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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,四年级(外研版)上期末知识点复习1-5模块,Module1,你想知道,Sam,的位置你可以问:,你还可以用,Where,来:,如果你想知道红星路,3,号在哪里,你问:,Where is Sam?,问路,Excuse me.,Where is No.3 Hongxing Street, please?,你可以用哪些词语来表示位置?,behind the tree,on your left,beside the cinema,up the hill,down the hill,at the station,near the house,next to the supermarket,在树后,在你的左边,在电影院旁边,上山,下山,在车站,在房子附近,紧挨着超市,你还可用哪些词语来指路?,你可以用,来表示居住的地点。,在问路前,你要说,来表示礼貌。,在别人为你指路后, 你要说,来表示感谢。,当别人感谢你后,你要说:,。,向左拐,向右拐,直走,turn left,turn right,go straight on,Excuse me,I live at,Thank you!,Youre welcome!,选出不同一类的选项,( )1,、,A,、,right B,、,left C,、,street,( )2,、,A,、,beside B,、,picture C,、,under,选词填空或根据提示写单词。,1,、,Where_( am / is / are ) the children?,2,、,_( What / Where ) is the supermarket?,It is next to the school.,3,、,Where are you now? Im _(in, on ) your left.,4,、,I live _( at / on ) No.2 Park Street.,5,、,Where is the station? Turn _( left / on ),go straight on.,C,B,1.,你告诉,Amy,那只猴子迷路了,你说,A. The monkey is lost. B. The monkey is lose.,2.,要想知道车站在哪里,你要问:,A,Wheres the bus? B. Wheres the station?,3.,去公园向右转,你要说:,A.Turn left. B. Turn right.,4.,你看见,Daming,在上山,你要说:,A. He is up the hill. B. He is down the hill.,5.Lingling,想知道电影院在哪里,你回答她:,Go straight on. B. Wheres the cinema?,Module2,你想表达你喜欢游泳你可以说:,你想表达,Sam,喜欢游泳你可以说:,如果你想向别人介绍你的朋友,你说:,你想让别人看看这些照片,你说:,I like swimming.,Sam likes swimming.,This is my friend,Look at these pictures.,你知道怎样构成,-ing,吗?,play,read,walk,look,listen,dance,ride,have,swim,run,playing,reading,walking,looking,listening,dancing,Riding,having,swimming,running,你可以怎样询问别人在做什么?,回答时我们要用来表示。,用,am, is,或,are,填空。,1,、,I_ a girl. You _ a boy.,2,、,Daming _ from China.,3,、,She _ jumping. He _ running.,4,、,My brother _ playing football with his friends.,5,、,We _rowing a boat.,6,、,What _you doing? I _ skipping.,7,、,Lingling and I _ doing taijiquan.,What is/are doing?, am/ is/ are doing,am,are,is,is,is,is,are,are,am,are,你知道这些短语怎么表达吗?,take pictures,talk to her friend,play with a toy train,listen to music,watch TV,read a book,play basketball,play football,fly a kite,ride a bike,look at these pictures,拍照片,和朋友讲话,玩玩具火车,听音乐,看电视,读书,打篮球,踢足球,放风筝,骑自行车,看这些照片,看图完成句子。,-What,they doing?,-They,.,What,she doing?,- She,a,.,-What,you doing?,- I,to,.,are,are watching TV,is,is reading book,are,am listening music,选出不同一类的选项,( )1,、,A,、,listening B,、,sing C,、,talking,( )2,、,A,、,America B,、,English C,、,China,( )3,、,A,、,flying B,、,friend C,、,talking,( )1,、,Look_ these pictures.,A,、,in B,、,at C,、,of,( )2,、,What _ she do at the weekend?,She _ basketball.,A,、,do, plays B,、,does , plays C,、,do, play,( )3,、,Look, the children _ in the river.,A,、,swimming B,、,is swimming C,、,are swimming,( )4,、,this is my friend, _ name is Amy.,A,、,I B,、,her C,、,She,B,C,B,B,C,B,B,选词填空或根据提示写单词。,1,、,What are you _( do , doing ) ?,Im _ ( read, reading ) a book.,2,、,He is _( play / playing ) basketball.,3,、,_( What, Where ) is he doing?,He is _.( swimming , run ),4,、,My sister is talking _ ( with , to ),her friends.,My brother is playing _ a toy train. ( with , to ),5,、,She is _(takeing , taking) pictures.,6,、,Tom _ ( like/likes),apples. But I dont _,apples. ( like/likes),你想表达你正在游泳你可以说:,你想表达,Sam,正在游泳你可以说:,你想表达他们正在游泳,你可以说:,你想知道别人正在做,,你问:,I am swimming.,Sam is swimming.,They are swimming.,What are you doing?,Module3,你想表达你想让别人和你一起做,你可以说:,你想表达你和别人一样,你可以说:,你想表达现在的时刻,你可以说:,Lets ,Me too.,Its,seven,now.,你知道怎样构成,-ing,吗?,do,row,play,drink,draw,jump,dance,ride,have,swim,run,do ing,row ing,play ing,drink ing,draw ing,jump ing,dancing,Riding,having,swimming,running,你可以怎样询问别人在做什么?,回答时我们要用来表示。,用,am, is,或,are,填空。,1,、,I_ running. These boys _ jumping.,2,、,Daming _ rowing a boat.,3,、,She _ sininging. He _ running.,4,、,My sister _ playing football with her friends.,5,、,Tom and Tim _rowing a boat.,6,、,What _you doing? I _ skipping.,7,、,Lingling _ doing taijiquan.,What is/are doing?, am/ is/ are .ing,am,are,is,is,is,is,are,are,am,is,你知道这些短语怎么表达吗?,get on the bus,lots of interesting thing,look at,on the lake,under the tree,between the big trees,make a cake,do,taijiquan,row a dragon boat,drink soya milk,play chess,Me too,。,上车,许多有趣的事,看,在湖上,在树下,在大树之间,做蛋糕,打太极,划龙舟,喝豆浆,下象棋,我也是。,看图完成句子。,-What,they doing?,-They,.,What,he doing?,- She,.,-What,you doing?,- We,a,.,are,are doing,taijiquan,is,is singing,are,are rowing boat,选出不同一类的选项,( )1,、,A,、,boy B,、,girl C,、,men,( )2,、,A,、,lake B,、,park C,、,these,( )3,、,A,、,between B,、,chess C,、,on,( )1,、,Look at the people _ the park.,A,、,in B,、,at C,、,of,( )2,、,-What _ the tiger doing? -It _ basketball.,A,、,are, plays B,、,am , playing C,、,is, playing,( )3,、,Look, the men _ chess.,A,、,playing B,、,is playing C,、,are playing,( )4,、,-Its twelve now, Im hungry. - _.,A,、,I too. B,、,Me too. C,、,Thank you!,C,C,B,C,C,B,A,选词填空或根据提示写单词。,1,、,My brother is _( make , making),noodles now.,2,、,What are you _(does , doing ) ?,Im _( rowing, reading ) a boat.,3,、,I _ ( am , is are )watching TV.,Tom_ ( am , is are )listening to music.,We _ ( am , is are )having a good time.,4,、,Lets get _( up, on ) the bus.,5,、,They are _(play , playing ) chess.,6,、,She is _(takeing , taking) pictures.,你想问别人是否想要米饭,你可以说:,你想表达你想要点米饭,你可以说:,你想表达味道很好,你说:,你想知道别人想要什么,你问:,Do you want some rice?,I want some rice.,Its nice!,What do you want?,Module4,你想表达你想帮助别人,你可以说:,你想知道一件物品的价格,你可以说:,当别人询问你需要什么,你可以说:,当你想请别人帮忙买东西,你可以说:,Can I /we help you,?,How much is it?,I want ,Can you go to buy ?,你知道这些短语怎么表达吗?,make noodles,make dumplings,noodles with tomato and egg,noodles with meat and potato,of course,Here you areChinese fast food,做面条,包饺子,西红柿鸡蛋面,土豆肉丝面,当然,给你,中国快餐,选出不同一类的选项,( )1,、,A,、,juice B,、,cake C,、,egg,( )2,、,A,、,white B,、,eight C,、,twelve,( )3,、,A,、,tomato B,、,flower C,、,potato,A. Im making noodles.,B. Of course.,C. Its six,yuan,.,D. I want some milk.,E. Thank you.,A,A,B,连线。,1. How mush is it?,2. Can you go to buy some eggs?,3. Can I help you?,4. Here you are.,5. What are you doing?,选词填空或根据提示写单词。,1,、,What are you _( do , doing ) ?,Im _ (make, making ) dumplings.,2,、,He wants some noodles _( with / and ) egg.,3,、,How_( many, much) is the flower?,4,、,How_ ( many , much),eggs do you want?,5,、,Look _(China, Chinese) fast food.,6,、,Do you want_ ( some, any),apples?,No, _ . ( Please, thanks),7,、,What,(do, does) Sam want?,情景选择。,( )1.,你和,Sam,出去玩,看见一家英式快餐,,你说:,A. Look, Sam. English fast food!,B. Look, Sam. Chinese fast food!,( )2.Daming,问你想要果汁吗,你会说:,A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, please .,( )3.Amy,想知道那个女人在干什么,你回答,Shes making noodles. B.Shes my mother.,A,B,A,你想表达你会游泳,你可以说:,你想表达,Sam,能跳得很高,你可以说:,如果你想知道别人是否能跑得很快,你说:,你可以回答:,I can swim.,Sam can jump high.,Can you run fast?,Yes, I can./ No, I cant.,Module5,你想表达你不会游泳,你可以说:,你想表达,Sam,不能跳得很高,你可以说:,你可以用,来表示你觉得你恐怕做不到时。,你可以用,来表达你是获胜者。,I cant swim.,Sam cant jump high.,Im afraid I cant.,I am the winner.,你知道这些短语怎么表达吗?,run fast,jump high,jump far,ride fast,in the sky,our star,跑得快,跳得高,跳得远,骑得快,在天空中,我们的明星,为下列问句选择合适的答语。,( )1.Can you run fast?,( )2.Do you want some dumplings?,( )3.Can I have some noodles,?,( )4.What is Sam doing?,( )5.Where is the park?,A. He is playing basketball,B. It is near the station.,C. Yes, I can.,D. Yes, you can.,E. No, thank you.,C,E,D,A,B,看图完成句子。,-What,he,?,-He,.,they,?,- Yes,.,-,you,?,- No, I,.,can do,can jump far,Can ride fast,they can,Can jump high,cant,选出不同一类的选项,( )1,、,A,、,run B,、,jump C,、,far,( )2,、,A,、,bread B,、,football C,、,table tennis,( )3,、,A,、,tall B,、,star C,、,strong,( )1,、,I can _ a dragon.,A,、,draw B,、,drawing C,、,making,( )2,、,We can _ . Look, we are,now.,A,、,swim, swims B,、,swim ,swimming,C,、,swimming , swim,( )3,、,Can you _ ?,A,、,jump high B,、,high jump C,、,jumping,C,A,B,B,A,A,选词填空或根据提示写单词。,1. Can you _(ride, riding ) fast?,2. He cant _ ( plays , play ) football.,3. Can Sam _ (swimming, swim)?,4. Can you jump high?,No, I _,( can , cant ),.,5. She _( am, is , are ) our star.,6. Look _( in, at) the bird _ the sky. ( in, at),7. He is _( makeing , making) noodles.,8. They are _( watch , watching ) TV.,9. What can you _ ( doing , do)?,I can cook vegetables.,


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