外研版八年级英语上册Module 12 Help

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Module 12,Unit 1,What should we do before help arrives?,first aid,basic medical help,at the bottom of,be in pain,first of all,find out,Whats wrong with him,?,What do we do,?,have trouble,(,in,),doing,急救,基本的医疗帮助,在底部,处于疼痛中,首先,找出,/,找到,他怎么了?,我们能做什么?,做有困难,ask for help,lift up,do some medical training,make sure,cover sb. with sth.,such,that/so,that,请求帮助,抬起,做医疗培训,确保,用覆盖,如此以至于,Language points,2. He is,in pain,.,in pain,的意思是“,处在疼痛之中,”。,e.g. Are you still,in pain,?,1. A boy is lying,at the bottom of,the stairs.,at the bottom of,表示“,在,.,的底部,”。,e.g. A village lies,at the bottom of,the hill.,3.,First of all,find out,whats wrong with,him.,first of all,表示“首先”。,e.g.,First of all,let me tell you the news.,find out,通常表示“弄明白,搞清楚,查明,.”,e.g. Did the teacher,find out,who broke the door?,Whats wrong with ?,表示“,.,怎么了?出什么事了”,e.g. -,Whats wrong with,the boy?,- He broke his leg.,表示“,.,怎么了?出什么毛病了?”,Whats wrong with the bus,?,Whats wrong with this clock,?,表示,“,你怎么啦?,/,你有什么麻烦事了?,”,常见有三种表达,Whats wrong with you,?,Whats the matter with you,?,Whats the trouble with you,?,4. But he,could,have trouble,hearing you,or speaking to you.,句中的,could,表示推测。,e.g. You,could,be right.,have trouble doing sth,.,“做,.,有困难”,e.g. Maria,has trouble finding,a job and is still staying at home.,have trouble with sth,.,“做,.,有困难”,Were,having,a lot of,trouble with,a new computer system.,5.,Lift,him,up,and sit him on a chair?,lift up,表示“抬起,提起”。,要把代词放在中间。,e.g. Well have to,lift up,the car to get her out.,6.,Make sure,hes warm.,make sure,的意思是“确保,保证”。,e.g.,Make sure,you turn off all the lights before you go out.,7. Thats,such,good advice,that,you could be a doctor, Betty!,such . that .,这个句型表达“如此,.,以至于,.”,的意思,,such,后面接名词,名词前可以有形容词修饰。如果只有形容词或副词,则要使用,so . that .,这一句型。,e.g. They are,such,nice people,that,we all,like them.,He was,so,weak,that,he could hardly stand up.,Unit 2,Stay away from windows and heavy furniture.,Phrase,in short,stay away from,warn sb. about,jump out of,keep calm,keep clear of fire,be careful of,think about,stop doing sth.,总之;简言之,远离,警告某人注意,跳出,保持冷静,不接触火,小心,考虑,停止做某事,Language points,Earthquakes always happen suddenly, so it is difficult to,warn,people,about,them.,地震,总是发生得很突然,所以很难给予人们预警。,句中的,them,指的是,earthquakes,。,warn sb. about,sth,.,意为“提醒,/,警告某人注意某事”。,如:,I was going for a swim in the sea. The people in the hotel warned me about the weather.,我要去海里游泳,宾馆里的人提醒我要注意天气。,2. Do not,jump out of,high building.,保持镇静,尤其是当身边还有其他人的时候。,jump out of “,从跳出,”,climb out of “,从爬出,”,Please dont,jump out of,the window.,2.,Keep calm, especially when you are with other,people.,保持镇静,尤其是当身边还有其他人的时候。,keep calm,是系动词,+,形容词构成的动词短语。其他的行为动词还能作系动词的有,: become, feel, look, seem,等。如:,Everybody became quiet.,所有人都安静下来了。,He looked a little nervous.,他看上去有点儿紧张,.,3.,Its difficult to,warn people about them.,提醒人们注意它们是很困难的。,Its +,形容词,+to do sth.,意为“做某事怎么样”,。,翻译下列句子,努力学习是重要的。,对我来说讲英语是容易的。,多吃水果对你来说是好的。,4.Usually people have little or no idea about what to do during an earthquake.,通常人们在地震时不知道该做什么。,5.If you are in a bus or car, stay in it.,如果你在公共汽车上或者车上,就待在里面。,6.,In short, follow what you learnt in school.,总之,按照在学校所学到的(地震)知识,去做。,in short,“总之,简言之”,如:,In short, I am interested in all of the sports.,总之,我对一切运动都感兴趣。,Exercises,根据汉语意思完成句子,1.,我们没有机会赢这场比赛。,We _ _ _ _ win the match.,2.,学生们正在为考试做准备。,The students _ _ _the test.,3.,远离火灾。,_ _ _ fire.,4.,停止说话,该上课了。,Its time for class. _ _.,have no chance to,are preparing for,Stay away from,Stop talking,Unit 3,Language in use,祈使句口诀,祈使句,有特点,,动词原形摆在前,,否定句式也不难,,Dont,放在最前面,,其它一律都不变。,祈使句,Go and wash your hands.(,命令,),。,Be quiet,,,please.(,请求,),Be kind to our sister.(,劝告,),Watch your steps.(,警告,),No littering.(,禁止,),Dont forget take an umbrella.(,叮嘱,),祈使句,Have a nice,d,ay!,祝你度过美好的一天!,Dont waste your time!,别浪费时间 了!,Never be late again!,再也不要迟到了!,Come this way please !,请走这边。,Please be quiet, boys!,男孩们,请安静!,Make sure hes warm.,确保他不受凉。,Dont use the lift.,不要使用电梯。,1.,动词原形构成的祈使句,肯定形式,Do,型,即动词原形(+宾语)+其他,Be,型,即,Be+,表语(名词或形容词)+其他,否定形式:动词原形前加,dont,,也可以用否定副词,never,开头。,2.,lets,构成的祈使句,这类祈使句往往用于提出建议。,肯定结构:,Let+,宾语+动原+其他,否定结构:,Dont let +,宾语+动原+其他,Let+,宾语+,not+,动原+其他,Let them go! 让他们走。,Let them go! 让,Let them go! 让他们走。,Dont let him go. = Let him not go.别让他走。,他们走。,Dont let him go. = Let him not go.别让他走。,Dont let him go. = Let him not go.别让他走。,3.,无动词祈使句,祈使句还可用名词、形容词、副词以及以,no,开头的短语充当。,No parking!,禁止停车!,Careful!,小心!,This way,please,!请这边走!,用法区别,情态动词,must, can, could,表推测,must,表推测时常用在肯定句中,语气较为肯定,此时,must,可以翻译成,“,一定;准是,”,。,can,表推测时常用在否定句或疑问句中,是有把握的否定推测,意为,“,不可能,”,。,could,可以用于肯定句、否定句或疑问句中,也可以表示过去的可能性,表示可能发生,程度比,can,弱。,请仔细对比下列一组句子,Who sent the present?,Can,it be your brother?,是谁送来的礼物啊?,会,是你哥哥吗? (询问可能性),It,must,be your brother. I saw him in your room just now.,肯定,是你哥哥,我刚才看见他在 你的房间里。,(语气强烈,表示非常肯定),It,cant,be my brother. He is still in France.,不可能,是我哥哥,他还在法国呢。(表示不可能),It,could,be your brother. He said he might come back.,可能,是你哥哥。他说过他可能会回来。(表示猜测可能),1.A,ten-year-old,girl saved about one hundred other tourists in 2004,by,warning them that a tsunami,.,.,ten-year-old,“,十岁的,”,基数词,+ year,(,注意单数,),+ old,用作形容词 表示,“,几岁的,”,复合形容词结构:基数词,名词,单数,形容词,在句中只能做定语,不能做表语。,e.g. She has a eight,year,old brother.,(中考链接),I dont believe that this_boy can paint such a nice picture.,A. five years old B. five-years-old,C. five-year-old,C,2.,warn sb. that,“,提醒,/,警告某人注意,”,warn sb. do sth.,提醒、警告某人注意某事,warn sb. not do sth.,警告某人不要干某事,His mother warned him not go out in the evening.,2.,by,warning them that a tsunami,.,.,by,意思是,“,通过;以(某种方式),”,后面常跟名词,代词,,V-ing,形式,表示通过某种方式、手段等。,提问时用,how。,The old man makes his living by selling newspapers.,by,的其他几种用法:,1、表示方位,“,在.旁边,”,。,He sat down by the door.,2、表示时间,“,在.之前,”,。,Can you finish the work by 5 oclock.,3、表示交通方式,“,搭乘,”,。,I go to school by bike.,4、,by,固定搭配,。,by the way,顺便说一下,by oneself,独自一人,3. Tillys teacher,was,very,proud of,her,.,be proud of sb.,为某人感到自豪,Jack is very proud of his model plane.,杰克为他的飞机模型感到自豪。,(中考链接),Parents enjoy any progress their children have made and will feel_them.,A. angry with B. interested in,C. proud of D. worried about,C,_ the hill, I found a telephone and called the police.,A. At the bottom of B. At the top,C. On the bottom D. On the top of,2. If you find you are in _ then you should stop and take a rest.,A. pay B. happy C. happiness D. pain,A,练一练,D,3. Whats wrong _ you?, Im feeling bad.,A. on B. with,C. of D. before,4. She will _ her hand when she knows the answers.,A. lift up B. lift down C. lie up D. lie down,B,A,中 考 链 接,1. Dont _ up English. Its very important.,【,2012,四川南充,】,A. give B. hurry C. stay,2. Oh, weve missed the 6 oclock film., _. Itll be on again in two hours.,【,2012,浙江嘉兴,】,A. Have fun B. Dont worry,C. Sounds great D. Youre welcome,A,B,3. _ get off the bus before it stops.,【,2012,湖南永州,】,A. Dont B. Doesnt C. Didnt,A,4. Which is a traffic sign?,【,2012,江苏徐州,】,A. KEEP QUIET B. DO NOT DISTURB,C. TURN LEFT D. SOLD OUT,C,5. Jack, _, or you will get heavier.,【,2012,重庆市,】,A. doesnt play sports any more,B. doesnt eat so much meat,C. dont play sports any more,D. dont eat so much meat,D,See you !,


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