a_visit_to_the_moon hahha

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,A VISIT TO THE MOON,Chinas first astronaut-Yang Liwei,Who was the first person that visited,the moon?,Neil Armstrong,Neil Armstrong,was,born in Ohio(美国俄亥俄州) in 1930. He was a pilot in the U.S. Air force before he entered the space program(太空计划). In July of 1969, he commanded(指挥) the Apollo 11(阿波罗11号) and landed on the moon. He made history by walking on the moon firstly.,Oxygen tanks,Space Food,Spacesuits,Space Buggy,登月车,The problems:,How to breathe?,How to eat?,How to move around?,Problem1:how to breathe,I will have to carry my Oxygen Tanks if,I go to the moon .,This is because there,is no air on the moon.,I will put the,Oxygen Tanks on my back so that I can breathe all the time.,Problem 2. how to eat,I will have to take my food with me.,Because the gravity of the moon is not as strong as the earths, the food will float away.,I need bring Space Food that I can eat more easily.,Problem 3 how to move around,My last problem is how to move around,on the moon.,I may find it more difficult,to move around on the moon.,I will,need a bit of practice, once I get the hang of it, I wont fall over.,Phrases and sentences:,1,.带上氧气瓶,2.,这是因为月球上没有空气。,This is because_ on the moon.,3.,月球引力没有地球那么强烈,所以食物会漂浮。,The gravity of the moon is not_ _,_ the earths, so the food will_ around,carry Oxygen Tanks,there is no air,as strong,as,float,4,.我可能会发现在月球上移动是比较,困难的。,5.,我需要练习一下走路,一旦我掌握了它,就不会摔倒。,I may find_ more difficult to _ _,on the moon.,I need _ _ _ practice, once I _ _,_ of it ,I wont fall over.,it,move around,a bit of,get the,hang,His weights changed three times too.,Now write them down.,The way gravity changed,Left the earth,In space,On the moon,The weight changed,The way gravity changed,Left the earth,In space,On the moon,3. It became very light.,The gravity became very strong.,2. The gravity disappeared.,The weight changed,Left the earth,In space,On the moon,He became very heavy.,He had no weight and could float around like a feather.,He was about one-sixth of his weight on the earth.,1.cheer up : 欢呼,喝彩,感到高兴,,使高兴。,当看到球队的到来,人群欢呼起来。,_ when they,saw the team arrive.,他带她去听音乐会来使她高兴。,He took her _ to,_.,The crowd cheered up,to the concert,cheer her up,4.get the hang of sth.,查看某物运作,了解.的意义,我一直想知道这部新的打字机的用法.,Ive been trying to _ this new typewriter.,我不十分了解你的论据的意义.,I dont quite _ your argument.,get the hang of,get the hang of,We watched,amazed,as fire broke out,on the outside of the spaceship,as the earths gravity increased.,5.amazed 是过去分词,此处做状语用,他进来的时候没有人注意到.,He came in _ .,6.break out (战争,争吵,疾病等)爆发,在深夜,突然有人吵架.,_ suddenly at midnight.,A quarrel broke out,unnoticed,


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