you see?,John: Let me see . Three.,Zhang: What are these? Are they dogs?,John: Yes, they are.,1.What do you see in the picture?,I see 5 s ,8 s and 2 s.,No, they arent.,pig,2.Are they ducks?,cat,rabbit,Read and write,Read and choose,( ) 1. I see five _, eight _,and two _.,A. cats, pigs, rabbits,B. pigs, cats, rabbits,C. cats, rabbits, pigs,( ) 2. How many geese can you see?,A. Three. B. Thirteen.,C. Eleven.,C,A,关于动物的谚语,Proverbs About Animals,a wolf in sheeps clothing,“,披着羊皮的狼 ”,a black sheep,“,害群之马”,a lost sheep,“,迷途羔羊”,a sheep among wolves,“,落入狼群”,follow like a sheep,“,盲从”,return to ones sheep,“,回到主题”,separate the sheep from the goats,“,区别好人和坏人”,A cat in gloves catches no mice.,“,带手套的猫捉不到耗子”,copy cat,“,盲目的模仿”,enough to make a horse laugh,“,极其可笑 让人笑掉大牙”,enough to make a cat speak,“,令人惊讶 事情太出奇”,It rains cats and dogs.,“,瓢泼大雨”,let the cat out of the bag,“,泄露秘密”,The cat shuts its eyes when stealing cream,“,掩耳盗铃”,see how the cat jumps,“,看风使舵,随机应变”,- wait for the cat to jump,When the cats away, the mice will play,.,“,山中无老虎 猴子称霸王”,Thats all !,Thank you !,Pets,Pets are animals or plants which people keep not for economic purposes, but for spiritual purposes. Generally in order to eliminate loneliness, or entertainment fed.,What is the definition of a pet?,Why do people like to keep pets?,There are so many reasons for people to keep pets.,What are they?,For Children,Enhance immunity;,Feel happy when play with pets;,Know how to take care of others;,Have more love and compassion.,For young people,Expand their social circle ;,Train sense of responsibility as parents ;,Help them look after the house ;,Regulate mood ;,Reduce stress,For old people,Reduce the number of visiting doctors;,Security Worth Love and to be loved;,To have a good health,The kinds of pets,Animals,plants,Others,Mammals(,哺乳类,):Dog Cat Mice Hedgehog(,刺猬,) Rabbit,Birds(,鸟类,):Parrot Canary(,金丝雀,) Lark(,百灵,) ,Animals,Fish: Goldfish Piranha(,食人鱼,),Insects(,昆虫类,): Ant Butterfly Dragonfly(,蜻蜓,) Silkworm(,桑蚕,) ,Reptiles(,爬行类,):Snake Turtle(,龟,),Lizard(,蜥蜴,) ,Plants,Mini pot(,迷你盆栽,),Hydroponics plants(,水培花卉,),Others,Electronic Pets:,QQ Pet,Which pet do you like best,Cat,Friendly,Lovely,Brave,Characters:,Cats have their own language.,Cats will use sound to meet the owner, to discuss food, interest or protest.,Rabbit,Lovely Smart Interesting,Dog,1, simple and honest love, loyal to owner,2, intellectual development,3, jealousy, vanity(,虚荣,), ambition,4, sound, light sensitive and vulnerable to panic,5, sensory sensitivity, memory strong,6, adaptability,They like gregarious(,群居,) living.,They have a good sense of smell and their hearing is more developed.,Guinea pigs are herbivores(,草食,) and have a large appetite .,Guinea pigs(,豚鼠,),What should we do when fed a pet?,Have a feeding on time;,Take a bath when necessary;,Play with them when you are free;,Take care of them:,Dont let it get lost,Dont let it get sick, when it is sick you should take him to see a doctor at once.,Thanks for,your appreciating,


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