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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2012/11/26,#,Chapter 1,Reading,What do you think ofin the picture?,What do you think ofin the picture?,A joke:,1.What is the name of the book?,2.Who are the writers of the book?,3.A consumer buy,s,and uses things. What do you think a green consumer is?,The Young Green Consumer Guide.,John Elkington and Julia Flailes,In my opinion, a green consumer is someone,who only buys goods that will not harm the,environment.,4.What do you think the main topic of the book is?,5.How many topics does the review cover?,The main topic of the book is becoming,a green consumer to save Earth.,The review covers,f,ive,topics as following:,The greenhouse effect.,Damage to the ozone layer.,The act of destroying rainforests,Bad habits,How can we save Earth?,Match the words with the pictures.,atmosphere author,consumer,flooding,greenhouse,petrol,threat,Title,The,Young,Green Consumer,Guide,This book says that,Our world is,in danger,Its,vital,that ,We do something to save the earth,First of all, ,What are,the,threats,to,our environment?,=at first,=very,very important,Things or people that might cause harm,The Greenhouse Effect,The writer asks us to ,imagine the Earth inside a kind of greenhouse,with,the atmosphere around it,acting like,the glass,letting,the sunlight,in,while,keeping,much of the warmth,from,getting out .,1) A kind of: 一种/种类,Air pollution is a kind of atmosphere pollution.,2)get out 散发出去、出去 get from 从得到,get on 上车 get off 下车,1. Solar Heater can,get out,energy.,2. We,get on,Tian station and,get off,at No.1 School.,3. I,got,a present,from,my friend last week.,3)keepfrom doing sth 阻止做某事,keep in 抑制,保留,keep .doing 保持.一直做某事,She tried to,keep,me,from seeing,the letter.,stop/prevent.from doing sth,She tried to,keep reading,the boring story.,keep .from doing sth,The Greenhouse Effect,The atmosphere ,is essential to,all,living things,.,Without it, the earth would be,as,cold and,lifeless,as,the surface of the moon.,without any life,The Greenhouse Effect,The trouble is that ,our atmosphere is changing because we are polluting it with chemicals-,in the form of,gases-and it is,keeping in,too much,heat.,These,gases,mainly,carbon dioxide(CO,2,),are produced,by burning,fu,e,ls,such as,petrol.,The,Greenhouse Effect,may,cause,The level of the sea,to rise,and,drown,cities and the whole countries.,kill by water,atmosphere,chemicals,carbon dioxide,burning fuels,mainly,caused by,polluted by,The greenhouse effect,Practice:,1.The writers of the book compare the,atmosphere to _.,a greenhouse,an ordinary house,c. the glass of a greenhouse,2.Because of pollution, _.,not enough sunlight is reaching Earth,too much heat is kept in Earth,too enough heat is leaving Earth,3 The greenhouse effect causes the level of seas to _.,rise b. fall c. remain the same,4.If we cut down more trees, the green-,house effect will be _.,a. worse b. better c. the same,翻译下列词组:,1.,环保消费者,2.,处于危险中,3.,对,的威胁,4.,温室效应,5.,让阳光进来,6,阻止,.,做某事,7.,对,必不可少,8.,生物,9.,和,.,一样寒冷,无生命的,10.,以气体形式,11.,保存太多的热量,在,里面,12.,引发,.,做某事,13.,淹没城市,green consumer,in danger,the threats to,the Greenhouse Effect,let the sunlight in,prevent /stop/keepfrom doing sth,be essential to,living things,as cold and lifeless as,in the forms of gases,keep too much heat in,causeto do sth,drown the cities,Homework:,Review what we learnt,Damage to,the ozone layer,The writers tell us that,ozone is a gas which,occurs,20-50 km above the ground. It forms an essential protective layer around the earth. Without it, the sun would,burn,us,up,.,exists or happens,Damage to the ozone layer,We are making,holes in the ozone layer mainly,by,using chemicals,called,CFCS.,We use these in fridges and spray cans, and to make plastic items such as fast food boxes.,Destruction of,the rain forests,The burning and cutting down of trees is,making,the Greenhouse Effect,worse,because trees,take in,CO,2,.,Destruction of the rain forests,It also causes,erosion,of the soil and flooding,as well as,destroying the people and animals who make the forests their home.,the destruction and removal of,Bad habits, cause , especially .,This threat ,Not know what to do with ,examples, enough from to ,How can we save the earth?,The books idea is ,That we should become green consumers.,That is, ,We should only buy and use things that do not damage the environment.,And we should ,What can we do to save our earth?,Part,B Find the facts,1,. the glass of a greenhouse,2. the atmosphere,3. the fuels such as petrol,4. The ozone layer,5. CFCs,6. the Greenhouse Effect,7. Many of our habits, especially our habit of using things once and then throwing them away.,Find the words:,vital,threats,environment,lifeless,drown,occurs,massive,Use the words from C1 in these sentences.,lifeless,drown,massive,environment,occurs,vital,threats,Use the words to replace the italicized words in the sentences.,layer,pollution,atmosphere,fuels,polluting,erosion,Chapter 1,language,Why,and,because,When we ask for reasons, we use,why,. When we give reasons, we use,because,.,Examples,1.,Why should,we walk as much as possible?,Because,motor vehicles pollute the air.,2.,Why should,we not throw away cans and glass bottles?,Because,they can be used again and again.,3.,Why should,we use solar-powered calculators?,Because,batteries cause pollution.,4.,Why should,we have showers instead of baths?,Because,a bath uses 80 litres of water, but a,shower uses only 30 litres.,5.,Why should,we save electricity?,Because,making it usually causes air pollution.,6.,Why should,we not pollute our planet?,Because,it is the only one we have.,(not) as as,We use,(not) as as,to compare,things that are similar( or not similar) in,some way.,as. as,意为“和,一样”,表示同级的比较。使用时要注意第一个,as,为副词,第二个,as,为连词。,其基本结构为:,as+,adj,./,adv,. +as,(1)This film is as interesting as that one.,这部电影和那部电影一样有趣。,(2)Your pen writes as smoothly as mine.,你的钢笔书写起来和我的一样流畅。,(not) as as,其否定句式为,not as/so +,adj,./,adv,. +as,。,This dictionary is not as/so useful as you think.,这本字典不如你想象的那样有用。,若有修饰成分,如,twice, three times, half, a quarter,等,则须置于第一个,as,之前。,Your bag is twice as expensive as mine.,你的袋子比我的贵一倍。,一些带有,as.as,结构的常见短语归纳:,as busy as a bee,像蜜蜂一样忙碌,as easy as ABC,像,ABC,一样容易,as deep as a well,像井一样深,as light as a feather,像羽毛一样轻,as soft as butter,像黄油一样软,as rich as a Jew,像犹太人一样富裕,like, the same as, different from,We can use,like,to say things are similar in one or more ways.,We can use,the same as,to say things are exactly like one another.,We can use,different from,to say things are not like or not the same as one another.,He,looks like,his father.,他长的像他父亲。,Marys dress is red,like,mine.,玛丽的衣服是红色的,和我的一样。,The two brothers look,the same as,each other.,这兄弟俩长得一样。,Summer is,different from,winter because it is hot.,夏天跟冬天不同,因为夏天炎热。,【2011,贵州贵阳,】Some Chinese singers sing English songs just as _ as native speakers do.,good B. better C. well,【2011,无锡,】Nanjing isnt so large _ Shanghai, however, its the second _ city in East China.,A. like; largest B. as; largest,C. like; large D. as; large,中考链接,(,2011,桂林,34.,),Li Huas shoes are as _ as Zhang Huis.,cheapB. cheaper,C. the cheaperD. the cheapest,根据句子意思改写同义句。,My cell phone is like yours.,My cell phone is _ _ yours.,2. I have different books from Tom.,My books _ _ _ Toms.,3. I have a preference of swimming to playing basketball.,I _ swimming _ playing basketball.,similar to,are different from,prefer,to,4. If there were no air, the earth would be cold and lifeless.,_ air, the earth would be cold and lifeless.,5. Destruction of the rainforests can cause erosion,of the soil and flooding.,Destruction of the rainforests can cause erosion,of the soil _ _ _ flooding.,Without,as well as,他和他哥哥一样高。,我们看起来没有那家伙壮。,因为下雨,他乘坐出租车。,我知道你离开的原因。,He is as tall as his brother.,We dont look so strong as that guy.,I know why you left.,Because it was raining, he took a taxi.,Translation,Your pen is the same as mine.,Susan is different from Alice.,I wish I could sing like her.,Translation,1.,你的钢笔和我的一样。,2.,我希望能像她那样唱歌。,3.,苏姗和爱丽丝不同。,2MORO,本名:郭彦均,英文名:,Anthony,学历:台北市立体育学院,身高:,175 CM,体重:,65 KG,生日:,12,月,31,日,星座:魔羯,血型:,A,型,语言:国、台、英、粤,专长:跳远、篮球、游泳、歌唱,特质:阳光灿烂的笑容与活泼爽朗的个性,标准时尚运动型男。年轻与成熟轻易转换的弹性,轻易征服一颗颗年轻的心。,愿望:以实力的演出与歌声,成为一多元而受肯定的表演者。,演艺圈初体验:广告导演力邀于大学时期校园中,中文名:安格斯,英文名:,Angus,学历:台北市立体育学院,身高:,175 CM,体重:,66 KG,生日:,12,月,31,日,星座:魔羯,血型:,A,型,语言:国、台、英、粤,专长:百米短跑等各式阳光下运动 及 艺术绘创,特质:运动型男且具艺术气质,搭配沈稳内敛个性,独具可文可武的魅力,愿望:让自己的演出,感动每一双注视的眼与心,演艺圈初体验:广告导演力邀于大学时期校园中,Talk something about the twins.,Age: Anthony is _ Angus.,Height: Anthony is _ Angus.,Weight: Their weights are _.,School: They graduated from _school.,the same age as,different,the same,as tall as,


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