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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,英语四级模板,对比论述型真题作文,真题实战,Is a Test of Spoken English Necessary?,(,2000. 6,),1,.,很多人认为有必要举行英语口语考试,理由是,2.,也有人持不同的意见,,3.,我的看法和打算,对比论述型,范文欣赏,When,it comes,to,the test of spoken English,peoples opinions differ,.,Many people believe that,it is necessary to adopt such a test.,For one thing,fluent speaking ability is badly needed in todays society that is experiencing reform and opening-up.,For another, in a more competitive society such as ours today, fluent spoken English means more advantage you have to beat your rival in competing for a position with much appeal to both of you.,Some,people, however, take a different attitude,.,They regard,the test as being unnecessary.,In their views,fluent spoken English does not necessarily mean a better job; sometimes, opportunity plays a more important role.,Furthermore,many people do not use spoken English at all in their work.,As,far as I am concerned, I am really in favor of the test,.,On the one hand,it can encourage college students to try every means to improve their spoken English,.,On the other hand, college students will benefit endlessly in their future career if they can speak fluent English.,So,I decide to make use of every opportunity to practice my spoken English, and surely it will do me much good.,问题解决型真题作文,真题实战,How to Succeed in a Job Interview?,(2001.1),1.,面试在求职中的作用,2.,取得面试成功的因素:仪表、举止、谈吐、能力、专业知识、自信、实事求是,问题解决型,范文欣赏,With the development of,our modern society, the interview is becoming more and more important in job-hunting.,So it is of great importance for us to,master skills on interview.,On the one hand,if a job seeker can leave a good impression on the mind of the interviewer, he may be lucky enough to get the job competed for by many applicants.,On the other hand,if the job hunter gives a poor performance during the interview, he is unlikely to stand a chance.,To,be successful in a job interview,we have figured out many ways to,make an excellent performance in an interview,.,First,the applicant ought to pay attention to his appearance and manner of speaking.,Second,he is supposed to display his ability.,Finally,a really impressive job seeker must convey a sense of self-confidence.,In a word, if the interviewee displays these characteristics and presents his most attractive qualities during the interview, the interviewer might make an on-the-spot decision to take him on.,To sum up, the job interview is indeed important.,It is high time for us to,pay attention to the skills.,Therefore,if the interviewee has made full preparations for it and given a fairly confident and honest performance, his or her success can be ensured.,现象阐释型真题作文,模拟试题,College Students Job Hunting,1.,近年来出现了大学生就业难的现象,2.,产生这种现象的原因(如大学生追求的目标过高,专业不对口等),3.,如何解决这一问题(改变就业观念,大学生再培训等),In recent years,college students find it increasingly difficult to get a job. It sounds strange since young college students are usually intelligent, well-educated and eager to,bring,their talent,into full play,.,Then what underlies the strange phenomenon?,There,are several reasons for this.,To begin with,nowadays college students aim too high. All they want are “good” jobs which could offer good salary, comfortable working conditions, high social status among others,.,Consequently,most college students are unwilling to accept vacant jobs they consider not “good” enough.,Another reason is that,there is a big gap between the majors some students study in school and the demands of vacant jobs. So companies think some students are not fit for the jobs.,Solution,to the problem requires efforts on both the society and the students. The companies should value the students talent and knowledge,while,the latter should not merely aim at material gains. They should be,down-to-earth(,现实的,) in,building up their career.,Furthermore,they should face their weak points so as to improve themselves and be more,competent,.,现象阐析型 范文欣赏,图表说明型,上图所示为,1990,年、,1995,年、,2000,年某校大学生使用计算机的情况,请描述其变化;,请说明发生这些变化的原因 (可从计算机的用途、价格或社会发展等方面加以说明);,你认为目前大学生在计算机使用中有什么困难或问题。,图表说明型 范文欣赏,(,1)The chart shows that,students are now spending much more time on the computer, from one hour to four hours per week,from,1990,to,1995. (2),It is self-evident that,it increases sharply to twenty hours in the year of 2000. (3),Three possible reasons contribute to,this phenomenon.,(4),One reason is that,most college students now can afford a personal computer due to the sharp decline in its price. (5),Another reason is that,they find the computer a wonderful thing to have fun with. (6),For instance, they can chat through QQ or playing games online. (7),Whats more,from Internet, they can learn things much more quickly than simply from reading books so that they can secure a good job in the future. (8),As a result, all these lead to much more time spent on using computers.,(9),However, in my opinion, there are some complaints from both teachers and students. (10),For one thing, students complain about the less availability of computers and slow speed of the network. (11),For another, some teachers worry that the much more time spent playing computer games or surfing online will lead students to ignore their studies and even do cheating instead of doing research by their own. (12),To sum up,in spite of problems concerning the use of computer, computer is still of more merits than defects.,说明现象类作文,说明现象类作文一般是需要考生描述所给提纲中反映出的现象的总体情况,对该现象的原因、相关因素或影响进行解释说明,并分析该现象中可能存在的问题或将来的发展趋势。,Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic,The Celebration of Western Festivals,. You should write at least 150 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:,1),现在国内有不少人喜欢过西方的某些节日。,2),产生这一现象的原因,3,)这种现象可能带来的影响。,第一段 描述现象,In recent years,many Chinese people like to celebrate western festivals. Even some youngsters are playing,as,great attention to Christmas,as,our Spring Festival. ,In addition,other western festivals, like,April Fools day,and,Valentines Day, are very popular among Chinese people.,第一段 描述现象, 主题句:概括指出现象, 扩展句一,:,现象的具体表现 (,asas:“,和,一样”,同级比较), 扩展句二,:,进一步说明现象的表现(愚人节和情人节),第二段 说明原因,Many reasons,contribute to,this,phenomenon,. ,Among them, relaxing and comfortable atmosphere from western festivals,plays a critical role,. ,Moreover,more and more Chinese people begin to learn English,which,provides them with more chances to,be exposed to,western culture and festivals. ,Besides,many businessmen,desperately,try to,boost,the atmosphere of foreign festivals to attract more customers.,第二段 说明原因, 主题句:引出原因常用句式, 扩展句一:说明第一点原因, 扩展句二:说明第二点原因,(which:,引导非限制性定语从句,),(,be exposed to:,暴露于),扩展句三:说明第三点原因,(desperately:,绝望地,),(,boost:,推动、促进),总结评述,As far as I am concerned,our paying too much attention to western festivals will bring some,side effects,. The popularity of western festivals t,o some extent,has influence our traditions. ,Therefore,I suggest that people should not,be immersed,too much,in,the western festivals but ignore Chinese traditional festivals.,第三段 总结评述, 本人对现象的看法,(,side effect:,负面影响), 扩展一:具体作出评述,(,to some extent:,某种程度上), 结尾句,(,be immersed in:,过分沉溺在,中),概述现象段常用句式:,1.,With,the development of, are,becoming a more and more serious problem.,2. Nowadays, there follows,a craze for,diplomas and certificates in our society.,3.,As more people focus on,health diet, green food has begun to,draw,more and more,attention from the public.,4.,Nowadays there are more and more,secondhand goods in the market,such as,secondhand books, furniture, appliances, cars,and so on,.,问题解决类作文,问题解决类作文一般需要考生描述提纲中所反映的问题,说明问题的危害和解决问题的必要性,然后针对该问题提出应对策略或解决方法。,Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic,:,Getting to Know the World outside the Campus,. You should write at least 150 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:,1),大学生了解社会的必要性。,2),了解社会的途径(大众媒介、社会服务等),3,)你打算则么做。,第一段 提出问题,It is of great significance,for a college student to know the world outside the campus. In this fast-developing “Information Age”, college students must,keep pace with,the progress of the world. ,Additionally, by contacting the off-campus world, college students can have chance to get more practical skills. Therefore, how to know the world outside the campus is,worth,our attention.,第一段 提出问题, 主题句:概括提出问题,(,is of great significance= is significant,), 扩展句一,:,指出问题的重要性,(fast-developing,复合形容词,为“迅速发展的”),(keep pace wit,h,:,跟上,),扩展句二:进一步阐释问题的重要性, 结尾句,(,be worth sthdoing sth,:值得,),第二段 说明方法,Many ways can be adopted by,our college students to increase our knowledge of the world. ,Firstly, mass media, such as radios, televisions, newspapers and the Internet, are a good choice, by which we can,be well informed about,what is happening,.,Secondly, providing volunteer services is an efficient way to contact and know the society. ,Thirdly, we can take part-time jobs to increase our practical experience.,第二段 说明方法, 主题句,:,引出问题的解决方法, 扩展句一:说明第一点解决方法,(,be informed about/of :“,通知、告知”), 扩展句二,:,说明第二点解决方法, 扩展句三,:,说明第三点解决方法,第三段 总结评述,As for me,I will try to create and grasp more chances to contact the society. ,In my opinion, getting to know the off-campus world is,as,important,as,improving academic performance. ,Therefore, I suggest every college student should not,confine himself to,the campus but often go outside.,第三段 总结评述, 主题句:引出“我”的做法, 扩展句:具体阐述我的观点,(,asas:,同级比较), 结尾句:做出总结,(,confine himself to:,将自己局限于),说明方法段常用方式,:,1. The following,measures can be taken,to reduce campus waste.,2. Therefore,its high time for us,to,take,effective,measures,to fight against cyber crimes.,3.,Considering,the above factors/ the above-mentioned, we should be careful in selecting using references books.,4.,To,reverse the trend is not a light task, and it requires the common efforts of all citizens.,5.,Only through,these measures could noise problem be solved fundamentally.,对比分析类作文,对比分析类作文主要有两种:一种是需要考生对比阐述两种观点或做法及各自的理由,然后表明自己的观点或做法并说明理由;另一种是需要考生对比阐述某事物的利和弊、好处和危害或优点和缺点,继而表明自己的看法或态度。,Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled,Should One Expect a Reward When Doing a Good Deed? Y,ou should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline given below in Chinese:,1.,有人做好事期望得到回报。,2.,有人认为应该像雷锋那样做好事不图回报。,3.,你的观点。,第一段 观点,A,Nowadays, different people hold different views about,whether or not one should expect a reward when doing a good deed. ,Some people think that,a good deed should be given a certain reward. ,They say,it,is agreeable with,the rule of fairness. ,Also,rewards can,stimulate peoples enthusiasm,to do good deeds.,第一段 观点,A,主题句,:,引出对某事物的不同观点, 扩展句,:,指出一种观点 扩展一,(be agreeable with:,与,吻合,),扩展二,(stimulate ones enthusiasm:,激发人的热情,),观点,B,However, there are many others,take Leifeng as a model and be always,ready to,help others,without expecting any reward,. Everyone may be in trouble.,Only if,you help others unselfishly, you can get others help when you need it. ,Besides, they maintain that,one can enjoy happiness in doing good deeds, they think, which is the best return.,观点,B,主题句,:,转折引出另一种观点,(without expecting any reward,不期望任何回报), 扩展一,(only if:,只要,引导条件状语从句,),扩展二,第三段 我的观点或选择,Weighing up these two arguments, I prefer the second one.,First,being happy to help others is one of Chinese peoples,traditional virtues,. ,Second,this virtue is of more significance,for the creation of a,harmonious,society. ,To conclude,it is,every citizens responsibility,to do,good deeds without expecting any reward.,第三段 我的观点或选择,主题句,:,结合两点观点,表明我的观点,(weighing up:,权衡,),扩展一,: (traditional virtues:,传统美德,),扩展二,: (harmonious:,和谐的,),结尾句,:,提出建议,作出展望,(固定句式:,it isfor sb.+ to do sth,),对比论证段常用句式:,1. People,holding the first view,usually think that more money will result in more happiness.,2. Some people,object strongly,that universities lower admission requirements for celebrities.,3. However,the holders,of the second view argue that one should develop his skills as roundly as possible.,观点论证类作文结构,论证观点类作文一般需要考生按照提纲要求提出论点,通过举例等方法论证观点,最后再对论点进行总结。,Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled,Haste Makes Waste. Y,ou should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline given below in Chinese:,1.,为什么说“语速则不达”,2.,试举例说明。,第一段:提出观点,The proverb,“Haste makes waste”,has been widely accepted for many years.,It reminds us that,if we are to achieve our final goal we have to do it in a,down-to-earth,way. The truth of it is deep and profound.,第一段:提出观点, 主题句,:,提出观点, 扩展句一,:,阐述论点中蕴涵的道理,(down-to-earth:,脚踏实地,),扩展句二,:,进一步强调论点的正确性,(“其中蕴涵着深远的道理”),第二段:列举论据,There are numerous examples supporting this argument,. ,A case in point,is the ancient Chinese story of “,Helping the shoots grow by pulling,”. This story proved that the haste caused not only waste but great loss. ,For another example,some parents and teachers, in order to improve childrens,academic performance,in a short time, tend to,put too heavy burden on,children. This, as a result, brings the children,nothing but,great pressure.,第二段:列举论据, 主题句,:,引出论据常用句式, 扩展句一,:,列举第一个例子,(a case in point:,典型的例子,),(helping the shoots grow by pulling:,拔苗助长,),扩展句二,:,列举第二个例子,(academic performance:,学习成绩,),(nothing but:,只是,仅仅,),第三段:总结观点,All the above-mentioned tells us that,we shouldnt,be over anxious for quick results.,Everything has its own,developing law,. ,Therefore,whatever we do, we should not pay too much attention to the speed and ignore these laws.,第三段:总结观点, 主题句,:,承接上文,重申观点,(be over anxious for quick results:,急于求成,),扩展句,:,提出建议,(developing law:,发展规律,),结尾句,:,总结全文,观点论证段常用句式:,1.,There are numerous examples,supporting this argument.,2.,A good example to illustrate,is higher divorce rate in recent years.,3. This argument,can be proved by,the following facts.,4.,The following reasons/facts,can support the argument.,图表阐释类作文,图表阐释类作文一般需要考生描述图表或图画中的数据或画面,解释这些数据或画面反映出的变化、现象或问题,并对其产生的原因、影响或存在的问题进行分析说明。,Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic,Student Use of Computers,. You should write at least 120 words and base your composition on the chart and the outline given below:,1.,上图所示为,1990,年,,1995,年,,2000,年某校大学生使用计算机的情况,请描述其变化。,2,请说明发生这些过程的原因,(,可从计算机的用途,价格或社会发展等方面加以说明,),;,3,你认为目前大学生在计算机使用中有什么困难或问题,?,第一段 概述图表,From the chart above, it can be seen clearly that,in recent ten years the time the students spend on computer has increased rapidly. In 1990, a student only spent 1 hour,on average,on the computer per week. ,However, by 2000, the number had reached as many as 20 hours.,第一段 描述现象, 注意:图表类作文常用的表述方法, 扩展句一:概述图表中显示的初期数据。, 扩展句二:转折,概述图表中数据的变化。,第二段 说明原因,The following reasons can,account for,this,tremendous,change. ,Among them, the sharply decrease of the computer price plays an important role. More and more families can afford a computer for their children. ,In addition, more and more net bars provide students convenient,access to,computer. ,Besides, Internet provides people an amazing world to explore,which,attracts more students to sit in front of the computer screen.,第二段 说明原因, 主题句:引出下文对原因的说明。,(,account for:,解释,说明),(tremendous:,惊人的,),扩展句一:说明第一点原因。, 扩展句二:说明第二点原因。,(,access to,:接近,有权使用),扩展句三:说明第三点原因。,(,which,引导非限制性定语从句),第三段 总结评述,From my point of view, there are still some problems in student use of computers. A typical one,is that,some students,are addicted to,computer games. ,Besides, some students rely on computers too much, which limits their independent thinking. ,Therefore, necessary instructions should be given to students to,guarantee,their reasonable use of computers.,第三段 总结评述, 主题句:“我”的看法, 扩展句一:第一点问题。(,be addicted to:,沉溺于) 扩展句二:第二点问题。 结尾句:提出建议(,guarantee,:保证),描写图表段常用句式:,1.,As is indicated/ revealed/ showed in the above graph,there have been some obvious changes in.,2.,According to the figures given in the table, is becoming more and more popular/ gain more and more popularity.,3.,As the survey results show,life expectancy in developing countries has increased a lot in the past 3 decades.,


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