《Unit 6 My e-friend课件》小学英语译林版三年级起点五年级上册17183

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 6 My e-friend,(story time),江苏滨海通榆镇中心小学 徐婷,can like / likes,have / has is / are good at,LiuTao like,s,play,ing,football.,He,also,like,s,playing table tennis.,Mike like,s,play,ing,basketball and football.,He like,s,draw,ing,too.,send,发送,write an,email,Dear Peter,How are you,?,How about your Chinese learning,?,Please write to me quickly.,Yours,Wang Bing,电子邮件,fri,end,Watch and answer,They are talking about,Peter,.,Wang Bings,e,-friend,Unit 6 My e-friend,Something about Peter,你想知道,Peter,的哪些情况,能问一问吗?,How?,What?,where?,Can?,Is.?,Does?,?,1.Where does he live?,5.What does he like doing?,2.How old is he?,3.What subjects does he like?,4.What does he do after school?,Read and find,先自由读,Story time,然后划出,Peter,的相关信息,He,lives,in,the UK(,英国,),.,Liu Tao,:,Hi,Wang Bing,. Lets go and play,foot,ball,in the,playground,.,Wang Bing,: Wait a minute,Liu Tao,. Let me send this email first.,Its to my e-friend.,Liu Tao,:,Whos your e-friend?,Wang Bing,:,Hes Peter. He live,s,in the UK.,英国,give,1.Where does he live?,5.What does he like doing?,2.How old is he?,3.What subjects does he like?,4.What does he do after school?,Read and find,先自由读,Story time,然后划出,Peter,的相关信息,He,lives,in,the UK(,英国,),.,Hes 11,years old(,岁,).,Liu Tao,:,How old is he?,Wang Bing,:Hes 11,years old,.,years old(,岁,),1.Where does he live?,5.What does he like doing?,2.How old is he?,3.What subjects does he like?,4.What does he do after school?,Read and find,先自由读,Story time,然后划出,Peter,的相关信息,He,lives,in,the UK(,英国,),.,Hes 11,years old(,岁,).,He likes Maths and PE.,Liu Tao,:,What subjects does he like?,Wang Bing,:He like,s,Maths and PE.,1.Where does he live?,5.What does he like doing?,2.How old is he?,3.What subjects does he like?,4.What does he do after school?,Read and find,先自由读,Story time,然后划出,Peter,的相关信息,He,lives,in,the UK(,英国,),.,Hes 11,years old(,岁,).,He likes Maths and PE.,He,studies,Chinese after school.,1.Where does he live?,5.What does he like doing?,2.How old is he?,3.What subjects does he like?,4.What does he do after school?,Read and find,先自由读,Story time,然后划出,Peter,的相关信息,He,lives,in,the UK(,英国,),.,Hes 11,years old(,岁,).,He likes Maths and PE.,He,studies,Chinese after school.,He likes playing football and swimming.,Liu Tao,:,Does he like playing football?,Wang Bing,:Yes, he does. He like,s,swimming, too.,Liu Tao,:,Hi,Wang Bing,. Lets go and play,foot,ball,in the,playground,.,Wang Bing,:,Wait a minute,Liu Tao,. Let me send this email first.,Its to my e-friend.,Liu Tao,:,Whos your e-friend?,Wang Bing,:,Hes Peter. He lives in the UK.,Liu Tao,:,How old is he?,Wang Bing,:Hes 11 years old.,Liu Tao,:,Can he speak Chinese?,Wang Bing,:Yes, he can.,Liu Tao,:,Does he have Chinese lessons at school?,Wang Bing,:No, he doesnt. He studies Chinese after school.,Liu Tao,:,What subjects does he like?,Wang Bing,:He likes Maths and PE.,Liu Tao,:,Does he like playing football?,Wang Bing,:Yes, he does. He likes swimming, too.,Listen and repeat,Tip,:,1,、跟读课文,注意模仿正确的,语音,、,语调,、,语气,哦!,2,、注意阅读记号,可以帮助你读得更好听哦!,表示降调,表示升调,让我们读书吧!,Read in roles.,(,分角色读,),Read together.,(,齐读,),四,人一组,以小组为单位,选择一种喜欢的方式读一读课文。,Try to read,Peter is e-friend.,He lives in ,Hes years old.,He . speak Chinese.,He Chinese lessons at school.,He studies Chinese ,He likes ,He likes playing ,Try to say,四人一小组讨论一下,然后选择自己喜欢的方式展示,可以,派一名代表说,,可以,四个人分工说,。,Liu Tao,:,Does he have Chinese lessons at school?,Wang Bing,:No, he doesnt. He studies Chinese after school.,st,u,dy,学习,Try to describe,试着介绍一下你的好朋友吧!,Summary,1,、,e-,2,、,Peter,3,、,Our friends,1 . Read the story and try to retell it,. (,读熟,Story time,并试着复述,.,),2 .Describe your friends.,(,描述下你的朋友,不少于五句话,.,),3 .,Know more national flags and share with your classmates.,(,认识更多国旗并和同学们一起分享,.,),


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