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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit Five,The Treasure in the Orchard,Teaching plan,Situation: A short play,Pattern: Oral,Situation: Successes and Achievements,Pattern: Writing,Situation:,A movie or cartoon,Pattern:,Discussion,Task1:,Ways of requiring,Task2: A congratulation letter,Task3:,Welfare and wealth,BI,Background Information,The Treasure in the Orchard,Fable,Aesop,Phoenix,BI-1,The Treasure in the Orchard,This story is taken from Aesops Fables:,The Hare and the Tortoise and Other Stories,.,BI-2,Fable,A fable is a short story or folk tale with a moral at the end. It often, but not necessarily, makes metaphorical use of an animal as its central character. In some cases usage of the term has been extended to include stories with mythical or legendary elements. An author of fables is a fabulist. The word fabulous strictly means pertaining to fables, although in recent decades its metaphorical meanings have been taken literally.,BI-3,Aesop,Aesop (from the Greek Aisopos), famous for his Fables, is supposed to have lived from about 620 to 560 B.C. Aesops fables are still taught as moral lessons and used as subjects for various entertainments, especially childrens plays and cartoons.,Other fables by Aesop include: “The Lion and the Mouse”, “The Ant and the Grasshopper”, “The Fox and the Goat”, “The Fox and the Crane (or Crow) ”, “The Fox and the Grapes”, “The Dog and the Bone”, “The Wolf in Sheeps Clothing”, “The Boy who Cried Wolf”, “The Hen (or Goose) that Laid the Golden Eggs”, “The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse”, “The North Wind and the Sun”, “The Ass in the Lions Skin”, “The Lion and the Mouse”, and “The Old Man and Death”.,BI-4,Phoenix,The phoenix is a legendary Arabian bird said to periodically burn itself to death and emerge from the ashes as a new phoenix; according to most versions only one phoenix lived at a time and it renewed itself every 500 years.,RW list,Text A,The Treasure in the Orchard,Text A Exercises,Practical Writing,Starter,What is wealth and what kind of wealth do dying people hope to leave their children? With your classmates, discuss the best replies to these two statements.,Text A,Wealth is:,1.,2.,3.,Starter1-1,Starter1-2,Text A,Dying people hope to leave their children:,1.,2.,3.,Now read the following passage and find out what treasure the gardener left in the orchard for his children.,TA-01,Text A,?,The,Treasure,in the Orchard,Author Unknown,1,An old,gardener,who was dying,sent for,his two sons to come to his bedside,as he wished to speak to them,.,When they came,in answer to,his,request, the old man,raising himself on,his,pillows, pointed through the window towards his orchard.,2,“You see that,orchard,?” said he.,3,“Yes, Father, we see the orchard.”,4,“For years it has given the best of fruit ,golden,oranges, red apples, and,cherries,bigger and brighter than,rubies,!”,5,“,To be sure, Father. It has always been a good orchard!”,N,N,TA-01-TT,treasure,/,/:,n.,(stone of) gold, silver, jewels, etc.,金银财宝;财富,hidden treasure,buried treasure,look for treasure,dig up treasure,Title of Text A,e.g.,T,T,T,T,秘藏的财宝,埋藏的财宝,寻找宝藏,挖掘宝藏,TA-01-Q,Questions About This Paragraph,1) How did the gardener feel about his orchard?,He was very proud of his orchard.,TA-01-NT1,Notes on the Text,When they came in answer to his request, the old man, raising himself on his pillows, pointed through the window towards his orchard.,两个儿子应他的要求来了,老人坐直身子靠在枕头上,指向窗外的果园。,动词,raise,的现在分词,raising,修饰句中谓语动词,pointed,,表示伴随该动作发生的状态。,TA-01-NT2,Notes on the Text,For years it has given the best of fruit golden oranges, red apples, and cherries bigger and brighter than rubies!,多年来,它一直出产最好的水果黄澄澄的橘子,红艳艳的苹果,还有比红宝石还要大,还要,晶莹鲜亮的樱桃!,状语,for years,前置,起强调作用。破折号后面的部分是,fruit,的同位语。,TA-01-LP1,Language Points,Language Points,send for:,send sb. to fetch,派人去请,派人去叫,派人去拿,The child is running a high fever. We must send for a doctor at once.,e.g.,T,孩子在发高烧。我们必须马上去请医生来。,TA-01-LP2,Language Points,Language Points, as he wished to speak to them.,as,引导原因状语从句时,从句放在主句前后皆可。,As it was getting late, I decided to stop at a hotel.,You can go first as youre the oldest.,又如:,T,因为天色渐晚,我决定停下来住旅馆。,T,您先请,因为您年纪最大。,TA-01-LP3,Language Points,Language Points,in answer to:,as an answer to,作为对,的回答(或响应),Im writing in answer to your letter of October 6th.,She nodded in answer to his question.,The doctor came at once in answer to my phone call.,e.g.,T,我现在写信答复您10月6日的来信。,T,对他提出的问题,她点头作答。,T,医生一接到我的电话立刻就来了。,TA-01-LP4,Language Points,Language Points,request /,/:,n.,an act of asking for sth. , esp. politely,要求; 请求,a special request,a polite request,a written request,Ive put in / made a request for a room with a view of the sea.,e.g.,T,特殊要求,T,礼貌的请求,T,书面请求,T,我已经提出请求,要一个临海的房间。,TA-01-LP5,Language Points,Language Points, raising himself on his pillows:,坐直身子靠在枕头上,现在分词短语修饰句中谓语动词,pointed,,表示伴随该动作发生的状态。,TA-01-LP6,Language Points,Language Points,golden /,/:,a.,like gold in color or value,金的,金制的;金色的;,像黄金一样贵重的,golden hair,a golden opportunity,e.g.,T,金发,T,良机,TA-01-LP7,Language Points,Language Points,to be sure:,having no doubt; of course; one must admit that,毫无疑问; 当然;必须承认,To be sure this job will require a lot of hard work.,To be sure its a long walk to the shops, but youre young and strong.,This is not his best book, to be sure, but it is still worth reading.,e.g.,T,做这项工作肯定要非常努力。,T,去那些商店是要走很远的路,可你年富力强。,T,这确实不是他最好的书,但仍值得一读。,TA-01-LP8,Language Points,Language Points,orchard /,/:,n.,piece of land in which fruit trees are grown,果园,TA-01-LP9,Language Points,Language Points,gardener /,/:,n.,person who works in a garden, either for pay or as a,hobby,园丁;园艺家,TA-01-LP10,Language Points,Language Points,pillow,/,/:,n.,枕头,TA-01-LP11,Language Points,Language Points,cherry,/,/:,n.,樱桃;樱桃树,TA-01-LP12,Language Points,Language Points,ruby /,/:,n.,红宝石,TA-02,Text A,?,6,The old gardener,nodded,his head,time and time again,. He looked at his hands they were worn from the,spade,that he had used,all his life,. Then he looked at the hands of his sons and saw that their,nails,were,polished,and their fingers,as white as those of any fine ladys,.,7,“You have never done a days work in your lives,you two,!” said he. “I doubt if you ever will! But I have,hidden,a treasure in my orchard for you to find. You will never,possess,it unless you,dig it up,. It lies,midway,between two of the trees, not too near, yet not too far from the,trunks,. It is yours for the trouble of digging that is all!”,TA-02-Q,Questions About These Paragraphs,2,),What were the differences between the fathers and the sons hands?,The fathers hands were worn but the sons were white and fine.,3,),How often did the sons do work before the gardener died?,They had never done a days work.,TA-02-LP1,Language Points,Language Points,nod /,/:,v.,move (ones head) up and down as a greeting or to show,agreement, etc.,点(头)(表示同意,打招呼等),She could not speak but just nodded her head.,She nodded (her head) without saying anything.,They nodded at us, so we nodded back.,e.g.,T,她说不出话,只是点了点头。,T,她点了点头,什么话也没说。,T,他们朝我们点点头,我们也点头示意。,TA-02-LP2,Language Points,Language Points,time and time again:,many times; repeatedly,多次;一再,反复地,Ive told you time and time again make sure you look before you,cross the road.,e.g.,T,我已经再三告诉过你们, 过马路前一定要先向左右看一看。,TA-02-LP3,Language Points,Language Points,spade,/,/:,n.,tool for digging with a wooden handle and a broad metal,blade,锹,铲,TA-02-LP4,Language Points,Language Points,all ones life:,for the whole of ones life,一辈子,毕生,TA-02-LP5,Language Points,Language Points,nail /,/:,n.,指甲;钉子,TA-02-LP6,Language Points,Language Points,polish,/,/:,vt.,cause the surface of (sth.) to be smooth and shiny by,rubbing,擦光;擦亮,polish my shoes,polish the furniture,polished wood,e.g.,T,擦我的鞋,T,打磨家具,T,抛光的木料,TA-02-LP7,Language Points,Language Points, as white as those of any fine ladys.,像闲雅女士的手指一样白皙。,在,as as,结构中,第一个,as,是副词,而第二个,as,可以是连词或介词。,He tries as hard as I do to save money.,petals as pale as pearls,又如:,T,他像我一样拼命省钱。,T,淡雅如珍珠的花瓣,TA-02-LP8,Language Points,Language Points,you two:,you,后面可跟一个复数名词或数字。,Its time you kids got some sleep.,Are you two ready?,e.g.,T,孩子们,该睡会儿觉了。,T,你们俩准备好了吗?,TA-02-LP9,Language Points,Language Points,hide /,/: (hid /,/, hidden /,/),vt.,put or keep out of sight,把,藏起来,,隐藏,TA-02-LP10,Language Points,Language Points,possess,/,z,/:,vt.,have (sth.) as ones belonging; own,占有,拥有,She gave everything she possessed to the poor.,He possesses several Picassos.,e.g.,T,她把她拥有的一切都给了穷人。,T,他拥有好几幅毕加索的画。,TA-02-LP11,Language Points,Language Points,dig,/,/: (dug /,/),vt.,(use a tool such as a spade to) turn over (land) in (a place),掘,挖,dig up:,remove (sth.) from the ground by digging,掘起; 挖掘出,The police have been digging up his back garden.,Theyve dug up a hidden treasure.,e.g.,T,警察把他家的后花园挖了个底朝天。,T,他们挖出了秘藏的财宝。,TA-02-LP12,Language Points,Language Points,midway,/,/:,ad.,in the middle; halfway,当中;中间;半途,The city is midway between Beijing and Shijiazhuang.,He became ill midway through the holiday.,e.g.,T,这座城市位于北京和石家庄之间。,T,假期过半时他病了。,TA-02-LP13,Language Points,Language Points,trunk,/,/:,n.,main stem of a tree, from which the branches grow,树干,TA-03,Text A,8,Then he,sent them away, and soon,afterwards,he died. So the orchard became the,property,of his sons, and,without any,delay, they,set to work,to dig for the treasure that had been promised them.,N,TA-03-NT,Notes on the Text, without any delay, they set to work to dig for the treasure that had been promised them.,他们毫不迟延,立即开始工作,挖掘、寻找已经答应给他们的财宝。,set to work,(开始工作)中的,work,是名词,不是动词,;,set to,后一般不可以直接跟动词,只可以跟动名词,。,promise,后应跟双宾语,即,promise sb. sth.。,在,tha t,引导的这句定语从句里,,,sb,.,是,them,sth,.,则是定语从句的先行词,treasure,。,TA-03-LP1,Language Points,Language Points,send away:,cause (sb.) to leave,使离去,把,打发走,I sent away a stranger who knocked at my door.,Send him away!,e.g.,T,我打发走一个敲门的陌生人。,T,让他走开!,TA-03-LP2,Language Points,Language Points,afterwards,/,/: ad.,at a later time,以后, 过后,后来,We went for a walk, and afterward(s) we ate lunch.,She felt fine before dinner but was ill afterwards.,e.g.,T,我们去散了散步,然后吃午饭。,T,吃饭前她感觉挺好,但后来就病了。,TA-03-LP3,Language Points,Language Points,property /,/:,n.,thing or things that sb. owns,财产,资产; 所有物,a lost property office,a man of property,That book is my property.,e.g.,T,失物招领所,T,有产者,T,那本书是我的。,TA-03-LP4,Language Points,Language Points,delay /,/:,n.,延迟;拖延;耽搁,unnecessary delay,We are very sorry for the delay in replying to your letter.,e.g.,T,不必要的延误,T,没能及时回信,我们深表歉意。,TA-03-LP5,Language Points,Language Points,without any delay:,at once, immediately,立刻, 即刻,Please send him the letter without any delay.,They arrived to repair the machine without any delay.,e.g.,T,请不要拖延,马上把信寄给他。,T,他们即刻赶来修理机器。,TA-03-LP6,Language Points,set to work:,begin working hard,大干起来, 开始努力工作,注意,:set to work,中的,work,是名词,不是动词,。set to work,后可以接动词不定式,但,set to,后面一般不可以接动词不定式,只可以接动名词。,They set to work as soon as they arrived.,We must set to work on that job as soon as possible.,He set to work to clean the room. /He set to cleaning the room.,set to:,begin doing sth. in an eager or a determined way,开始起劲地做某事,e.g.,T,他们一到就大干起来。,T,我们必须尽快开始做那份工作。,T,他开始打扫房间。,TA-04,Text A,?,9,Well, they dug and dug,day after day, week after week, going down the long,alleys,of fruit trees, never too near yet never too far from the trunks.,They dug up all the weeds and,picked out,all the stones, not because they liked,weeding,and cleaning, but because it was all part of the,hunt,for the,buried,treasure.,Winter passed and spring came, and,never were there,such,blossoms,as those which,hung,the orange and apple and cherry trees with,curtains,of,petals,pale,as,pearls,and soft as,silk.,Then summer threw,sunshine,over the orchard, and sometimes the clouds,bathed,it in cool,delicious,rain. At last the time of the fruit,harvest,came. But the two brothers had not yet found the treasure that was hidden among the,roots,of the trees.,N,N,TA-04-NT1,Notes on the Text,They dug up all the weeds and picked out all the stones, not because they liked weeding and cleaning, but because it was all part of the hunt for the buried treasure.,他们锄去所有的杂草,拣出所有的石块;不是因为他们喜欢除草和清理石块,而是因为这是寻找埋藏的财宝必须做的事情。,这句中的,it,指代,weeding and cleaning,这件事。,TA-04-NT2,Notes on the Text,Winter passed and spring came, and never were there such blossoms as those which hung the orange and apple and cherry trees with curtains of petals pale as pearls and soft as silk.,冬去春来,橘子树上、苹果树上和樱桃树上开出了花,花瓣淡雅如珍珠,柔软如丝绸,像窗帘般挂在树上,那花朵从来没有这样盛开过。,否定词,never,提前,起强调作用,句子中的主谓结构,there were,要倒装,。,TA-04-Q,Questions About This Paragraph,4,),Why did the sons dig so hard?,Because they wanted to find the hidden treasure.,5,),What treasure did they find after a years hard digging?,They,found nothing.,TA-04-LP1,Language Points,Language Points,day after day:,continuously; for many days,日复一日,一天又一天,similar expressions:,week after week,month after month,year after year,The same problem seemed to come up day after day.,e.g.,T,似乎每天都发生同样的问题。,TA-04-LP2,Language Points,Language Points,alley,/,/:,n.,path bordered by trees in a garden,(,花园中两边有树的)小径,TA-04-LP3,Language Points,Language Points,pick out:,remove by picking,拣出,pick out the bad potatoes from the basket,pick out the mistakes in the paragraph,e.g.,T,把烂土豆从篮子里拣出来,T,挑出这段中的错误,TA-04-LP4,Language Points,Language Points,weed /,/:,n.,wild plant that is not wanted in a garden, field, etc.,野草,杂草,注意:接下来一句中的,weeding,一词是动词,weed,(除草) 的动名词形式。,TA-04-LP5,Language Points,Language Points,hunt /,/: 1.,v.,follow after, catch and sometimes kill (wild animals); search,carefully (for); try to find,追猎,猎取;打猎;寻找;搜寻,2.,n.,a search, esp. one that is long and difficult,打猎搜索; 追寻,begin a hunt for the missing child,the hunt for the lost property,e.g.,T,开始搜寻失踪的孩子,T,搜寻丢失的财物,TA-04-LP6,Language Points,Language Points,bury,/,/:,vt.,put (a dead person) in a grave; hide (sth.) in the earth,埋葬;掩埋;埋藏,The boys buried the dead bird in the backyard.,She buried the secret deep inside herself.,The waste is buried deep underground.,e.g.,T,男孩子们把死鸟埋在后院。,T,她把秘密深埋在心里。,T,废物埋在地下深处。,TA-04-LP7,Language Points,Language Points,never were there:,英语中有否定意义的词, 如,never, seldom, little, not until,等放在句首时,句子的主谓结构要倒装。,Never did he speak about his own achievements.,Seldom has a speaker been so well received.,Little did I think that we were talking for the last time.,Not until all the demands had been turned down did the workers decide to go on strike.,e.g.,T,他从不讲自己的成绩。,T,从没有哪位演说者如此受欢迎。,T,我没想到我们的这次谈话竟成诀别。,T,直到所有的要求遭到拒绝之后,工人们才决定罢工。,TA-04-LP8,Language Points,Language Points,blossom /,/:,n.,flower, esp. of a fruit tree,(,尤指果树的)花;(一棵树上开出的)全部花朵,TA-04-LP9,Language Points,Language Points,hang,/,/: ( hung /,/ ),v.,悬挂,吊,TA-04-LP10,Language Points,Language Points,curtain,/,/:,n.,帘;窗帘;门帘;(舞台上的)幕,帷幕;帘状物;幕状物,TA-04-LP11,Language Points,Language Points,petal,/,/:,n.,花瓣,TA-04-LP12,Language Points,Language Points,pale,/,/:,a.,(of a person, his face, etc.) having little color; (of a color) not,bright or vivid,(,指人、面色等) 苍白的,灰白的;(指颜色) 浅的,淡的,look pale,turn pale,She went pale at the news.,e.g.,T,(脸色)看起来苍白,T,(脸色)变白,T,听到这个消息,她一下变得面无人色。,TA-04-LP13,Language Points,Language Points,pearl /,/:,n.,珍珠,TA-04-LP14,Language Points,Language Points,silk,/,/:,n.,丝;丝绸,TA-04-LP15,Language Points,Language Points,sunshine,/,/:,n.,light and heat of the sun,日光,阳光,TA-04-LP16,Language Points,Language Points,bathe /,/:,vt.,给,洗澡;使沐浴,bathe the baby in warm water,The green fields were bathed in a bright sunlight.,e.g.,T,用热水给宝宝洗澡,T,绿色的田野沐浴在灿烂的阳光中。,TA-04-LP17,Language Points,Language Points,delicious,/,/:,a.,having a very pleasant taste; very pleasant (when,tasted, smelled, etc.),美味的,可口的;芬芳的;怡人的,look/smell/taste delicious,That dish was simply delicious.,e.g.,T,看起来诱人 / 闻起来香 / 尝起来可口,T,那道菜真好吃。,TA-04-LP18,Language Points,Language Points,harvest,/,/:,n.,cutting and gathering of grain and other food crops;,(amount of the) crop obtained,收割;收获;收成,a good/rich/large harvest,a bad/poor harvest,Thanksgiving is a holiday when people in the USA thank God for the,annual harvest.,e.g.,T,丰收,T,歉收,T,感恩节是美国人感谢上帝每年赐予他们收获的节日。,TA-04-LP19,Language Points,Language Points,root /,/:,n.,part of a plant that is under the ground; the real cause,reason for sth.,(植物的)根;根部;根源;根由,原因,TA-05,Text A,?,10,Then they sent for a,merchant,from the nearest town to buy the fruit. It hung in great,bunches, golden oranges, red apples, and cherries bigger and brighter than rubies. The merchant looked at them in,open,admiration,.,11,“,This is the finest crop I have yet seen,” said he. “I will give you twenty bags of money for it!”,12,Twenty bags of money were,more than,the two brothers had ever owned in their life. They struck the,bargain,in great,delight,and took the money bags into the house, while the merchant made,arrangements,to,carry away,the fruit.,13,“I will come again next year,” said he. “I am always glad to buy crop like this.,How you must have dug and weeded and worked to get it!”,N,TA-05-NT,Notes on the Text,How you must have dug and weeded and worked to get it!,你们肯定花了大力气挖地、除草、干活才种出这样的水果吧!,这是一句感叹句。句中的结构,must have done,是情态动词的一种用法,表示逻辑上的必然性, 即按照某些现象推断过去肯定发生过的某事。,Its already ten oclock. They must have arrived there by now.,I must have dropped my keys when I got out of the car.,又如:,T,已经10点钟了,他们现在肯定已经到那里了。,T,我一定是下车时弄丢了钥匙。,TA-05-Q,Questions About These Paragraphs,6,),What did they get from one years hard work?,They got a good harvest.,7,),How did they feel when the merchant gave them twenty bags of money?,They were very happy.,TA-05-LP1,Language Points,Language Points,merchant,/,/:,n.,trader,商人,TA-05-LP2,Language Points,Language Points,bunch,/,/:,n.,number of things (usu. of the same kind) growing,fastened or grouped together,束;串;扎;捆,TA-05-LP3,Language Points,Language Points,open:,a.,without secrets, honest; frank,不加掩饰的,坦率的,Their love affair is an open secret.,He was quite open with me.,e.g.,T,他们的恋爱是公开的秘密。,T,他对我很坦率。,TA-05-LP4,Language Points,Language Points,admiration /,/:,n.,feeling of respect, warm approval or pleasure,钦佩;赞赏;羡慕,in admiration:,钦佩地;羡慕地,We looked on in admiration as she showed us how to skate.,介词,in,常常和表示感情的名词连用,表示“以感情地”,如:,in surprise,惊讶地,,in disbelief,不相信地,,in delight,开心地。,e.g.,T,我们钦佩地看着她给我们演示如何滑冰。,TA-05-LP5,Language Points,Language Points,This is the finest crop I have yet seen.,这是我见过的最好的收成,。,yet,用于形容词最高级后面,表示“到现在为止”。,Its my best effort yet.,e.g.,T,这是我迄今付出的最大努力。,TA-05-LP6,Language Points,Language Points,more than:,to a greater amount or degree than,比,多(大/高),The noise is more than I could bear.,$300 for that shirt thats more than I thought!,e.g.,T,吵闹声太大,我受不了。,T,那件衬衣要300美元比我想的贵多了。,TA-05-LP7,Language Points,Language Points,bargain /,/:,n.,agreement (to buy, sell, exchange, etc.), usu. made,after some discussion; thing bought or sold cheaply,(买卖等双方的)协议;交易;便宜货,strike/make a bargain,A bargain was struck between the two sides.,e.g.,T,成交,T,双方成交。,TA-05-LP8,Language Points,Language Points,delight /,/:,n.,great pleasure; joy,快乐;高兴,We danced around with/in delight.,To my great


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