performance review institute qualified products listing[绩效评估研究所合格产品上市](-37)

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performance review institute qualified products listing[绩效评估研究所合格产品上市](-37)_第1页
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,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,Performance Review Institute Qualified Products Listing,January 30, 2014,Definitions,QUALIFIED PRODUCTS LIST (QPL):,A listing of products from manufacturers who have received a PRI product qualification to a specific aerospace standard for specific product designations and plant locations.,QUALIFIED PRODUCT GROUP (QPG):,A,committee mandated by the QPMC responsible for assessing whether manufacturers products comply with the relevant aerospace standard. The committee is composed of members from Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) and Government Agencies.,QUALIFIED PRODUCT MANAGEMENT COUNCIL (QPMC):,The committee that manages the Qualified Product Process/Program.,2,PRI QPL Program Background,QPL - A document which lists qualified manufacturers who have met the product qualification test requirements to a specified industry standard for specific part numbers and plant locations,1996,1998,2014,Pilot program,Industry Managed,PRI QPL Program,DoD Acquisition Reform,Military specifications with QPLs posed,a problem for non-government standards,to convert,Preserve value-added aerospace,specification requirements,PRI championed pilot program, with,organizational concept,SAE committee volunteers,Pilot program success,PRI QPL program formally established,Standard Development Organization,(SDO) guidelines created and approved,by SAE Aerospace Council - 1999,More than,30,000 products/parts,8 active,Qualified,Product Groups,TODAY. . .,3,Purpose of the Aerospace QPL Program,Maintain a list of manufacturers critical products where those products have been qualified as meeting specific industry standards.,To manage the review process of submitted data and other materials reviewed by the QPG.,4,Motivation,Users (OEMs/Government/Airlines),Collaboration with other OEMs/Government/Airlines,Reduce costs by reduced need for in-house/outside lab testing,Uses consistent qualification procedures/standards,Maximize competition without the loss of quality,Avoid cost associated with maintaining User QPLs (testing, qualification, administration),Suppliers,Typically lower costs than when qualifying products to User standards/specifications,Utilize initial qualification data to a wider industry base,Eliminate redundant testing and qualification processes,Ensure fairness among suppliers,Utilize consistent approach to qualification of product,5,Industry-Managed QPL Structure,Policy,Strategic,/,Tactical,Executive Leaders,Legal Entity,Set Policy,Provide the Vision,Senior Leaders & Managers,Oversee Operation of QPL Program,Establish & Implement Policy &,Procedures,QPG Coordination & Development,Identify, Develop and Deploy,Improvement,Technical Experts,Determine Requirements,Develop Documents,Accepts Test Plan and Report,Final Decision on QPL Listing,Process responsibilities clearly defined,Qualified Product,Management Council,(QPMC),Standards,Developing,Organization,(SDO),PRI Board of,Directors,Standard Technical,Committees,Knowledgeable Parties With Interest,Maintain Technical Standards,Recommended Practices, etc.,6,Technical,QPGs,Fluid Distribution Systems (G-3),Elastomer Seals,(AMS CE),Sealants (G-9),Organic Coatings,(G-8),Propulsion Lubricants (E-34),Propulsion Standards (E25),CACRC,Advanced Composites (P-17),Role of PRI,Coordinate operations/procedures of the QPMC and QPGs,Coordinate activities throughout the QPG review and report processing,Maintain and Control QPLs,Maintain customer records during and after review,Maintain confidentiality,Administrator of the QPL program,7,2014 Board of Directors,Stan Adachi,The Boeing Company,Richard A. Amato,G,E Aviation,Etienne Galen,Snecma (Safran Group),Michael J. Hayward,Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems,Mario Langlois (Chairman),Bombardier Aerospace,Tony Maguire,B,AE Systems PLC,January 2014,Ron Meester,Honeywell Aerospace,Anna “Graham” Morast,Pratt & Whitney, UTC,Andy Page,Rolls-Royce,p,lc,David L. Schutt,SAE International,Junji Tsuji,Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries,Li Wei,Aviation Industry Corporation of China,Jianqiang Xu,COMAC,8,Role of QPMC,Provide direction for the administration of the PRI-QPL qualification program,Provide an,effective administrative structure,to manage QPLs utilizing existing task groups, committees, etc. and provide feedback to industry in the form of guides or advisories,Coordinate and,communicate,major QPL activities throughout the industry,Ensure consistency,in QPG operating procedures,Resolve appeals,of QPG decisions,9,Qualified Product Management Council,Jerry Brown,Materials & Processes Engineer,Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Co.,Kent DeFranco (Chairman),Materials Engineer, Sr. Staff,Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Co.,Ross Downing (Vice Chairman),Principal Engineer,The Boeing Company,Alan Fletcher,Materials Engineer, Systems Support Div.,US Air Force,Robert Hainline,Mechanical & Structural Engineer,The Boeing Company,Tim Koczanski,Defense Standardization Program Office,Manuel Koucouthakis,Principal Engineer,Honeywell,Gary Landry,Program Manager, Design Systems,Pratt & Whitney,Carl Levandusky,General Engineer,Naval Air Warfare Center,James Lewis (Secretariat),Program Manager,Performance Review Institute,Paul Wittman,Certification Manager,Middle River Aircraft Systems,10,Accurate as of January 2014,Policy and Procedures,PROGRAM,DOCUMENT,PD2000,PROGRAM,DOCUMENT,PD2001,GOVERNANCE AND ADMINISTRATION OF AN INDUSTRY MANAGED,PRODUCT QUALIFICATION PROGRAM,11,MANUFACTURER REQUEST FOR PRODUCT APPROVAL AND,QUALIFICATION PROCESS,Role of Qualified Product Group,Meet and review data in a timely manner as required by procedure,Establish procedures for the review,Review data for conformance to requirements,Define and approve data sources,Disposition each qualification submittal,Forward evaluation reports to PRI,12,Current Qualified Product Groups,Sealants * (SAE G-9),Polysulfide, Polythioether and Adhesion Promoters,Commercial Aircraft Composite Repair (SAE CACRC),Composite Repair Materials, Processes and Methods,Elastomer Seals * (SAE AMS-CE),O-Rings, Plate Seals, Gaskets and other Compression Seals,Fluid Distribution Systems Components * (SAE G-3),Couplings, Fittings, Hose, Tubing and Installation Procedures,Organic Coatings (SAE G-8),Primers, Topcoats, Specialty Coatings e.g. Fuel Tank Coatings, Rain Erosion Coatings,Propulsion Lubricants (SAE E-34),Synthetic Turbine Engine Lubricants,General Standards for Aerospace and Propulsion Systems (SAE E-25),Solid Film Lubricant,Polymeric Advanced Composite* (SAE P-17),* Require a Nadcap Audit,13,The QPL Process,14,QPL Approval Process Initial,Supplier Submits,Application,And Applicable,Data to PRI,PRI forwards,Submission,to QPG,QPG,Reviews,Data,Additional,Information,Requested,PRI Communicates,Request for,Additional Information,To Supplier,Approval Granted,Yes,No,15,As to the Supplier.,Obtain a copy of the applicable standard at,Obtain a copy of the applicable Program Document at eAuditNet / Resources / Documents / Public Documents / QPL Programs,Pay special attention to requirements, such as:,AS/EN/JISQ9100,ISO/IEC 17025 Lab,QPG witness,Test plan requirements per the specification/PD document,16,And then.,Go to eAuditNet to initiate a “Project”.,Instructional PowerPoint Document,Resources / Documents / Public Documents / QPL Programs / “QPL User Guide Supplier”,Documents to be marked as Proprietary.,17,The Nadcap Audit Process,18,Nadcap,Nadcap The leading worldwide cooperative program of major companies designed to manage a cost effective consensus approach to special processes and products and provide continuous improvement within the aerospace and automotive industries.,19,Require a Nadcap Audit,Is a Nadcap Audit required?,SAE Committee determines if the Nadcap Audit is required,20,Information to Request,the Establishment,of a PRI QPG,21,Primes Involved in the QPG,Determine the structure and relationship between,SAE Committee and,the yet to be established QPG Minimum of 3 primes required,22,Key Players,SAE Committee Members Planning to Participate in the QPL Project Reviews,Contact & Company Name,23,Program Information,Number of Suppliers Impacted,Applicable Current Specification Numbers and List of Potential Specifications,Potential QPL Projects (workload),Timeline for Completion/Publication of the Specification,24,Program Information (continued),Is an AS/EN/JISQ9100 approved quality system required?,Is it required to conduct the testing at an ISO/IEC 17025 accredited laboratory with applicable scope?,25,Program Information (continued),What information is required on the on-line QPL listing?,Is a Nadcap Audit required for the qualification?,What are the requalification/recertification/ periodic testing/sampling requirements?,Will grandfathering of materials be applicable?,26,Request for Development of a QPG,Formal Letter to the QPMC,Formal Presentation at the QPMC Spring or Fall Meeting,Time for approval,Time for implementation,27,eAuditNet,-On-line QPL,-Program Documents,28,eAuditNet,Register in eAuditNet,29,eAuditNet Support - +1 724-772-8679,On-Line QPL,Under “Resources” select, “Online QPL”.,30,eauditnet,On-Line PRI-QPL,Select Specific QPG,Select a Specific Manufacturer or SAE Standard,Click “Search”,31,OR,Download Search Data,Download to an Excel Spreadsheet,32,QPL Documents in eAuditNet,Click as follows:,Resources,Documents,Public Documents,QPL Programs,33,PRI eAuditNet Website Link,Link PRI On-Line QPL Search to SAE Standards Website,Button would indicate “click here to purchase the SAE specification”,Link to SAE to Purchase the Standard,34,SAE Website Link,Link SAE Standards website to PRI QPL,Button would indicate “PRI-QPL”,Link to eAuditNet,35,CACRC QPL Search Results,36,Questions?,37,


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