中职英语基础模块上册Unit 6 Weather

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,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,Logo,*,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,Click to edit Master title style,*,Unit 6 Weather,教材:英语基础模块上册说课教师:邱曦,说课题目,教材分析与学情分析,1,教学目标,2,教学重点与难点,3,教学方法,4,教学过程,5,板书设计,6,教学反思,7,说 课 内 容,一 教材分析与学情分析,1,教材分析 (,Teaching Material Analysis,),Status and function,本教材在对学生进行听、说、读、写基本训练的同时,侧重培养阅读能力,帮助学生扩大英语词汇量,提高阅读速度,逐步培养学生在阅读过程中的分析、归纳、综合和推断能力。,本单元的教学内容是围绕,“,天气,”,来展开教学活动的。本单元的课文与课前预习给出的图片有着很好的衔接。对我国不同季节的天气情况及当季的活动进行了描述。通过本单元的学习,学生可以掌握生活中常见的关于天气的英语表达。,一 教材分析与学情分析,2,学情分析 (,Analysis of the students,),有利面,对天气的话题既熟悉又感兴趣,日常话题能够激发学生的学习热情,不利面,学习态度不够端正,英语基础较弱,学习方法不得当,二,教学目标(,Teaching Objective Analysis,),1,语言知识目标,Diagram,2,Diagram,2,2,语言技能目标,3,情感态度目标,4,学习策略目标,掌握关于天气的词汇及重点句型,运用天气用语流利地进行交流,通过讲解与重复练习以及对话活动,激发学生的积极性,能够描述我国不同地方不同季节的气候情况及当地人们的活动方式,1,教学重点 (,Teaching key points,),让学生尽可能多地掌握一些生活中常用的天气、季节的说法;掌握课文及对话中的重点词汇和交际用语。,运用有关天气的交际用语,能够进行简单的对话:,Hows the weather today?/Whats the weather like today?,Hows the weather in?/Whats the weather like in?,Its a fine day today, isnt it?,Its fine/rainy/cold/cool/hot/warm/cloudy.,Its a lovely day today.,三 教学重点与难点,基本词汇与课文内容的掌握,在提高理解能力的同时,体现技能及情感态度目标教学的实施。,引导学生,小组讨论并表演对话。,2,教学难点 (,Teaching difficult points,),三 教学重点与难点,Logo,(,1,)直观教学法(,Direct teaching method),(,2,)任务型教学法,(,Task-based teaching method,),(3),小组合作学习法(,Group Communicative teaching method,),四 教 学 方 法,Logo,五 教 学 过 程,Teaching Procedures Analysis,1,Leading-in,复习旧知,导入新课,2,3,4,5,Reading,阅读理解,Comprehensive Language Skill,Consolidation,巩固所学内容,Homework,布置作业,15,30,15,5,25,1 Leading-in,复习旧知,导入新课,Spring,Summer,Autumn,Winter,Sunny,Cloudy,Rainy,Snowy,五 教 学 过 程,fromto.,从,到,be good for,对,有好处,on vacation,度假,stay in,住在,go swimming,去游泳,be happy with,因,而高兴,Trees,turn green,树木变绿,2 Reading,阅读理解,五 教 学 过 程,Seasons,3,Comprehensive Language Skill,Listening,Diagram,2,Speaking,Writing,听 说 写,五 教 学 过 程,五 教 学 过 程,3,Comprehensive Language Skill,(1)Listening,Bruce: Hello! Mum? This is Bruce.,Mum: Oh, hello, Bruce!,How are you?,Bruce:,Im fine, Mum,.,What about you?,Mum: Fine, too.,Whats the weather,like in Beijing?,Bruce: Beijing? Im not in Beijing now. Im in Xinjiang.,Mum: Oh, really? Youre in Xinjiang.,Hows,the weather there?,Bruce: Yeah. Its,cold,in the morning, but it turns,very hot,at noon. The fruit here is very sweet because its,always sunny,. I like the grapes and melons very much. Mum, whats the weather like at home now?,Mum: Its,warm and sunny,. And everything is OK here.,Bruce: Have,a good time,!,Mum:,Thanks.,Bruce: Bye, Mum!,Mum: Bye!,五 教 学 过 程,3,Comprehensive Language Skill,(2)Speaking,Model 1:,Li Lei: Hi! Its a fine day today, isnt it ?,Liu Tao: Yes, it is. Where are you going ?,Li Lei: I want to go swimming. Please go with me together.,Liu Tao: Sorry, I cant. Im very busy these days.,Model 2:,Mary: How is the weather today?,Jane : Its fine but rather cold.,Mary: Where are you going?,Jane: Im going skating with my friends.,Mary: Have a good time.,Jane : Thank you, Bye.,Mary: Bye.,Logo,Dear David,Thank you for your letter.,Now Im writing to tell you what_ in winter in my hometown. In winter here, _cold. It snows_. Sometimes_ heavy_. _ ice and snow everywhere. _ students and children go_ after school. When you come here, you may learn to do_ winter sports. Welcome to _. We are waiting for you!,Best wishes!,Yours,_,五 教 学 过 程,3,Comprehensive Language Skill,(3) Writing a letter,Logo,六 板 书 设 计,Unit 6 Weather,Key Words:,season si:zn,季节,weather we,天气,cold kld,寒冷的,warm w:m,温暖的,sunny sn,阳光充足的,cloudy klad,多云的,snow sn,雪,下雪,snowy sn,下雪的,多雪的,quite kwat,相当地,十分地,field fi:ld,田地,场地,turn t:n,变成,翻转,start st:t,开始,plant pl:nt,植物,world w:ld,世界,bring br,带来,hope hp,希望,because of,因为,stay ste,停留,居住,never nev,从不,绝不,Logo,六 板 书 设 计,Unit 6 Weather,Useful Expressions,Hows the weather today?/ Whats the weather like today?,Hows the weather in ?/ Whats the weather like in ?,Its a fine day today, isnt it?,Its a fine day.,Its fine/ rainy / cold / cool / hot / warm / cloudy.,Its a lovely day today.,Yes, it is.,Logo,七 教学反思(,Teaching Reflection,),新教材提供了较多数量的语言材料,着重培养学生运用语言的能力对于新教材的各个项目,我们可以结合自己学生的实际水平进行适当地讲练。改知识传授型为能力练习型,要减少讲解的内容,要给予学生更多的时间,引导学生在语言实践活动中猜测生词,领略作者的意图,理顺对话或短文的内在逻辑关系,体会英语的语言美,达到培养和提高学生语言运用能力的目的。,但是由于该课课程设计内容较多,某个环节把握不好就会完不成教学任务,所以在课堂活动或互动环节,可适当 调整参与人数,张弛有度,把握好上课节奏,营造紧张而,又活泼的课堂氛围。,Thank you,


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