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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 4I can see with my eyes.,-What can she do ?,-Who is she ?,-What can she do ?,-What can she do ?,-She can,cook,.,She has got some friends .,Guess :What can they do ?,He can play football .,She can jump .,She can read .,They can run .,He can listen to music .,What can they do these things with ?,He can,play football,with,his feet,.,Today , lets learn the sentence as :,sb. can do sth. with sth.,He can,play football,with,his feet,.,-She can,cook,with,her hands,.,hands,-She can,jump,with,her feet,.,feet,-She can,read,with,her eyes,.,eyes,-They can,run,with,their feet,.,feet,-He can,listen to music,with,his ears,.,ears,What can you do then ?,I can,smell the flower,with,my nose,.,nose,smell,闻,I can,sing,with,my mouth,.,mouth,We can,sing,with,our mouths,.,I can,clean the elephant,with,a brush,.,brush,I can,touch the horse,with,my hands .,touch,触摸,I can,walk,with,my feet .,I can,paint,with,a brush .,I can,smell,the flowers,with my,nose,.,flowers,smell,I can,touch,the tiger,with my,hand,.,pencil,touch,I can,hear the radio,with my,ears,.,radio,hear,I can,walk,with my,legs,.,walk,I can,see,the tiger,with my,eyes,.,tiger,see,I can,taste,the cheese,with my,tongue,.,cheese,taste,I can,eat,the food,with my,mouth,.,food,eat,smell,touch,hear,walk,see,eat,taste,8. Pairwork.,nose,hand,ears,legs,eyes,mouth,e.g. I can walk with my legs. I can smell with my nose,二、单元学习,1,Listen, read and act.,I can clean the elephant with a brush.,I can smell the flower with my nose.,6,Look and say.,I can hear a radio,programme,.,广播节目,I can hear the ticks of a clock.,钟的滴答声,I can hear a dog coming.,I can hear a cat crying.,I can hear the telephone ringing.,I can hear the sound of a fire.,I can hear the sound of a TV,programme,.,7.Look,read and match .,What body parts does a plant have? A plant has a body, which is called a stem(,茎,). It doesnt have arms and legs ,but it has leaves(,叶,)and roots,(根),.Many plants have flowers, too.,1),This part is often very,colourful,.,Read the sentences and match the words.,2),This part is green and flat(,平的),.,3),This part is below the ground,.,4,) This part is green, round and grows upwards,.,A. stem,B. root,C. leaf,D. flower,Well , as far as we know ,we can do all kinds of things well .,What about animals then ?,What can they do ?,Guess : Who am I ?,I am,small,.,I have,two long ears,.,I have got,a short tail,.,I can,jump,.,The rabbit can,eat carrots,with,mouth,.,Guess :,Who am I ?,I am,fat,.,Im,black and white,.,I like,bamboo shoots,.,I can,eat bamboo shoots,with,my mouth,.,A panda can,eat bamboo shoots,with,mouth,.,The monkey can,bounce a ball,with,hands,.,The horse can,run,with,legs,.,Lets help the animals to give us a self-introduction(,自我介绍,),:,Im ,( big/ small / white / cute ),I like ,(meat / carrots / bones ),I can ,(run / jump / eat bananas ),2,Listen, read and match.,This animal uses its arms and legs to climb trees.,这个动物用它的四肢去爬树。,This animal moves without any arms or legs.,这个动物不用胳膊或者腿移动。,This animal has got five arms.,这个动物有五只手臂。,This animal has got special arms to help it swim.,这个动物有特殊的手臂去帮助自己游泳。,This animal uses its legs to catch food.,这个动物用它的腿去抓住食物。,2.Listen,read and match .,Answers: 1.monkey,3.the star fish,2.snake,4.dolphin,5.crab,9,Read and draw.,What can the elephants nose do? Draw a picture to answer the question.,3,Look and say.,The girl painted the picture with a big brush.,The cook smelled the soup with his nose.,The children listened to the music with their ears.,The boy touched the rabbit with his hand.,。,The man holds the newspaper with his hands.,We washed the socks with some washing powder.,The boy tasted the ice cream with his tongue.,The monkey climbs the tree with his arms and legs.,The girl writes the letter with a big pen.,4,Look and play.,5,Look and say.,Picture one: I can see a mask of a horse. A girl is wearing the mask.,面具,I think they are having a party or they are playing a game.,Picture three: I can see a turtle. This turtle is very lovely. Its made of a paper plate.,纸板,Picture four: I can see some children eating snacks.,零食,They are each wearing a mask.,Picture five: I can see a white caterpillar.,毛毛虫,Its made of a long stocking.,长袜,It looks very pretty.,Self-introduction:,I am,Amanda,.,Im,27,years old .,I like,reading,. I,can read newspapers,with,my eyes,.,I like,singing,. I can,sing,with,my mouth,.,I like,nice food,. I can,cook,with,my hands, too .,Self-introduction:,I am,Im,years old .,I can,with,I can,with,I can,with, too .,Well ,Since we can do so many things by ourselves . Lets see , what can we do at home ?,tidy the bookcase.,clean the cupboard,sweep the floor,Our parents are busy with work all day long . Can we help them with the housework ?,special,different,leaves,upward,ground,plants,clean,brush,特别的,不同的,树叶(复),向上地,地面,植物(复),打扫,刷子,


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