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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,小升初英语-阅读理解,分组,PK,赛,分为两组,选出组长;,遵守纪律,举手抢答;,准备纸笔,记好笔记;,友谊第二,比赛第一。,阅读理解在考试中的分值,一、平常考试占,5-10,分,二、小升初考占,30,分,三、初中考试占,40,分,四、高考占,50,分,More and more important!,阅读材料,题材:,故事,寓言,,人物,科普,政治经济、社会文化、风俗习惯、历史、地理等,体裁:,记叙文、说明文、议论文、应用文,新闻报道、广告、通知、操作说明、书信,图画,表格等,阅读理解题型,写,TF,二 选择,三 填空,怎么做阅读理解题?,One day an eagle met a seagull at the beach.The eagle thought it was bigger and stronger than the seagull.”I can fly higher than you.Im the strongest bird in the sky.Let me show you around my country.”it said.,“Thank you.Thats very kind of you.”said the seagull.,The eagle and seagull flew for an hour over a thick jungle.They could see many different animals and plants.,“Look!This is the biggest jungle in my country.Is it big?”asked the eagle.,“Yes,its huge,”said the seagull.,Half an hour later they flew over a high mountain.This is the most beautiful place in my country,said the eagle.Its the highest mountain.The most dangerous animals live here.,“Its fantastic!”said the seagull.,The eagle wanted to see the seagulls country. “If youre not too tired,can you show me your home?”it said.,“Yes.Sure! ”Im not tired.”Said the seagull.They flew off over the sea.After five hours,the eagle was very tired.,“Are you near your home yet?”it said.,“Oh,no.Its still a long way sawy,”said the seagull.”This is only the beginning of the ocean!”,( )1.How many animals are there in this story?,A.There B.Two C.One D.Four,( )2.Where did they meet?,A.At the beach B.In the jungle C.On the mountain D.In the zoo,( )3.Whats the Chinese for”seagull”?,A.,海马,B.,海狮,C.,海鸥,D.,海豚,( )4.How did the eagle feel at the end of the story?,A.It felt happy B.It felt angry C.It felt tired D.It felt cheated,( )5.Do the most dangerous animal live in the highest mountain?,A.Yes,they do B.No,they dont C.Yes,they are D.No,they arent,Whats your problem?,单词看不懂,句意不明白,文章不理解,What should we do?,NO.1 -,我瞄,我瞄,瞄,瞄,瞄标题,瞄首尾,瞄五,w,一,how,(,who,、,when,、,what,、,where,、,why,与,how,),瞄出现最多次数的词,Just 30 seconds!,瞄什么?,One day,an eagle met a seagull,at the beach.The eagle thought it was bigger and stronger than the seagull.”I can fly higher than you.Im the strongest bird in the sky.Let me show you around my country.”it said.,“Thank you.Thats very kind of you.”said the seagull.,The eagle and seagull,flew,for an hour over a thick jungle.They could see many different animals and plants.,“Look!This is the biggest jungle in my country.Is it big?”asked,the eagle,.,“Yes,its huge,”said,the seagull,.,Half an hour later they,flew,over a high mountain.This is the most beautiful place in my country,said,the eagle.,Its the highest mountain.The most dangerous animals live here.,“Its fantastic!”said,the seagull.,The eagle,wanted to see,the seagulls,country. “If youre not too tired,can you show me your home?”it said.,“Yes.Sure! ”Im not tired.”Said,the seagull.,They f,lew,off over the sea.After five hours,the eagle,was very tired.,“Are you near your home yet?”it said.,“Oh,no.Its still a long way sawy,”said,the seagull,.”This is only the beginning of the ocean!”,( )1.How many animals are there in this story?,A.There B.Two C.One D.Four,NO.2-,我找,我找,找,找,怎么找?,找位置,做比较,小心陷阱,选项中部分是正确的,但是部分是不正确的。,选项是文章中的内容,但是题干中要求的。,符合常识,但不是原文想要表达的。,( )2.Where did they meet?,A.At the beach B.In the jungle,C.On the mountain D.In the zoo,One day an eagle met a seagull,at the beach,.,细节题,解题思路,我们平常考试,90%,以上的都是细节题,小升初,70%,以上的都是细节题,.,NO.3-,我猜,我猜,猜,猜,如何猜?,根据逻辑关系猜测,根据定义猜测,根据上下文猜测,fly-flew-飞,( )3.Whats the Chinese for”seagull”?,A.海马 B.海狮 C.海鸥 D.海豚,NO.4 -,我辨,我辨,辨,辨,1.,吃:吃透意思,2.,捕:捕捉线索,3.,挖:挖掘加工,4.,握:把握关系,5.,摸:揣摸作者,注意:,文章中没有提及,纯属主观臆断。,是文章中的直接内容,不是根据推理得出的。,符合常识,但是不是文章所要表达的内容。,与文章内容相反。,Which is important?,看懂问题,这些单词或短语你认识吗?,choose find at the end of the story thought because concert,thebasketballmatch adults fashion style mean sick ill admire,blind and deaf probably without failed in the exams changed country,(两种意思),were afraid of in order to according to,这些问题能看懂吗?,The days the sun never set can last,_,The storm happened( ).,The top of the back room was broken because of ( ).,Why did the young man run out of the house angrily? Because _.,What does the underlined word “study” mean in Chinese?,Which of the following is true according to the passage?,What does the underline word “that” refer to,(指的是),?,From the passage we can learn _.,Which may be the best title for the passage?,The best title for the passage is,.,Lets have a try!,One day nearly 12:00a.m, a city mouse met a country mouse in the field far away from the city. The country mouse was eating nuts.,Hello, my friends! Why are you eating such bad food? Come with me and you can find the delicious food easily in the city.the city mouse said.,Is that so?the country mouse was surprised and wanted to go with his new friend. They walked and walked. At last they came to the city. There was a lot of food in the horse. The country mouse was very glad.,Come on! Lets have dinner. The city mouse said. They started to eat. At this moment they heard the sound of peoples voice.,Run away! Hurry up!the city mouse shouted. Two mice ran quickly in fear.,Oh, my heart was in my mouth, the country mouse said, I prefer to going back to the field to eat the bad food without fear.,One day nearly 12:00a.m, a city mouse met a country mouse in the field far away from the city. The country mouse was eating nuts.,( )1.-What was the country mouse doing when the city mouse met him?,-The country mouse was,.,A.Waiting for the city mouse B. eating good food,C.looking for food D.having lunch,Hello, my friends! Why are you eating such bad food? Come with me and you can find the delicious food easily in the city.the city mouse said.Is that so?the country mouse was surprised and wanted to go with his new friend. They walked and walked. At last they came to the city. There was a lot of food in the horse. The country mouse was very glad.,( )2.The country mouse would like to,.,A.live in the city B.eat bad food,C.eat good food D.be away from the country,Oh, my heart was in my mouth, the country mouse said, I prefer to going back to the field to eat the bad food without fear.,( )3. At last, the country mouse went back to the,.,A.playground B.city C.city mouses home D.field,Come on! Lets have dinner. The city mouse said. They started to eat. At this moment they heard the sound of peoples voice.Run away! Hurry up!the city mouse shouted. Two mice ran quickly in fear.,( )4. Two mice were afraid of,in the story.,A.eats B.people C.food D.dogs,( )45.The best title for the passage is,.,A.The,Country Mouse and the City Mouse,B. The life of Country,C.The,life of city,D.The,mouse and the people,你的方法是?,一瞄,二找,三猜,四辨,What should we do after class?,有时事务太忙,我也可能感到吃不消,但,生活的秘诀实际上在于把,90,的生活变成习惯,,,这样你就可以习惯成自然了。毕竟你想都不用想就去刷牙,这是习惯。,撒切尔夫人,培养良好的阅读习惯,如何培养习惯,设立阅读目标,如何培养习惯,发现兴趣,如何培养习惯,选择读物,如何培养习惯,制定目标,我每周要读多少页?,我每周要读篇文章呢?,如何培养习惯,制定目标,积少成多,每天,10,分钟,一周就有一小时!,把书带在身边,车上或是等人的时候随时可以看。,每个周末规定自己去书店或者图书馆看书。,可以减少看电视和上网的时间。,借别人的书读。,和你的朋友一起比拼,这周谁先完成阅读任务。,挤时间 小妙招,如何培养习惯,读完后的那些事,Question,:,一篇文章阅读完后,你觉得可以做些什么事呢?,如何培养习惯,读完后的那些事,xxx,阅读计划表,1,目前我的阅读习惯,好习惯,坏习惯,2,我选择的阅读读物:,xxx,英语报,3,我预计多久能读完:,每周一份报纸,第,x,周,收获和体会,计划是否完成,Day 1,一篇,Day 2,一篇,Day 3,一篇,Day 4,一篇,Day 5,一篇,Day 6,两篇,Day 7,两篇,颁奖典礼,Who is the winner?,Thank you!,


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