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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Festivals,In America,Holidays,Date,Holiday,What did she do?,January 1,New Years Day,She went skiing.,February 14,Valentines Day,She went dancing.,April 10,Spring break,She went sightseeing in San Francisco.,May 31,Memorial Day,She went hiking and camping.,Holidays,Date,Holiday,What did she do?,July 4,Independent day,She went swimming.,October 31,Halloween,She went to a costume party.,November 25,Thanksgiving,She went to a family party.,December 25,Christmas,She helped decorate her aunts house.,December 31,New Years Eve,She had a great time at the street,festival.,New Year,s Day,(新年),Martin Luther King Day,(马丁,路德,金纪念日),Lincoln,s Birthday,(林肯纪念日),Washington,s Birthday,(华盛顿纪念日),Valentine,s Day,( 情人节),Good Friday,(耶酥受难日),Easter/Easter Sunday,(复活节),April Fool,(愚人节),May Day,(劳动节),Mother,s Day,(母亲节),Father,s Day,(父亲节),Independence Day,(独立日),Grandparents,Day,(祖父母(外祖父母),Halloween,(万圣节),Thanksgiving,(感恩节),Christmas,Day,(圣诞节),February,Saint Valentines Day,Easter Day,.,April,Easter,a religious festival,May,Halloween,(31th. December),Do you know any other customs or symbols on this special holiday?,Costume,Ball,Carved Pumpkin Lantern,Halloween Parade(,游行),November,December,Thanksgiving Day,When is Thanksgiving Day?,It,s in November,.,Fourth Thursday in November,Thanksgiving Day is the most truly American of the national Holidays in the United States and is most closely connected with the earliest history of the country,感恩节是美国国定假日中最地道、最美国式的节日,而且它和早期美国历史最为密切相关。,In the United States, the fourth Thursday in November is called Thanksgiving Day. On that day, Americans give thanks for the blessings,(祝福),they have enjoyed during the,year.,在美国,每年,11,月的最后一个周四称为,感恩节,,在那天,美国人为每年得到的上天赐福表示感激。,And what happens?,What,everybody do?,Do you know Thanksgiving day,s coming?,In 1620,A bout one hundred European,immigrate to American now is Plymouth(,普利茅斯,).,The life is very difficult, A half of people was died.,The Indian was sympathy for them, So The Indian teach them how to plant grain, life skill.,At the last, people have a very good harvest, So,the fourth Thursday in November is called Thanksgiving Day.,Every Thanksgiving day people will thanks for the God, all of we have things.,The story of,“,Thanksgiving day,Families are together.,We have a big, special dinner,.,Turkey (The main course),corn,Pumpkins,(南瓜),cranberry sauce,(酸果蔓酱),In American,“,Thanksgiving day,”,also called,“,corn Festival,”,The corn is good harvest,We send thanksgiving cards to people.,We say thank you for all the good things we have.,Christmas Day,When is Christmas?,It,s on the 25th of December.,Christmas Eve also called Silent Night,(,December 24, is the night before Christmas Day,),Christmas is an annual,(每年的),holiday celebrated on December 25 .,It commemorates,(纪念),the birth of Jesus.,The date of commemoration is not known to be Jesus actual birthday.,The Christmas Day,Almost of everyone enjoys Christmas Day, especially children.,It is particularly enjoyed by children who get will be very excited because of the some presents they know they are going to receive .,Christmas hats,Christmas Stocking,Christmas cards,Christmas dinner,Christmas carols,(颂歌),Christmas traditions,Christmas tree,Christmas,tree,Chinese festivals,Mid-autumn festival,中秋节,Dragon boat festival,端午节,Spring festival,春节,Thanks!,


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