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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,二级,三级,四级,五级,*,*,中考语法:状语从句,By,李仰,概说,状语从句即,指在主从复合句用作状语的从句,。按照其意义,状语从句可分为时时间状语从句、地点状语从句、原因状语从句、目的状语从句、结果状语从句、条件状语从句、让步状语从句等。学习状语从句主要应注意引导状语从句的,从属连词,的用法与区别,以及从属连词在一定的语言环境中的意义与用法。,目录,1. 时间状语从句,2. 让步状语从句,3. 原因状语从句,4. 目的状语从句,5. 结果状语从句,6. 条件状语从句,7. 比较状语从句,8.,方式状语从句;地点状语从句。(补充),一,,,时间状语从句,时间状语从句连词,when,When,的用法,1,)描述将来,(“,主将从现”,) (,这个内容也适用于,if,引导的条件状语从句中。,),When,I receive your email, I will reply soon.,2,)描述过去,当我打开门时,我被我所看到的东西震惊了。,When,I opened the door, I was shocked at what I saw.,时间状语从句连词,while,While,的用法,1),基本意思是“,当,时候,”,,还有一个用法表示对比,While,he was eating his breakfast, he heard the doorbell ring.,Some courses in college are required,while,others are optional.,Honesty is a virtue,while,greed is an evil.,时间状语从句连词,while,选词填空:,Tom is very outgoing, _ (when/ while/as) Jane is shy and quiet.,Some people waste food _ (as/when/while) others havent enough.,时间状语从句连词,while,2)虽然,尽管,(约等于,although),While,I understand what you say, I cant agree with you.,While,I think living in poverty is bad, I dont care about money.,和,although,相比,,while,语气比较弱,,比较口语化。,Although,正式,语气也强烈。,时间状语从句连词,as,as,多用在口语中,强调,“,同一时间,”,或,“,一前一后,”,, 有时还有,“,随着,”,的含义。,The board split,as,I sawed it.,考题1,_ he was going out, it began to snow. (,强调两个动作先后发生,),A. AfterB. WhileC. AsD. Till,比较,while, when, as,1) as, when,引导短暂性动作,的动词。,Just as / Just when / When I stopped my car, a man came up to me.,2),当从句的动作发生于主句动作之前,只能用,when,引导,这个从句,不可用,as,或,while,。,When,you,have finished,your work, you may have a rest.,做完工作后你能休息一下。,时间状语从句连词,when,3),从句表示,随时间推移,连词能用,as,,不用,when,或,while,。,As,the day went on, the weather got worse.,随着时间的推移,天气越来越差。,考题,1 (,上海崇明,),Ill give the message to her as soon as she _.,A. is returningB. returns,C. will return D. returned,时间状语从句连词,before,Before 的用法,Long before+,事件,(,在,.以前,很久,),before long=soon,(不久以后),not long before+,事件,(不久),他出生以前很久祖父已经过世。,Long before,he was born, his grandfather died.,他出生前不久,祖父过世了。,His grandfather died,not long before,his birth.,时间状语从句连词,by the time,By the time 用法,By the time +过去时间,:到,.,时间,(,句子主句要用,过去,完成时,),The other students,had,finished eating lunch,by the time,the boy entered the school canteen.,到那个男孩进入学校食堂时,其他学生已经吃好中饭了。,回顾:,By+,将来时间 搭配什么时态?,时间状语从句连词,as soon as,as soon as,1),讲过去的事情,他一到家里,就打开所有的灯和能发出声音的电器。,He opened all the lights and appliances that can make noise,as soon as,he reached home.,2) 讲,一般的情况,Researchers found that women are overcome by a burning desire to share gossip,as soon as,they hear it.,研究发现女人一听到八卦消息就有一种强烈的欲望想去分享它。,时间状语从句连词,the moment,The moment/the second/ the minute,The moment,I saw her, I was attracted by her beauty.,我一看到她就被她吸引了。,她一听到这个消息就来到了现场。,She came here,the moment,she heard the news.,时间状语从句连词,No soonerthan,No sooner.than,一,就,固定公式:,No sooner had,sb,done(,倒过完,) than,sb,did (,一般过,),No sooner _ she _ (sit) down than the phone rang.,No sooner _ the fans _ (see) the movie star than they cried.,No sooner had I got home than it began to rain. (,保原意,改写句子,),I _ _ _ got home than it began to rain.,表示:一,就,连词总结,表示“一就”的结构,汇总:,hardly/scarcelywhen/before, no soonerthan和as soon as都可以表示一就的意思。,注意:,如果hardly, scarcely 或no sooner置于句首,,句子必须用倒装结构,:,Hardly / Scarcely,had I got,home when it began to rain.,时间状语从句连词,Whenever,Whenever, no matter when, every/each time,每当;每次;任何时候,Whenever,I come up to Tianjin, I call at my teachers home.,每次我来到天津,我都会打电话给我的老师。,=,No matter when,I come to Tianjin, I call at my teachers home.,=I call at my teachers home,each/every time,I come up to Tianjin.,时间状语从句连词,once,Once,:曾经;一旦,(,注意时态,),Once,it is shown on TV, this cartoon will be very popular.,这部卡通片一旦在电视上放映就会很火。,你一旦碰到她,就会知道我之前说的话是真的。,Once,you meet her, youll know what I have said is true.,时间状语从句连词,until,until,:,直到,notuntil,直到,才,They talked on and on,until,four oclock in the morning.,用否定句改写,:,They,didnt,stop talking,until,four oclock in the morning.,炎热的天气一直持续到九月。,1) The hot weather continues,until,September.,2)The hot weather,doesnt,stop,until,September.,时间状语从句连词,until,考题1 (上海松江),Mr. Zhang didnt have a rest _ he finished the project with his workmates in the company.,A. after B. while C. untilD. when,考题2 (上海一模卷),The fireman stopped working when all the workers were saved. (保原意,改写句子),The fireman _ stop working _ all the workers were saved.,考题3 (上海一模卷),My father started the engine after we all went downstairs. (保原意,改写句子),My father _ start the engine _ we all went downstairs.,It is not until that,固定句型,It is not until that,的用法,It is not until,yesterday,that,he realized his mistakes.,他直到昨天才意识到他的错误。,It is not until,recently,that,doctors found out the causes of lung cancer.,直到最近医生才找出肺癌的病因。,It is not until,she experienced a series of defeats,that,she realized that her idea was wrong.,直到经历了一系列的挫败后她才发现她的想法是错的。,时间状语从句与及其主句的时态,(1),当主句为,将来时态,或,具有将来意义,时,时间状语从句通常要用,一般现在时,表示将来意义,而不能直接使用将来时态,(,主将从现,),Turn off the lights before you,leave,.,走前关灯。,I will tell him as soon as he,arrives,.,他一来我就告诉他。,时间状语从句与及其主句的时态,(2),与,since,从句搭配的主句的时态通常是,现在完成时,态,(,主现完从过,),He has lived here,since,1999.,自,1999,年以来,他就一直住在这儿。,Where have you been,since,I last saw you?,自我上次见到你之后你到哪里去了,?,时间状语从句与及其主句的时态,注:在特定的语言环境中有时也可能用,过去完成时或一现在时,:,It seems like years,since,we last,met,.,我们似乎几年未见面了。,Yesterday he told me that he,hadnt eaten,anything,since,Tuesday.,他昨天告诉我自星期二以来他一直未吃任何东西。,二,地点状语从句,地点状语从句,连词,where,Go where you want to go.,Where there is a will, there is a way.,Youd better make a mark where you have any questions.,=Where you have any questions, youd better make a mark.,注:地点状语从句中用的,where,通常不用句首,地点状语从句,连词,everywhere,Everywhere,:每一处,Everywhere,Jenny goes shes mistaken for her sister.,无论走到哪个地方,詹妮都被误认为是她妹妹。,地点状语从句连词,wherever,Wherever的用法,Wherever/no matter where,there is smoke, there is fire.,哪里有烟哪里就有火。,Wherever/No matter whe,re you are, I shall be with you.,不论你在哪里我都会陪着你。,Wherever,,,where,,,no matter where,wherever,可以用做句子的名词和地点状语部分,也可以充当让步状语从句(不论哪里,),no matter where 只能用于,让步状语从句,。,Wherever 强调无论哪里 where 只是那里,Wherever,,,where,,,no matter where,答题技巧,:如果选项中同时出现wherever,和 no matter,where,,通常选wherever,。,Wherever 强调,“,无论哪里,”,where 只是,“哪,里,”,Ill go wherever you are. (,地点状语,),不能改成:,Ill go no matter where you are. ,Wherever her mum goes, shell follow her. (让步状语从句),=No matter where her mum goes, shell follow her.(让步状语从句),practice,After the war, a new school building was put up _ there had once been a theatre.,A. thatB. whereC. whichD.when,You should make it a rule to leave things _ you can find them again.,A. whenB. whereC. thenD. there,三,原因状语从句,原因状语从句,连词,because,1),because,语势最强,,用来说明,人所不知的原因,,回答why提出的问题,。,-Why were you absent ?,-,Because,I was ill yesterday.,I didnt go,because,I was afraid.,当,原因是显而易见,的或已为人们所知,就用,as,或,since,。,Since /As the weather is so bad, we have to delay our journey.,原因状语从句,连词,because,关于,notbecause,结构,该结构中的否定词有时否定主句,有时否定从句,一般要根据句子的意思作出正确或合乎逻辑的理解。,若,not,否定主句,最好在,because,之前用逗号,否则会引起歧义,如下句在没有特定上下文时就有两种解释:,I didnt go because I was afraid.,我没有去是因为怕。,/,我不是因为怕才去。,原因状语从句,连词,because,不过若,because,之前有,just,修饰,一般认为,not,是否定从句的:,You shouldnt get angry just because some people speak ill of you.,你不要因为有人说你坏话而生气。,原因状语从句,连词,because,Because,不与,so,连用,汉语习惯上说,“,因为,所以,”,,但英语习惯上却不能将,so,与,because,连用:,因为下雨,所以我们呆在家里。,正:,Because it was raining, we stayed at home. / It was raining, so we stayed at home.,误:,Because it was raining, so we stayed at home.,He is disappointed because he failed again.,用,so,改写,:,he failed again,so,he is disappointed.,原因状语从句,连词,for,2),由,because,引导的从句如果放在句末,且前面有逗号,则可以用,for,来代替。但如果不是说明直接原因,,而是多种情况加以推断,就只能用,for,。,He is absent today,because / for,he is ill.,He must be ill, for,he is absent today.,The day breaks,,because,the sun is rising.,The day breaks, for,the birds are singing.,原因状语从句,连词,for,3)for,不能用在句首,只能用在逗号后面。,He cant have gone out,,,for,the lights on.,他不可能出去了,因为灯还亮着。,原因状语从句,连词,since,Since 众所周知的原因=now that,Since,everybody is here, lets begin.,既然没人反对这个提议,那我们就过了噢!,原因状语从句,连词,as,As 由于,因为,直接原因,,语气比because 弱,,还用于其他固定词组中,如,As we all know, As is known to all,As you request it, I will come.,既然你要求了我会来的。,她没车,只能在家呆着。,As she has no car,,,she has to stay at home.,原因状语从句,连词,because of,Now that,、,Because of,、,owing to,、,due to,、,Thanks to,后加名词,because,从句与,because of,短语的转换:,Because,引导的原因状语从句有时可与,because of,短语转换:,He cant come because he is ill.,He cant come because of his illness.,他因病不能来。,原因状语从句,连词,because of,I said nothing about it because his wife was there.,I said nothing about it because of his wifes being there.,因为他妻子在那儿,我对此事只字未提。,Practice,考题1 (上海浦东新区),Every Double Ninth Festival people climb up high _ they think they can get good luck and live a long life.,A. becauseB. so thatC. as soon asD. though,考题2 (上海奉贤),Peter didnt visit the Science Museum _ he had visited it before.,A) thoughB) ifC) whenD) because,四,目的状语从句,目的状语从句连词,表示目的状语的从句可以由that, so that, in order that,,,in case, for fear等词引导,:,Speak clearly,so that,they may understand you.,讲清楚些,以便他们能理解你。,He studied hard,in order that,he could pass the exam.,他努力学习以便能考试及格。,目的状语从句连词,注:,so that,引导目的状语从句时有时可省略,so,而只用,that,,有时也可只用,so,:,Bring it closer,that,I might see it better.,拿近些,使我能看得清楚些。,Ill show you,so,you can see how its done.,我将做给你看,以便你知道应怎样干。,目的状语从句与状语短语的转换,为了简洁起见,当目的状语从句的主语与主句的主语相同时,目的状语从句有时可用表目的的不定式短语替换:,so that,转变:,so as to,家动词原形,In order that,转变:,in order to 加动词原形,目的状语从句与状语短语的转换,He got up early so that he could catch the early bus.,He got up early,so as to,catch the early bus.,他起床很早以便赶上早班车。,He came in quietly in order that he shouldnt wake his wife.,He came in quietly,in order not to,wake his wife.,他轻轻进来,以免把他妻子吵醒。,目的状语从句与状语短语的转换,so that =in order that 没有任何区别,,so as to 和in order to 加动词原形 但是so as to 不能放句首,so that (目的), so.that (结果),目的状语从句与介词短语的转换,有时还可与表示目的的介词短语替换:,He left an hour early for fear he might miss the train.,He left an hour early,for fear of,missing the train.,他提前一小时离开,以免错过火车。,目的状语从句连词,in case,in case,既可引导目的状语从句,表示,万一,in case,也可引导条件状语从句,表示,以免,:,In case,he comes, let me know.,万一他来,告诉我一声。,Tell me,in case,you get into difficulty.,告诉我以免你遇到麻烦。,目的状语从句连词,in case,注:,in case,引导目的状语从句,从句有时可用,“should+,动词原形,”,这样的形式:,Take your coat,in case,it rains (should rain).,带着雨衣以防下雨。,五,结果状语从句,结果状语从句连词,主要的有,so that, sothat, suchthat,等:,He studied hard,so that,he passed the exam.,他学习用功,所以考试通过了。,He was,so,angry,that,he couldnt speak.,他气得话都说不出来。,He shut the window with,such,force,that,the glass broke.,他关窗子用力很大,结果玻璃震破了。,sothat,与,suchthat,的用法比较,其规律由,so,与,such,的不同词性决定。,such,是形容词,修饰名词或名词词组,,so,是副词,只能修饰形容词或副词。,sothat,与,suchthat,的用法比较,so foolish such a fool,so nice a flower such a nice flower,so many / few flowerssuch nice flowers,so much / little moneysuch rapid progress,so many people such a lot of people,注:,so many,已成固定搭配,a,lot of 虽相当于,many,但,a lot of,为名词性的,只能用such搭配,。,sothat,与,suchthat,的用法比较,注:在,much, many, little, few,这四个词前总是,用,so,而不用,such,:,He had,so many,falls that he was black and blue all over.,他摔了许多跤,结果全身都是伤。,He earns,so little,money that he can hardly feed his family.,他赚的钱很少几乎不能养家糊口。,sothat,与,suchthat,的用法比较,考题1 (上海浦东新区),The price of flat is so high that many people cant afford it now. (保持句意基本不变),The price of flat is _ _ for many people to afford it now.,考题2 (上海松江),The problem is too difficult for us to work out. (保持句意基本不变),The problem is _ difficult that _ can work it out.,sothat,与,suchthat,的用法比较,选词填空:,I have had so _ (much/few/many) falls that I am black and blue all over.,Mr. Green had so _ (few/little/much) money that he was unable to buy anything.,There are so _ (few/many/little) notebooks that I cant give you any.,He had so _ (much/little/few) homework to do that he had to decide not to see the film that night.,结果状语从句与不定式短语,的转换,由,so that,和,sothat,引导的结果状语从句有时可与表结果的,so as to,和,soas to,引出的不定式短语转换,:,He arrived late so that he missed the train.,He arrived late,so as to,miss the train.,他到得很迟,结果未赶上火车。,He wrote so carefully that he made no mistakes.,He wrote,so,carefully,as to,make no mistakes.,他写得很仔细,所以没有出错。,so that,引导目状语和结果状语的区别,(1),含义上的区别:引导目的状语从句时表示的是一种,意欲或可能性,,引导结果从句时表示的是,一种事实,。,so that,引导目状语和结果状语的区别,(2),形式上的区别:引导,目的,状语从句中有,can,中,/ could, may / might, will /would,以及,should,等情态动词,如果没有,则多半是结果从句。,Weve come early,so that,the meeting can begin promptly.,我们来得很早,以便可以马上开会。,(so that,引导目的状语从句,),We are all here now,so that,the meeting begin at last.,我们现在都到齐了,终于能开会了。,(so that,引导结果状语从句,),so that,引导目状语和结果状语的区别,I am going to the lecture early,so that,Ill get a good seat.,我想早点去听演讲,以便找个好座位。,(so that,引导目的状语从句,),I went to the lecture early,so that,I got a good seat.,我去听演讲去得很早,所以找个好座位。,(so that,引导结果状语从句,),特殊情况,sothat,和,suchthat,有时不引导结果状语句,sothat,和,suchthat,可以引导结果状语从句,但并不是说它们引导的从句就一定是结果状语。请看以下句子:,Im,so,happy,that,you could visit us.,我很高兴你能来看望我们。,(,其中的,so,用于加强语气,相当于,very),Its,such,a great pleasure,that,you are here.,你在这里是非常令人高兴的事。,(,其中的,that,引导的是主语从句,句首的,it,为形式主语,),六,条件状语从句,条件状语从句连词,if,;,unless,if,引导的条件句有,真实条件,句和,非真实条件,句两种。非真实条件句在虚拟语气中阐述。,1),考试常考点:,unless = if not,除非,Lets go out for a walk unless you are too tired.,=If you are not too tied, lets go out for a walk.,I wont go if you dont pay me back the money you own me.,=I wont go_ _ _ _ _ the money you own me.,条件状语从句连词,if,;,unless,考题1 (上海普陀区),Youll probably fail the P.E. exam again _ you,practise,more.,A. whenB. unlessC. ifD. after,考题2 (浙江真题),-Would you like to go to the park with me, Susan?,-Id like to, _ you dont want to go alone.,A. untilB. beforeC. if D. after,条件状语从句连词,if,;,unless,考题3 (上海黄浦区),Be quick, or you will miss the school bus. (保持句意基本不变),You will miss the school bus _ you _ quick.,考题4 (上海静安区),Jack wont go to have a barbecue with us. He should finish the work first. (合并为一句),Jack wont go to have a barbecue with us _ he _ the work on time.,条件状语从句连词,if,;,unless,考题5 (上海松江),Put on your coat, or youll catch a cold. (保持句意基本不变),_ you _ put on your coat, youll catch a cold.,条件状语从句连词,as long as,As long as,只要,As long as,it doesnt rain we can go.,只要不下雨,我们就可以去。,条件状语从句其它连词,除以上基本的引导条件状语从句的从属连词外,还有的动词尤其是其分词形式,(,如,suppose, supposing, provided, providing,等,),和介词短语,(,如,in case, on condition that,等,),也可用作连词表示条件:,In case,I forget, please remind me about it.,万一我忘记,请提醒我一下。,条件状语从句其它连词,I will come,on condition (that),she is invited too.,如果邀请她来,那我就来。,He may go with us,provided providing,he arrives in time.,他若及时到,就可以和我们一起走。,条件状语从句其它连词,Suppose,和,supposing,引导条件状语从句时,通常用于主句为疑问句的场合:,Suppose,the boss saw you,,,what would he say?,如果老板看到你,他会怎样说,?,Supposing,he does not come, shall we go without him?,他若不来,是不是不带他去,?,条件状语从句的时态,1,)主将从现原则,If it rains tomorrow, well stay at home.,If you dont look after young trees, they will die quickly.,条件状语从句的时态,2,),祈使句+and,/or/otherwise +一般将来时,If you use your head, youll find a way.,=Use your head,and,youll find a way.,Work even harder,or,you will never pass the exam.(,用,if,改写;,2,种,),You will never pass the exam if you dont work even harder.,You will pass the exam if you work even harder.,七,比较状语从句,比较状语从句连词,比较状语从句常用,than,so(as)as,themorethemore,等引导。,Ihavemadealotmoremistakes,than,youhave.,Hesmokescigarettes,as,expensive,as,hecanafford.,Thebusier,heis,thehappier,hefeels.,比较状语从句连词,考题1 (上海静安区),The newly built bridge enables us to go to Chong Ming island _ than before.,A. easilyB. more easilyC. most easilyD. the most easily,考题2 (上海闵行区),Now Shanghai has become one of _ cities in the world.,A. attractiveB. more attractive,C. most attractiveD. the most attractive,比较状语从句连词,考题3 (上海金山),In exams, the more careful you are, the _ mistakes youll make.,A. moreB. lessC. fewerD. few,比较状语从句连词,no more than,No more than =only,“仅仅;只不过”,She has got,no more than,3 pairs of shoes.,她,仅仅有,三双,鞋子,。=only,They have learned,no more than,two thousand words since they started leanring English 10 years ago.,学英文十年以来。,他们才学了 (只不过才学了) 2000个单词。=only,Jack is,no more than,a poor street boy.,杰克只不过是个可怜的流浪儿。=just,only,八,方式状语从句,方式状语从句,连词,as, (just) asso,1) as, (just) asso引导的方式状语从句通常位于主句后,但在(just) asso结构中位于句首,这时as从句带有比喻的含义,意思是“正如”,“就像”,多用于正式文体,例如:,Always do to the others,as,you would be done by.,时常对待别人像对待自己一样。,As water is to fish,so,air is to man.,空气于人就如水于鱼一样重要。,方式状语从句,连词,as if, as though,as if, as though,两者的意义和用法相同,引出的状语从句谓语多用,虚拟语气,,表示与事实相反,有时也用,陈述语气,,表示所说情况是事实或实现的可能性较大。汉译常作,仿佛,似的,,,好像,似的,,例如:,They completely ignore these facts,as if (as though),they never existed. (,虚拟,or,真实?,),It looks,as if,the weather may pick up very soon. (,虚拟,or,真实?,),方式状语从句,连词,as,You must do,as,your parents tell you.,你必须按你父母说的去做。,注:,(1),在非正式文体中,,like,也可用连词,表示方式,与,as,的用法相似:,Nobody loves you,like,I do.,没有人像我这样爱你。,(2),有时,the way,也可用作连词,表示方式,与,as,的用法相似:,The didnt do it,the way,we do now.,那时他们不像我们现在这样行事。,九,让步状语从句,让步状语从句连词,though,;,although,though, although,注意:,当有though,although时,后面的从句,不能有but,,,但是 though,和yet可连用,;,although,可以和still,连用。,Although,its raining, they are still working in the field.,He is very old,but,he still works very hard.,For most big fire survivors,though,the sore may be healed,yet,a scar may remain.,让步状语从句连词,though,;,although,1._ she is young, she knows quite a lot.,A. WhenB. HoweverC. AlthoughD. Unless,2.He didnt know anyone at the party, _ he had a very good time.,A. becauseB. whenC. ifD. but,考题1 (上海杨浦),_ Thanksgiving Day is a western festival, its still a chance for us to thank our parents.,A. AlthoughB. IfC. WhenD. Because,让步状从连词,even if,;,even though,even if就算 (带假设), even though即使.,Well make a trip,even though,the weather is bad.,即使天气不佳我们也要去旅行。,Even if,I have to sell my house, Ill keep my business going.,即使我卖掉房子也要继续做这个生意。,让步状从连词,whether or,用,whetheror,引导让步状语从句:,不管都,Ill do it,whether,you like it,or not,.,不管你是否喜欢,我都要做。,Whether,we help him,or not, he will fail.,不论我们帮助他与否,他都将失败。,让步状从连词,while,用,while,引导让步状语从句。不要认为,while,只引导时间状语从句,其实它也可引导让步状语从句,意思是,“,尽管,”,或,“,虽然,”,:,While,I understand what you say, I cant agree with you.,虽然我理解你的意思,但我还是不同意。,让步状从连词,no matter,no matter what = whatever,no matter who = whoever,no matter when = whenever,no matter where = wherever,no matter which = whichever,no matter how = however,让步状从连词,ever,这些词在用法应注意以下几点:,(1),它们均可引导让步状语从句,意为,“,无论,”,:,Whatever,you say, I believe you.,无论你说什么,我都相信你。,Whoever,telephones, tell them Im out.,不管是谁打电话,都说我出去了。,让步状从连词,ever,Whichever,day you come, Ill be pleased to see you.,无论你哪天来,我都欢迎。,Whenever,you come, you are welcome.,你什么时候来,我们都欢迎。,Wherever,he goes, Ill go.,不管他去哪里,我也去。,让步状从连词,ever,(2),它们引导让步状语从句时,通常可换成,no matter,,,No matter what,you say, I believe you.,无论你说什么,我都相信你。,No matter when,you come, you are welcome.,你什么时候来,我们都欢迎。,No matter how,much he eats, he never gets fat.,无论他吃多少,他都不发胖。,让步状从连词,ever,注意:no matter 不能引导,名词性从句和状语从句,,只能引导让步状语从句,(不管,.,)。,No matter who spits in the street will be fined. (),Whoever spits in the street will be fined. (),让步状从连词,ever,判别下列句子的对错:,_ No matter what you say is of no use now.,_ Whatever you say is of no use now.,_ Prisoners have to eat no matter what theyre given,_ Prisoners have to eat whatever theyre given.,让步状从连词,ever,whenever,有时可引导时间状语从句,,wherever,有时可引导地点状语从句:,Whenever,we see him we speak to him.,每次见到他,我们都和他说话。(时间状从),They teach,wherever,their pupils are working.,学生在哪里工作,教师们就在哪里上课。(地点状从),让步状从连词,however,(3),注意,however,的以下种句型:,however+,主语,+,谓语:,However you travel, itll take you at least three days.,不管你怎么走,至少要三天。,


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