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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,Preposition +which / +whom,ATTIBUTIVE: FOLLOW ME!,定语从句,介词,+which/whom,引导的定语从句用于正式场合。在这一结构中,关系代词,which/whom,做介词的宾语。,当先行词是人时,用介词,+whom,引导定语从句,例如:,They may start as,a group of high-school students,for whom,practising,their music in someones house is the first step to fame,.,当先行词是物时,用介词,+which,引导定语从句,而且只能加,which,,不能加,that,,例如:,They produced,a new record,in 1996,with which,they celebrated their former time as a real band,.,关系副词,when, where, why,和,介词,+,which,之间的关系,关系副词,when, where, why,可以用适当的,介词,+which,来替代。,如:,when=in/on/at+which,where=in/on/at+which,why=for+which,。,介词的位置非常灵活,有时放在关系代词之前,,有时放在动词之后。,1. I wont forget the date,when,(,on which,) I,was born.,2. This is the room,where,(,in which,) I lived.,= This is the room which I lived in.,3. I dont know the reason,why,(,for which,),he havent come today.,4. Tom still remembers the days,when,(,in,which,) they lived in Tianjin.,注意,:,介词,+which,(指物,),不可省,介词,+whom,(指人,),不可省,介词后不用,who、that,The city,which,she lives,in,is far away.,The man,whom,you spoke,to,is our headmaster.,The farm,on,which,we worked ten years ago is beautiful.,This is,the tree,under,which,we used to play games.,Hangzhou is the place,where/,to,which,I,went,last summer.,I remember,the day,when/on which,my father died. I was only ten years old at that time.,1.,介词的确定方法,The money,with,which you were to buy dog food,is,gone,.,He,wont,forget the day,on,which he failed in,the,exam.,根据先行词来确定,We thought you were a person,from,whom we could expect good decisions.,The West Lake,for,which Hangzhou is,famous, is a beautiful place.,根据定语从句中的谓语动词或形容词确定,Air,without,which man cant live, is really important.,根据定语从句所表达的意义来确定,The pen,with,which he is writing now was bought yesterday.,2.,介词的位置,一般情况下,介词放在关系代词,which,和,whom,之前,也可放在动词后。,固定搭配的动词短语中的介词一般不能提前,.,常见的这类动词短语有,: look for/after/forward to,、,care for,、,take care of,、,hear of/about/from,等,.,This is the right place Im,looking for,.,The girl,whom,he is,looking after,is his sister.,介词关系代词引导的定语从句,关键是判断,介词的选择,方法一是看从句谓语部分,缺少什么介词,(,习惯搭配,),再则可以通过整个句子整体含义来判断,结合生活实际来判断,.,Tips,1. Do you like the book,on which,she spent $10?,2. Do you like the book,for which,she paid $10?,3. Do you like the book,form which,she learned a lot?,4. Do you like the book,about which,she often talks?,介,词,+,关系代词的使用,5. The man,to whom,I spoke on the phone last night is very good at writing.,6. Glasses,without which,I cant see clearly, are really,important for me.,7. China is a beautiful country,of which,we are proud.,8. Do you remember the day,on which,you joined our club?,The man _I shook hands just now is my daughters English teacher.,A desert is a great plain _ nothing will grow.,He was the man _room the thief had stolen the bag.,This is my pair of glasses, _I cannot see clearly.,with whom,in which,from whose,without which,This is the teacher,whose,daughter is a famous doctor.,=This is the teacher,the daughter of whom,is a famous doctor.,1.,名词,+,介词,+,关系代词,We have three foreign teachers,two of whom,are from,Canada.,2.,数词,+,介词,+,关系代词,(,含基数词、序数词、,分数和百分数),3.,代词,+,介词,+,关系代词(代词有,all,、,both,、,-,none,、,neither,、,either,、,some,、,any,等),The old woman has two sons,both of whom,are teachers.,4.,形容词最高级,+,介词,+,关系代词,China has thousands of islands,the largest of,which,is Taiwan Island.,5.,介词,+,关系代词,+,名词,He spent four years in college,during which,time,he studied medicine.,5.The girl _he spoke made no answer.,6.The factory produces half a million pairs of shoes every year, 80% _are sold abroad.,7.They asked me a lot of questions, many _ I couldnt answer.,Two men, _I had ever seen before, came into my office.,我以前从未见过他们,neither of whom,to whom,of which,of which,9.He got his first salary,,,_ he gave to his parents.,其中一半,10.Our country has many islands, _is Taiwan.,其中最大的,11.The journey around the world took the old sailor nine months, _ the sailing time was 226 days.,the largest of which,half of which,of which,介词加关系代词的基本用法,The man _ you,shook hands,just now is our headmaster.,The room _ my family,live,used to be a garage.,Did you find the pen _ I,wrote,just now?,Did you find the paper _ I,wrote,my letter?,Did you find the composition _ I,wrote,just now?,with whom,in which,with which,on which,which,The farm,we worked ten years ago isnt what it used to be.,He is the man,you can turn for help.,This is the tree,we used to play games.,on which,to whom,under which,on the farm,在农场,turn to,sb,. for help,向某人求助,under the tree,在树下,The sun gives us heat and light, _ we cant live.,The student _ we were talking just now is the best student in our class.,Ill never forget the day _ she said goodbye to me.,Who can give me the reason _ he hasnt turned up yet?,without which,about whom,on which,for which,1. The teacher_ _ I learnt most was,Mrs,Zhu.,2. This is the house_ _,LuXun,once,lived.,The reason _ _ I came here is,that I want to get your help.,4. The fellow _ _ I spoke made no,answer.,5. The West Lake, _ _,Hangzhou,is,famous ,is a beautiful place.,from whom,in which,for which,to whom,for which,1.Do you know who lives in the building _,there is a well?,A.in,front of it B. in front of whose,C.in,front of which,D.in,front which,2.Ill never forget the,day_I,joined the League.,A.on,which,B.in,which,C.which,D.at,which,3.The,woman_my,brother spoke just now is,my teacher.,A. who,B.to,whom,C.to,who D whom,C,A,B,4.Jeanne was her old,friend,_she,borrowed a,necklace.,A.from,who,B.from,whom,C.to,that,D.to,whom,5.His,glasses,_he,was like a blind,man,fell,to,the ground and broke its leg.,A.which,B.with,which,C.without,which,D.that,6.she is a teacher of much,knowledge,_much,can be learned.,A.who,B.that,C. from which,D.from,whom,B,C,D,7.He built a,telescope_he,could study the skies.,A.in,which,B.with,that,C.through,which,D.by,it,8.Do you know the,reason_he,was late?,A.that,B.which,C.for,what,D.for,which,9.I have bought two,ballpens,_writes,well.,A.none,of which,B.neither,of which,C.none,of them,D.neither,of them,C,D,B,10.The Second World,War_millions,of people were killed in 1945.,A.during,which,B.in,that,C.where,D.on,which,11.China has many,rivers,_the,Changjiang,River is the longest.,A.which,B. in which,C.among,which D. one of which,12.This is the very,knife_I,used to cut apples,yesterday.,A.that,B.by,which,C.which,D.with,which,A,C,D,13. The,speed_which,you drive your car,mustnt too high.,14. In the park there are many,flowers,the,colour,_ which is bright and nice.,15. The little girl is reading a,book,_which,there are many pictures.,16. What were the,things_which,he was not,too sure?,17.They held a,meeting,_which,the hospital,director made a speech.,18.The,book,_which,he paid 6,yuan,is,worth,reading.,at,of,in,about,at,for,


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