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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,代词专题复习,Helen,Jokes:TOMS,EXCUSE,Teacher: Tom, why are you late for school every day?,Tom: Every time I come to the corner, a sign says, School-Go Slow.,初中英语语法之,代词篇,为了,避免重复,而用来,代替名词,的词。,代 词,人称代词和物主代词,人称代词:,物主代词:,表示“我”、“你”、“他”、“她”、“它”、“我们”、“你们”、“他们”等的词。,表示“我,的,”、“你,的,”、“他,的,”、“她,的,”、“它,的,”、“我们,的,”、“你们,的,”、“他们,的,”等的词。,them,(,他们,她们,它们,),you,(,你们,),us,(,我们,),it,(,她,),her,(,她,),him,(,他,),You,(,你,),me,(,我,),宾,格,they,(,他们,她们,它们,),you,(,你们,),we,(,我们,),it,(,它,),she,(,她,),he,(,他,),you,(,你,),I,(,我,),主,格,第三人称复数,第二人称复数,第一人称复数,第三人称单数,第二人,称单数,第一人,称单数,人称代词:,人称代词代替人和事物的名称,分为主格和宾格两种形式。,人称代词,数,格,人称,单 数,复 数,主格,宾格,主格,宾格,一人称,I,me,we,us,二人称,you,you,you,you,三人称,he,him,they,them,she,her,it,it,主格人称代词的用法,1,I,am,a teacher.,You,like,music.,He,is playing,football.,2,Does,he,like,sports?,What,is,she,doing,now?,What,can,we,do,with a racket?,主格人称代词,在句中作,主语,。,位置:,在陈述句中位于动词前面,在疑问句中位于,be,、,can,、助动词和实义动词之间。,I,和,me,都是“我”的意思 。,I,主格,me,宾格,造句:,1.,我是一名老师。,am,a teacher .,2. Jenny,喜,欢我。,Jenny,likes _ .,人称代词的,I,和,me,I只能放在主语的位置上,I,me只能放在宾语的位置上,me,人称代词,we,和,us,We和us 都是“我们”的意思,we用于主格,us用于宾格。,举例:,我们,是中国人。,_ are Chinese .,父母爱,我们。,Parents love _ .,We,We,只能用于主语的位置,us,us,只能用于宾语的位置,人称代词最容易记的,you,You在人称代词中应该是最容易记的了:,造句:,你,是一名学生 :,我喜欢,你,:,你们,是学生:,我爱,你们,:,“你”的,主,格,“你”的,宾,格,“你们”的主格,“你们”的宾格,you,You are a student .,I like you,You are student,s,I love you,你能推出,she,和,her,的位置吗 ?,she,用于主格 ,,her,用于宾格,练习:,她是一名护士 : _ is a nurse.,妈妈很爱她:Mother loves _ very much.,她很漂亮: _ is very beautiful .,你能帮助她:you can help _,总结一下:,She,her,She,her,她,主格,宾格,she,her,人称代词的,he,和,him,造句:,他,是我的朋友。,He,is my friend,我的狗喜欢,他。,My dog likes,him,为什么用he?为什么不用him?,为什么不用he呢?,人称代词,it,It,的通常用法:,通常:,it,表示人以外的,动物,和,东西,,是单数名词的代词。译为“,它,”。,举例:,Where is my,car,?,It,is over there ?,美羊羊是用,it,代替了上一句沸羊羊说的,car,。,It=car,人称代词,it,It,用来指小动物 : 翻译成“,它,”,What is,it ?,It,is a lovely rabbit,人称代词,it,It,的特殊用法:,1. 指,天气,It,was raining this morning 今天上午一直在下雨来着,2. 指,气候,It,is cold in Harbin 哈尔滨的气候很冷,3. 指,时间,What time is it ?,It,s six thirty.,人称代词,they,和,them,主格,练习:,1.他们是学生:_,2. _(她们) are listening to the radio,3.There are some cats here , I like _,(它们),宾格,they,them,他,们,她,们,它,们,They,are students,They,them,人称代词主格和宾格的区别:,人称代词,主格,在句中作,主语,,位于动词,前,。,人称代词,宾格,在句中作,宾语,,位于动词,后,(介词后)。,1分钟热身小练,1. _(我) am a teacher,.,2. My father is talking with _(我),3.,_ are Chinese. (我们),4.Her sister is helping _(我们),5. _ are a beautiful girl (你),6. _ are students (你们),7. _ is a cat (它是一只猫),8. _,(,他们) are listening to the radio,9. _(他) often plays basketball after school,10. My dog likes _. 我的狗喜欢她,I,me,We,us,You,You,It,They,He,Her,选择正确的代词填空,1 _ (I/He) am Peter.,2 _ (He/ She) is a tall boy.,3 That isnt a cat. _ (It/ They) is a dog.,4 Do you like music? Yes, _ (we/you) do.,5 _ (I/He) doesnt have any brothers.,6 _ (We/You) are a student.,I,He,It,we,He,You,例句:,1,( )like watching TV。,A、I B、me,2 ( )am a shy girl.(我),3 ( ) are good friends。,(,我们),4 I like my math teacher,and he,also likes ( )。(我),5. Let ( )go and help him.(我们),I,I,We,us,us,例句,1.,( )are my best fr,iend,,because,I like( ).(,你),2.( ),(,我们,) go to school at 8:00am every day, but ( )go to school at 7:30am every day. (,你们),You,You,We,you,例句,1,.,I love a cat ,( ) is fat and white.(它),2,.,( ) is Tom, and ( ) usually play,the piano,。(他,我们),It,He,W,e,注:,1.,Mr,Brown teaches_ history this year.,A. We B. us C. ours,2._isnt here. Whats wrong with _?,A. She; she B. Her; her C. She; her,3.,please tell,_,about it if _dont know.,them; they B. they; they C. them; them,B,C,A,人称代词作,主语,时,要用,主格,形式,;,作,宾语,时,在动词、介词后面用,宾格,形式。,注:,1. Last Sunday everybody went to the cinema except_.,A. me and Tom B. Tom and I C. Tom and me,2. _have never been to Beijing.,A. We, you and they B. You, they and we C. You, them and us,C,A,几个人称代词,并列,使用时,单数代词的人称顺序常为,你、他,/,她、我,。复数代词的人称代词顺序为,我们、你们、他们,。即,we, you and they,(,主格,);,us, you and them,(,宾格,).,1.,- Who broke the window? -_.,A. Li Ming and I B. I and Li Ming C. Li Ming and me,B,在承认错误时,,把(我),放在其他人称前面表示勇于承认错误。,物主代词,物主代词顾名思义指物的主人,表示所属关系。即:你的,我的,他的,她的,它的,你们的,我们的,他们的。例如:,my dog, his pen, our pencil.,在汉语中,“我的书包”中的”我”的就是物主代词,表述书包的主人是,“,我,”,。英语中的物主代词则有形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词之分。,形容词性物主代词有形容词的性质,可以修饰名词,而名词性物主代词具有名词的性质。不能再用来修饰名词。,物主代词,单 数,复 数,一人称,二人称,三人称,一人称,二人称,三人称,my,mine,单 数,复 数,一人称,二人称,三人称,一人称,二人称,三人称,my,your,his,her,its,our,your,their,mine,yours,his,hers,its,ours,yours,theirs,二,.,物主代词,人称,分类,第一人称,第二人称,第三人称,单数,复数,单数,复数,单数,复数,形容词性,名词性,my,our,your,your,his,her,its,their,mine,our,s,your,s,your,s,his,her,s,its,their,s,形容词性,物主代词,名词性,物主代词,my,your,his,her,our,your,mine,your,s,hi,s,her,s,our,s,主格,I,you,he,she,we,their,you,they,yours,their,s,名词性质的物主代词,等于形容词性的物主代词加上它所要修饰的名词。,例如:,This is,my,bag.,= This is,mine,.,my,book =,mine,his,sweater =,his,your,desks =,yours,our,desks =,ours,our,classroom =,ours,our,English teacher=,ours,their,English teacher =,theirs,her,CDs =,hers,its,milk =,its,形容词性物主代词,+,名词,=,名词性物主代词,我发现了以下规律:,_,物主代词后面不跟名词,,_,物主代词后面必须跟名词。,名词性,形容词性,形容词性,物主代词,名词性,物主代词,My,book,is yellow.,Mine,is yellow,Your,watch,is big.,Yours,is big.,His,bag,is old.,His,is old.,Her,pen,is here.,Hers,is here.,my,mine,your,your,s,his,hi,s,her,her,s,形容词性,物主代词,名词性,物主代词,our,our,s,your,your,s,their,their,s,Our,books,are green.,Ours,are green.,Yours,are big.,Theirs,are nice.,Your,desks,are big.,Their,presents,are nice.,名词性物主代词,=,形容词性物主代词,+,名词,1.Lookatthetwopencils.,Theredoneis,yourpencil.,=,Theredoneis,yours,.,Theblueoneis,mypencil,.,= The blueoneis,mine,.,2.Helikes,mypen,.,=He likes,mine.,Hedoesntlike,hers,.,=Hedoesntlike,herpen,.,3. This schoolbag is not,his,.,His bag,is black.,1,3,4,5,2,This is,watch.,(,A.,my,B.,mine,),my,The desks are,.,(,A.,their,B.,theirs,),1,3,4,5,2,theirs,My backpack is red.,is yellow.,(,A.,Her,B.,Hers,),1,3,4,5,2,Hers,1,3,4,5,2,They are,books. Yours are over there.,(A.,our,B.,ours,),our,She,favorite sport is swimming.,Her,favorite sport is swimming.,This is,my,book.,This is,mine,book.,Its,name is Polly.,Its,name is Polly.,The skirt is,her,.,The skirt is,hers,.,根据句意,用括号中所给代词的适当形式填空。,1 - Is this _ watch?,- No, it is not _. (she),2 - There are two rulers on the desk. Which one is _ ? (you),- _ ruler is red. The red one is _. (I),3 - Whose pen is it? Is it Mikes?,- Yes, it is _. (he),her,hers,yours,My,mine,his,注:,1.-Are these_ coats?,-No, they arent. _ are here.,A. your, Ours B. your, We C. you, Ours,2. Whose photo is this ? Its _.,A. me B. mine C. my,3. We decided to go for a field trip with some friends of _.,A. us B. our C. ours,A,B,C,形容词性物主代词只能作,定语,后面,接名词,.,名词性物主代词可作主语、宾语或表语,后面,没有名词,。,形容词性物主代词,+,名词,=,名词性物主代词,3.,反身代词(,表示,“,我自己,”,,,“,你自己,”,,,“,他自己,”,,,“,我们自己,”,,,“,你们自己,”,,“他们自己”,“她们自己”),人称,分类,第一人称,第二人称,第三人称,单数,复数,my,self,our,selves,your,self,your,selves,him,self,them,selves,her,self,it,self,第一、二人称反身代词由“,形容词性物主代词,+self,(单数)或,selves,(复数,),”,构成。,第三人称则由“,人称代词宾格,+self,(单数)或,selves,(复数,),”,构成,.,根据汉语填空,:,当堂训练,1,、,The man fell off his bike and hurt,_(,他自己,).,2,、,I teach_(,我自己,)French.,3,、,We_(,我们自己,)did it.,4,、,Lily! Help _to some fish.(,你自己,),himself,myself,ourselves,yourself,3.,反身代词(,表示,“,我自己,”,,,“,你自己,”,,,“,他自己,”,,,“,我们自己,”,,,“,你们自己,”,,“他们自己”,“她们自己”),人称,分类,第一人称,第二人称,第三人称,单数,复数,my,self,our,selves,your,self,your,selves,him,self,them,selves,her,self,it,self,反身代词用法口诀:,反身代词表自身,句中可作两成分:,表示强调同位语,宾语动作回自身。,1. Tom and Ann stood in front of the mirror and looked at _.,A. him B. them C. themselves,2. We believe you all enjoyed _at Kates birthday.,A. your B. yourself C. yourselves,3. Dont leave Mary by _. She is only one year old.,A. herself B. her C. hers,C,C,A,一般情况下,当宾语和主语指同一个人或同一些人时,宾语就用反身代词,.,作动词的宾语.,-Who teaches _ English ? -I teach _.,A. you; me B. yourself; myself C. you; myself,当宾语和主语不同人时,宾语不用反身代词,反身代词有以下常见搭配:,enjoy oneself, help oneself to,teach oneself, by oneself, lose oneself in ,leave one by oneself ,learn by oneself, dress oneself, hurt oneself, come to oneself, say to oneself . .,1. Lily,太小了不能自己穿衣服,.,Lily is _.,2.,他们正陶醉在美妙的音乐当中,.,They are_ the,beautiful music.,too young to dress herself.,losing themselves in,4.,指示代词,【,this,(这个), that,(那个), these,(这些), those,(那些),】,单数,复数,用法,this,these,that,近指,远指,those,this,对应词,that,复数形式,those,对应词,these,单数形式,复数形式,单数形式,介绍事物时,: this is /that is ,This is,his book.,This is,my,ruler.,询问物体的主人时,: is this /is that,Is this,his book?,Is this,your,ruler?,This is = is this ,This is,my,schoolbag,That is,his,ruler.,my schoolbag,his ruler,Is this,your,pencil?,Is this,his,book?,Is this,her,eraser?,Is this,your,pen?,This is,your,pencil.,This is,his,book.,This is,her,eraser,.,This is,my,pen.,Is this,your,schoolbag?,Yes ,it is.Its,my,schoolbag.,Its,mine,.,Is this,your,ruler?,No,it,isnt.Its,his,ruler.,Its,my,ruler.,Its,his,.,This is,my,ruler.,- Is this,your,ruler?,- No, it isnt.,Its,her,ruler.,Its,hers,.,这是,我的,手表。,这块手表是,我的,。,This is,my,watch.,This watch is,mine,.,这些是,我的,手表。,这些手表是,我的,。,These are,my,watches.,These watches are,mine,.,这是,你的,狗。,这只狗是,你的,。,This is,your,dog.,This dog is,yours,.,这些是,你的,狗。,这些狗是,你的,。,These are,your,dogs.,These dogs are,yours,.,这是,他的,猫。,这只猫是,他的,。,This is,his,cat.,This cat is,his,.,这些是,他的,猫。,这些猫是,他的,。,These are,his,cats.,These cats are,his,.,这是,她的,汉堡包。,这个汉堡包是,她的,。,This is,her,hamburger.,This hamburger is,hers,.,这些是她的汉堡包。,这些汉堡包是她的。,These are,her,hamburgers.,These hamburgers are,hers,.,这是,我们的,香蕉。,这些香蕉是,我们的,。,These are our bananas.,These bananas are ours.,这是他们的汽车。,这辆汽车是他们的。,This is their car.,This car is theirs.,This is,Thats,These are,Those are,用下列句型介绍一张你的家庭照片。,1.,The weather of Kunming is better than _ of Beijing.,A. it B. this C. that,2.The radios made in Guangdong are as good as _ made in Shanghai.,A. it,B. those C. that,C,B,导析:为避免重复,在,比较结构,中,可用,that, those,代替前面提到过的名词(单数名词用,that,,复数名词用,those,)。,1. -,Is _,Mr,Green speaking? -Yes, whos _? -_ is,Mr,Wang.,A. this, that, This B. this, this, That C. that, that, This,C,导析:以上是电话用语。打电话时询问对方是谁用,that. Is that?,你是,吗?,Whos that (speaking)?,你是谁?介绍自己用,this. This is,我是,。,二、单词拼写,:,1.He is a good friend of _(,我的,).,2.My daughter is as tall as,_,(,她的,)father.,3.Let _(,我们,)help _(,你,)with _(,你的,),English.,4.Their classroom is bigger than,_,(,我们的,).,5.The man fell off his bike and hurt,_ _,(,他自己,).,6.,They say to_(,自己,) ,“we cant do it by_(,自己,)” .,当堂训练,mine,her,us,you,your,ours,himself,themselves,ourselves,中考链接,:,( )1.Yesterday I,saw_enjoy_in,the park.,A. her, hers B. them, themselves,C. she, herself,( ) 2. This isnt my,schoolbag._is,in my desk.,A. Mine B. My C. Me,( ) 3. -Excuse me.Is,this_watch,?,-No,its not_. Its Toms.,A. your, my,B. yours, mine,C. your, mine,( ) 4. _are in the same school.,A. I and her B. She and I,C. I and you,( ) 5. Hes a friend of_.,A. me B. mine C. myself,B,A,C,B,B,( ) 6. The clock has _ face, _ a toy clock.,A. its ; its B. its ; its C. its ; its,( )7. The population of China is much larger,than _ of China.,A. it B. that C. one,( ) 8.-Oh, there is someone in the room.,-_must be my teacher.,A. There B. She C. It,( ) 9.Let Tony do it by_. He is no longer a kid. A. him B. his C. himself,( )10. I found _ important to read English,in the morning.,A. it B. that C. its,C,B,C,C,A,rfref,mjm,二:选择填空,.1. Mr. More has more money than Mr. Little . But he doesnt enjoy _.A. he B. him C. his D. himself2. Lily was 9 years old. _ was old enough to go to school _.A. She , she B. She , herself C. Her, herself D. Her. she3. Jims watch is much newer than _.A. hers,B.she,C. her D. herself 4.Would you like _for super? A: something Chinese B,:,Chinese somethingC: anything Chinese D: Chinese anything,rfref,mjm,5._ piano is too old ,but she still liked playing it.A. She B. Shes C. Hers D. Her6.Who taught you English last year? Nobody taught me . I taught _.A. me B. myself C. mine D. I7.That bike is _?A,he B. him C. his D. it8. We bought _ a present, but _,didn”t,like it.A. they, them B. them , they C. themselves , their D. theirs, they,Homework,Oral work (,口头),复述人称代词、物主代词、反身代词、指示代词的构成形式和主要用法。,Written work (,笔头),蓝皮书:,P64-69,Good-bye!,Thank You for Your Attending!,不定代词,八年级上,112,页语法,


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