牛津译林版8B Unit1 Gramma (共PPT)

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She has,already,cleaned the kitchen. (,改为否定句,),She _ cleaned the kitchen _.,2. They have visited,some,interesting places in China. (,改为一般疑问句,),_,they _ _ interesting places in China?,3. The poor dog has died.(,改为一般疑问句并作否定回答),_the poor dog _? -No, it _.,4. They have borrowed,ten,books from the library. (,对划线部分提问,),_ _books _ they _ from the library?,5. I have,ever,been to the Great Wall. (,改为否定句,),I _ _ been to the Great Wall.,6. They have studied here,since they moved to the city,. (,对划线部分提问,),_ _ _ they _ here?,hasnt yet,Have visited any,Has died hasnt,How many have borrowed,have never,How long have studied,三、过去分词的构成,原形,过去分词,原形,过去分词,travel,visit,move,stop,stay,finish,own,shop,learn,repair,travelled,moved,stayed,owned,learned,visited,stopped,finished,shopped,repaired,A.,规则动词的过去分词与过去式一致,B.,不规则动词的过去分词,原形,过去分词,原形,过去分词,think,put,catch,cost,give,grow,make,hurt,write,run,thought,caught,given,made,written,put,cost,grown,hurt,run,原形,过去分词,原形,过去分词,feel,bring,fall,wear,fly,sing,have,forget,drink,keep,felt,fallen,flown,had,drunk,brought,worn,sung,forgotten,kept,Complete the sentences using the present perfect tense.,They _(finish) their homework.,2.,Mr,and,Mrs,Li _(not come) back yet.,3. John _(play) this computer game,a few times,.,4. We _(not see) that film yet.,5.,Mr,Dong _(repair) over ten bicycles,since,last Monday.,6. You _(not visit) me,for a long time,.,havent come,have finished,has played,havent seen,has repaired,havent visited,Complete the conversation using the,correct forms of the verbs in brackets.,Millie: (1)_ you _(see) any,exhibition,s,recently, Sandy?,Sandy: No, I (2)_. What about you?,Millie: Well, I (3)_(see) one. I saw,it at the history museum last week.,Sandy: Whats it about?,Have seen,have seen,havent,Millie: I (4)_(forget) the,title. Its about changes in Beijing,over the past century.,Sandy: Oh, yes. I (5)_(hear),about it.(6)_ your cousin,_(go) with you?,Millie: No, he (7)_. He (8)_,(be) very busy this week.,have forgotten,have heard,Have,gone,hasnt,has been,Sandy: Did you enjoy the exhibition?,Millie: Yes, I did. I (9)_(learn),a lot about Beijings past and,present. Its a good exhibition and,I (10)_(decide) to see,it again. Do you want to go with,me?,Sandy: Sure.,I wont miss it this time,.,have learnt,have decided,1),你已经收到你爸爸的来信了吗?,2),我已经很长时间没有看见我姑姑了。,3)Simon,曾经去过几次中国,?,4),她刚刚写好两篇文章。,5),他们已经去电影院了。,6)Smith,夫妇还没有回来。,7),自从上午,9,点你就在等他吗?,8),人们自从,1998,年开始使用这个新机场。,翻译:,Have you received your fathers letter yet?,I have not seen my aunt for a long time.,How many times has Simon been to China?,She has just written two articles.,They have gone to the cinema.,Mr,Smith and,Mrs,Smith have not come back yet.,Have you waited for him since 9 a.m.?,They have used the new airport since 1998.,用正确时态填空,Hurry up! Lunch _already _(begin).,_ he ever _(ride) a bike?,Liming _(hurt) his arm last week. He _ already _(stay) in bed for five days.,Yesterday, she _(buy) one book in the bookshop. She _ (not read) it since then.,I _already _(lose) my pen. _(buy) it two days ago.,He _ (wait) for an hour.,I _ (not finish) the work yet.,_ you _ (know) him since then?,has waited,havent finished,Have,known,hurt,has,begun,Has,ridden,has,stayed,bought,hasnt read,have lost,bought,9. We _ (be) there many times in the past,3 years.,10. How long _ you_ (stay) at home,already?,11. He _ (not read) the book before.,I _ (hear) from my brother recently.,Her sister _ (go) to,Changchun,.,She_ (leave),this morning,.,He _ (live) in his hometown since he,left here.,The writer _ (finish) several story-,books since 1990.,have heard,have been,have,stayed,hasnt read,has gone,left,has lived,has finished,现在完成时和一般过去时的区别:,1.,意思上:,现在完成时,强调这一动作产生的结果对现在的影响,与现在有关。 一般过去时,仅仅表示在过去某一时刻曾发生过这一动作,与现在无关。,他已学英语五年了。,He has studied English for five years.,他曾学过五年英语。,He studied English for five years.,(说明他可能还继续学下去),(只说明他过去学过五年英语,但现在不学了。),2.,结构上:,一般过去时常与具体的时间状语连用。,现在完成时通常与模糊的时间状语连用,或无时间状语。,一般过去时的,3,类,常见时间状语:,last,、,ago / yesterday,、,in+,过去时间点,/ just now,、,the other day,等具体的时间状语。,现在完成时的,4,类,时,间状语:,for,、,since / already,、,ever,、,just,、,never,、,recently,、,yet /,till now,、,so far / in/during/past the past/last few years,等不确定的时间状语。,Exercise,He _(work) in our school for one year.,He _(come) to our school last year/in 2002.,They _(cook) the supper already.,They _ (cook) the supper half an hour ago.,has worked,came,have cooked,cooked,Let,s try! I,m sure you can do it well!,1.I _(see) the 3D film,Avatar.,Its amazing!,I _(see) it one month ago.,2.-Is your grandfather still alive? -No, he _already _(die).,-When _he _(die)? -He _last year(die).,3.I _just _ (hear) of the earthquake in Tangshan.,-The earthquake?,-Yes, it _(happen) on March 6,th, three days ago.,4.Mr. Li _(begin) to work in this factory in 1990.,He _ (work) in the factory,for 20 years,.,5. The Greens _(live) in China,since,they _(move) here in 2003.,have seen,saw,has died,did die,died,have heard,happened,began,has worked,has lived,moved,Present perfect tense,现在完成时态,2,He speaks French so fluently. He learned it in Paris. He was there for two years.,He has studied French.,(,他学过法语。,),这句话所说明的结果是他现在懂法语。,Look! The blackboard is so clean now.,He has cleaned the blackboard.,(,他已经擦过黑板了。,),这句话所表示的结果是黑板现在是干净的。,用法,1,:表示过去开始的动作或状态已经结束,但是对现在有影响。,这种用法常与,already,、,ever,、,just,、,never,、,recently,、,yet,、,before,等连用,.,I _ (do) my homework already.,He _(not finished) his homework yet.,_you ever _(be) to Beijing?,We _ never _ (see) such an exciting match,before,.,Mother _ just _(clean) the house. Please don,t come in.,They _(practice) this dialogue twice.,have done,has not finished,Have,been,have,seen,has,cleaned,have practiced,时间副词和时间短语具体用法,:,1.,副词,already,和,yet,:,already,一般用于肯定句中,,yet,一般用于否定句和 疑问句中。,We have,already,finished our homework.,我们已完成作业了。,They havent finished their homework,yet,.,他们还没有完成作业。,- I have,never,been to the Great Wall.,我从未去过长城。,副词,ever,和,never,:多用于否定或疑问,句中,表示“曾经”或“从未“等。,- Have you,ever,been to the Great Wall?,你曾经去过长城吗,?,He has,just,eaten ten apples.,他刚吃完十个苹果。,3.,用,just,表示到说话时为止的时间状语。,I have,just,seen her, but I dont know,where she is now .,我刚看见她,但我不知道她现在在哪。,注意:当在肯定陈述句中含有,already,或,just,时,在转换成否定句或疑问句时,要把句中的,already,或,just,去掉,在句末加上,yet.,I havent seen the film,yet,.,I have done my homework,already,.,I havent done my homework,yet,.,Mother has,just,cleaned the house.,Mother hasnt cleaned the house,yet,.,I have seen the film,already,.,用法,2,:表示动作或状态从过去开始一直延续到现在甚至将来,I have lived here,for,twenty years.,She has moved to Beijing,since,she was born.,They have changed a lot,over,these years.,Let,try!,用,since,或,for,填空:,1.I have been at this school _,more than two years,.,2. She has worked in the factory _,ten years ago,.,3. Mr. Green has lived in the city _,he was born,.,4. His father has been a party member _,twenty,years,.,for,for,since,since,切记有些动词是非延续的,在此用法中要换成其相对应的延续性动词:,buy,borrow,open close,leave die,join begin,-have - keep,-be open -be closed,-be away -be dead,-be a member of -be on,如,: I havent seen him,for,two years.,我两年没有见过他了。,4.,表示动作或状态从某一时刻开始,,一直持续到现在的时间状语,: so far / till now, for+,一段时间, since ,。,Mrs,Li has taught in our school,since,she left normal university.,李老师从师范大学毕业以后就在我们,学校教书了。,( )1. I have finished my homework _.,Have you finished your homework,_?,A. yet, yet,B. yet, already,C. already, yet,D. already, already,单项选择,:,( )2. I havent seen Kate _ 4 months.,A. Already B. since,C. for D. yet,( )3. He has _ seen the film Harry,Potter. So he knows nothing about it.,A. already B. ever,C. never D. yet,( ) 4. She has been ill in bed _ two days ago.,A. since B. in,C. during D. for,( )5. Have you seen him _?, No, I havent.,A. already B. never,C. ever D. recently,( )6. I have _ watched a wonderful,film. Its really interesting.,A. yet,B. just,C. just now,D. never,( )7. Mike _ the bookshop. I have to wait for him.,A. went to,B. was in,C. has been to,D. has gone to,( )8. Oh,Mrs,King, your dress looks,very nice. Is it new?, No, I _ it since two years ago.,A. had,B. bought,C. have had,D. have bought,( )9.,_you _a ticket for the football,match?,Not yet.,A. Is, bought,B. Are, bought,C. Has, bought,D. Have, bought,( )10. What a nice dog! How long have,you had it?, _two years.,A. For B. Since,C. In D. Before,( )11. Great changes _in China since,1978.,A. was happened B. have happened,C. have been happened,D. happened,( )12. Tom _a lot of friends since,he came to China last year.,A. made B. makes,C. is making D. has made,( )13. “The World Without Thieves” is a,very moving film. I _ it twice,already.,A. will see B. saw,C. see D. have seen,( )14. They _ since the factory opened.,A. have worked there,B. have worked here,C. worked there,D. worked here,( )15. Lucy, _ you _ your ticket?, Not yet.,A. did, find B. have, found,C. has, found D. do, find,( )16. What are you going to do this,Saturday?, I _ yet.,A. havent decided,B. wont decide,C. am not decided,D. didnt decide,The end,have/has gone to,have/has been in,have/has been to,1.A: Where,s Jim, Li Lei?,B: He _his school library.,2.The Greens _China for three years.,We _the Great Wall twice. It,s very beautiful.,has gone to,have been in,have been to,B,A,A,B,B,stay,A,她以前曾去过上海。,She has been to Shanghai before.,他在上海,10,年了。,She has been in Shanghai for ten years.,他去上海了。,He has gone to Shanghai.,


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