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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,同级比较结构,表示比较双方程度相同时,as + adj. / adv.(,原级,) + as :,和,一样,eg. He is,as tall as,Michael.,I run,as fast as,you.,2.,表示比较双方程度不同时,not as / so + adj. / adv. (,原级,) + as: ,不如,eg. This book,isnt as / so interesting as,that one.,Sally,doesnt sing as / so loudly as,Lily.,We,cant jump as far as,he.,想一想:,not,加在什么位置?,1. My,brother is as thin as,me.,2. He,lives as happily as others.,3. Your,eyes are as small as,his.,4. He,feels,as disappointed as,you.,5. She looked as sad as Maria.,My brother is,not,as / so,thin as me.,He does,nt,live as / so happily as others.,Your eyes are,not,as /,so small as his.,He,does,nt,feel,as /,so disappointed as you.,改成否定句,She did,nt,look as / so sad as Maria.,Exercise,1.,我的头发和她的一样长。 *相同物体才能做比较,2.,今天和昨天一样冷。,3.,你做作业不如他那样仔细。,4.,我们跑得不如刘翔那样快。,5.,我刚才吃得不如我弟弟多。,My hair is,as long as,hers.,hers=her hair,Today is,as cold as,yesterday.,You do,nt,do homework,as / so carefully as,he.,We do,nt,run,as / so fast as,Liu Xiang.,I did,nt,eat,as much as,my brother.,四种特殊用法,as + adj. / adv. + as usual:,像平常一样,他今天早上跟平时一样早去学校。,He went to school as early as usual this morning.,我昨晚无法睡得像平时一样好。,I couldnt sleep as well as usual last night.,2. as + adj. / adv. + as before:,像以前一样,他上周天跟以前一样晚起。,He got up as late as before last Sunday .,她似乎不像以前一样开心了。,She doesnt seem as / so happy as before.,Attention!,3.,as+ adj./adv. + as possible,:尽可能,我们应该尽可能努力学习,。,We should work,as,hard,as,possible,.,老师叫我们尽可能多地读英语。,The teacher asks us to read English,as,much,as,possible,.,Attention!,4.,as + adj./adv. +as,sb,. can/could,(尽某人所能,),他尽他所能快地跑。,He ran as fast as he could.,我们尽我们所能做好这项工作。,We did the work as well as we could.,我会尽我所能地学好英语。,I will learn English as well as I can.,漳州的天气不如北京的天气冷。,The weather,in,Zhangzhou,isnt,as cold as,that,in Beijing,.,我们学校图书馆的书跟你书房里的一样多。,The,books,in our school library are as many as,those,in,your study,.,城市里的空气不如农村里的清新。,The,air,in the cities isnt as,clean,as,that,in,the countryside,.,Attention!,5.,as + adj. / adv. + as that / those,that -u. those-C.,复,e.g.,我踢足球不如他好。,I dont play,soccer as,well as,he.,He plays,soccer better,than,I.,我不像他那样懒惰。,Im not as lazy as he.,He is lazier than I.,你读得不如她大声。,You dont read as loudly as she.,She reads more loudly than,you.,总结转换特点:主语,肯否定,同级比较与比较级的互相转换,1.,Maria is,healthy.,Jane is,healthy,too.,Maria is,_,_,_,Jane.,2.,My English is,good.,His English is,good,too.,My English is,_,_,_,_.,3.,Im more helpful than,he.,He,_,_,_,_,I.,4.,Michael doesnt do as well in English as,Kangkang,.,Kangkang,_,_,_,English,_,Michael,.,Michaels English isnt,_,_,_,Kangkangs.,as,healthy,as,as,good,as,his,isnt,as,helpful,as,does better,in,than,as good,as,Exercise,6.,乡村的路不如城市的宽。,The roads in the countryside,_,_,_ _,_,in the cities .,7.,He runs more slowly than I .,I run _ _ he .,He _ _ _ _ _ I .,8.,他像以前一样勇敢。,He is _,_,_,_ .,9.,他们像平常一样快乐地交谈。,They talked,_,_,_,_,.,10.,你吃得不如我多,.,You _ _,_,_,_,I .,arent,as wide as,those,faster,than,doesnt run as fast as,as brave as,before,as,happily,as,usual,dont eat as much as,


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