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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Symbol,-,Literally,sth,. that stands for,sth,.,else.,In literature, any word, object, action or character that embodies and evokes a range of additional meaning and significance.,A symbol must suggest a meaning different in kind from its literal meaning;,A symbol is something more than the representative of a class or type.,A symbol may have more than one meaning.,Functions,Symbols are often used,to,:,1. Suggest and reinforce meaning;,2. Provide enrichment by enlarging and clarifying the experience of the work;,3. Help organize and unify the whole.,Types,1. Traditional / Conventional,Symbols,传统的象征,-,Those whose associations are the common property of a society or culture and are so widely recognized and accepted that they can be said to be almost universal.,Eg,: Rose Love,Spring Life,Winter Death,A journey on the road,The journey through life,Ring Eternity,Big Ben London,Great Wall China,American bald eagle,United States,Scales,J,ustice,A dove,P,eace,C,lenched fist,A,ggression,Fire,Flames,Heat,Hot temperatures,Damnation,Crosses,Angels,Haloes,Clouds,Churches,Salvation,2. Original,Symbols,新创的象征,-,Those whose associations are neither immediate nor traditional; instead, they derive their meanings, largely if not exclusively, from the context of the work in which they are used.,Eg: the A“ in ,The Scarlet,Letter, that Hester Prynne was forced to wear,Representing she was an adulteress;,Representing the first letter of the name of her illegitimate childs father, the Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale.,Ways to Recognize Symbols,1. The frequency an object or character mentioned in a piece of literature.,- If it is mentioned often, it is probably important.,2. Detail used in describing an object.,- These two methods give clues that the writer wants you to infer something about a particular object.,Symbolism & Allegory,Allegory,- A narrative or description having a second meaning beneath the surface one.,A concrete representation of an idea or concept in a direct, one-to-one relationship.,There is a clear interpretation of each allegorical element. No ambiguity exists at this level.,A symbol is not so definite in meaning as an allegory,Eg: In ,Young Goodman Brown,Faith faith,Name of Goodman,the,Browns wife,concept,( the character ),The character of Faith,an allegorical element of the,not a symbolic element story,Christian (,基督徒,) passes through the Slough of Despond (,沮丧,之,沼泽,) and Vanity Fair (,虚荣,市集,) and arrives at the Celestial City (,天国,之城,). -,Allegory,in Bunyans,Pilgrims Progress.,Gregor finds himself turned into a big cockroach (,蟑螂,). -,Symbol,in Kafkas,Metamorphosis.,


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