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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,教学方案设计,2005年5月,大学,听说教程(A级),英,语,1,课时安排,第一课时,听力训练,第二课时,口语训练,2,课前储备阶段,教学模式,网上课堂,多媒体自学课件,合理地安排自学,了解传统教学,内容中的大部,分信息,为课堂教学提供基础,课上拓展、应用阶段,内容及语言重点的检查和突显,课堂活动形式多变、灵活、具备启发性,从不同角度、深度挖掘语言资料,启发学生自觉地利用英语学习英语,课后巩固、发散、升华阶段,3,教学特点,注重,充分利用网络等先进的技术提供的便利条件,让学生接触真实环境下的语言,在“学中用”,在“用中学”,注重,调动学生自主学习、互动学习的积极性,注重,在基础阶段对学生应用能力和实用能力的培养,注重,在课前、课上、课下三个环节中突出以学生为主导的教学指导方针,4,考核办法,课前自学成绩,基于学生提供的作业和网上学习记录(占总成绩的5%),课上参与成绩,基于学生的个人表现及小组 总体表现(占总成绩的10%),课下巩固及完成课后作业的成绩,基于学生提供的二次作业和对课后作业的完成情况(占总成绩的5%),期末考试,占总成绩的80%,5,Direct:,patterns,words and expressions,Indirect:,questions for pondering,pictures,Tips,for students to produce output are given in the following forms:,听说课堂总体脉络介绍,Native-like fluency,Native-like selection,让知识和技能合二为一,6,team work,动,活,形,式,pair work,all-by-your-own work,7,Major icons,used and their meanings,out,put,+,whole class activity,Individual activity,grammar,instructions,听说课堂脉络介绍,tips,simulation,out,put,8,操作形式,Individual activity,The whole class task,Pair work,Team work (team racing),Listen and Talk,Input,Content awareness (general-detailed),Language awareness (词-句-语篇结构),Output,实用(脱离开文章主题的语言技能训练),Sentence level,Discourse level,应用(不脱离文章主题,的语言技能训练 ),Sentence level,Discourse level,听说课堂总体脉络介绍,大学英语听说教程某单元教学方案,9,Why do we study English?,To experience life,To experience language,10,Warming-up:,Mixed-tense Questions,1 What did you do last night?,2 What are you doing now?,3 Are you going home after this lesson?,4 What were you doing at 3:00am today?,5 What will you do tonight?,6 What are you going to do at the weekend?,8 What will you be doing at 10am tomorrow?,10 What time do you get up?,11 What time did you get up today?,whole class activity,11,listen,12,教学脉络介绍,Listen 1,focus on,general,information ( monologue),Content awareness,(in class)-through pondering on three basic questions,Question 1,Question 2,Question 3,13,Pre-listening,What is calamity,out,put,+,14,Things To Do:,picture description,Where was I ?,out,put,15,Figure 1,Figure 3,Figure 4,Figure 2,out,put,16,Figure 1,Forbidden Word:,earthquake,General:,impaired,lost,dangerous,awful,vulnerable helpless,scared,Sight:,crushed,destroyed,ruined,clean the wrecked,Sound:,bang,Crash,Crying,groaning,out,put,+,17,Forbidden words:,drought,Figure 2,General:,Sight:,Weather:,scarcity,Harsh,dreadful,Water,Deforestation,Over-cultivation,arid,abandoned,desolatesplits on the ground,Horrible view,Crops losses,food/water shortages,extremely hot,broiling,out,put,+,18,Forbidden words:,rainstorm,flood,Figure 3,General:,Sound:,sight:,powerless,terrified,blow,strong wind,horrible,deafening,thunder,thunderclap,blinding,lightning,reach the waist,downpour overwhelmed,out,put,+,19,Forbidden words:,polluted river,(water),Figure 4,General:,Smell:,Sight:,terrible,deserted,rotten,choking,dirtysticky,filthy disgusting,garbagewastes,out,put,+,20,What is the typical,classification of calamities?,Whats,the,typical,out,put,+,21,Is there anything positive about the tragic happenings?,Keep the question in your mind and lets listen to the report. Try to figure out:,some of the examples of disasters,the two categories of calamities,Wh,ile-listening: predict,out,put,+,22,Language awareness,To look for words,To combine these words into sentences,To combine these sentences into passage,教学脉络介绍,Listen 1,focus on,general,information ( monologue),23,What names are there for different kinds of calamities?,What adjectives are used to describe the tragedies and people suffering,How many negative verbs are used and whats for?,How many positive verbs are used and whats for?,Listen to paragraph for three times, each time you have one task to fulfill,Things To Do:,Look for words,24,Without referring to the text, can you match the nouns with the verbs and adjectives? Write as many sentences as possible .,out,put,25,Listen to the text again, can you see the difference between your using certain words and those wordings in the text. Try to locate,one or two different wordings,and have a close look at them and discuss with your partner about what makes the difference.,out,put,26,out,put,Have a group of six and try to,reproduce the general introduction,to disasters in your own words on the base of our previous activities. Each of you will take turns to tell the group your version of the introduction.,Possible mistakes should be noted,by the listeners and discussed and corrected within the group.,27,教学脉络介绍,Listen 2,focus on,detailed,information ( monologue),Listen to the passage (,information gathering,),Form WH-questions,Reproduce the report,with the help of those questions,28,Have a group of two, listen to the later part of the passage twice , take notes about all the information you can grasp in words while you listen.,29,After listening, compare your notes and try to make as many,WH-questions,as possible with the help of your notes. And then take turns to ask and answer these WH-questions,WH-questions practice,reference,out,put,30,Find another two groups, take turns to ask these questions, see if they can answer them. Then you should listen to their WH-questions and see if you can answer them.,Things To Do:,out,put,31,Which plane was THE plane?,What happened to the plane?,When and where did the crash take place?,What seemed to have caused the crash?,What was the result of the crash?,How many people were killed in the crash?,What did the residents do to give help?,Focus on monologue:,detailed information,reference,out,put,图示意识,32,Try to,retell the story,in your own words with the help of the answers to your WH-questions. Each of you will take turns to tell the group your version of the story. Possible mistakes should be noted by the listeners and discussed and corrected within the group.,Things To Do:,out,put,33,talk,34,Talk 1,-focus on,how to describe a traffic accident,(dialogue),Input 1,Language awareness(in class),Words and patterns,structure,Output1,Applied,To reproduce the dialogue(pair work),To,check and discuss,(pair work),Assignment,听说教学脉络介绍,35,Input 2,grammar awareness (in class),drill,You wouldnt believe what,(that, who, when),(the whole class),patterns,Id like, Id like to, Would you like, Would you like to,Output 2,Applied,drill,You wouldnt believe what (that, who, when),(the whole class),Practical,Make sentences(the whole class),Role play(pair work),教学脉络介绍,36,Input 3,Grammar awareness (in class),Simple past tense,Output 3,Practical,Words (pair work),Sentences (pair work),Discourse-describe things happened one after another (pair work),Recreation,教学脉络介绍,37,How to talk about an accident,38,Now with the help of the following expressions, and the structure hints, work with your partner, try to reproduce the dialogue of discussing a bus accident on the street.,Focus on dialogue,out,put,1,39,Topic:,talking about a traffic accident,Roles:,George and Michael,Situation:,George saw a bus accident in the street. A van came around the corner and crashed into the side of the bus. One of his friends Jimmy was on that bus. George is now talking with Micheal about the accident.,Background,information,40,You wouldnt believe,Tell me about it.,It was as if never saw the bus.,Many were injured.,From what I could see,It looks like,Sb will(not) make it.,Sb will be OK.,awful,bus accident,carry sb into the ambulance,came around the corner,crash right into,slow down,practically full,take sb to a hospital,go see him(her),Usable Expressions,Usable Sentence Patterns,1,Native-like fluency,41,THINK ABOUT HOW TO,talk about a traffic accident,The first turn :,A: Open a dialogue about sth you saw that was awful,B:Ask about it,A:Give the general description,Focus on dialogue,42,The second turn : three aspects of detailed information about the accident,B:Ask about whether the van slowed down,A:(respond),B:Ask about how many there were on the bus,A:(respond),B:Ask about the injury,A:(respond),The third turn : ask about the hospital to which the injured were send,43,Compare,your dialogue with the sample dialogue 1 in our textbook.,Mark one difference,in wording.,Discuss with your partner, whether your wording is a possible alternative, or an inappropriate or incorrect usage.,You can ask your teacher to help you.,44,Work with your partner after class. Try to fulfill the communicative task 1 on page 75 with more tips for talking about a traffic accident.,Assignment,Record your dialogue on the net and hand it in through the website:,.,edu,.,cn,www.,englishXP,.,edu,.,cn,45,:,whole class activity,You wouldnt believe,Drilling,You wouldnt believe,You wouldnt believe,You wouldnt believe,out,put,2,how,what,that,who,when,where,46,Examples:,Would you like a drink? How many eggs would you like?,restaurant,grammar,Would you like.,47,Example(s):,Would you like to go to a movie with me?,Would you like to.?,invitations,周末有什么安排吗?,愿意跟我去看场电影吗?,你想喝点儿什么?,咱们去吃点东西吧。,下周再一起出去好吗?,48,1. You encounter the girl who is a total babe on the campus, ask if she has some plans for the weekend.,2.Ask her out for a movie, Twister, for instance.,3.(at a bar) ask the girl what she likes to drink.,4. the girls reply.,5.(after the movie) say youre hungry, suggest to go to a snack bar together.,Role-play,out,put,2,Topic:,ask a girl out,Roles:,a boy and a girl,Communicative tasks:,49,What did you do this morning?,Look through the following words and expressions, arrange them according to their order of happening.,Develop sentences with “,I,”as the subject and use,simple past tense,since these things happened one after another.,Describe your activities this morning in a coherent discourse to your partner, using linking words:,first, after that,next,then, finally / at last,out,put,4,instruction,50,


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