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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 12,Life is full of the unexpected.,Section A 3a-3c,3a Read the passage and answer,the questions.,Which two events does the writer,mention?,2. How did the writer end up missing,both events?,Life Is Full of the Unexpected,In May 2001, I found a job in New York at the World Trade Center. On September 11, 2001, I arrived at my building at around 8:30 a.m. I was about to go up when I decided to get a,coee,first. I went to my favorite,coee,place even though it was two blocks east from my,oce,. As I was waiting in line with other,oce,workers, I heard a loud sound. Before I could,join the others outside to see what was going,on, the first plane had already hit my,oce,building. We stared in disbelief at the black smoke rising,above,the,burning,building. I felt lucky to be,alive,.,Almost 10 years later, I woke up at 10:00 a.m. on February 21, 2011 and realized,that my alarm never went,o,. I jumped out of bed and went straight to the airport. But by the time I got to the airport, my plane to New Zealand had already taken,o,. “This,is the first holiday Ive taken in a year, and now I ,ve,missed my plane. What bad luck!” I thought to myself. The other planes were full so I had to wait,till,the next day. The next morning, I heard about the earthquake in New Zealand the day,before. My bad luck,Had unexpectedly,turned into a good,thing.,Answer the questions,Which two events does the writer,mention?,The writer mentions,the,September,11,attack,in New,York,and,the earthquake,in,New Zealand.,2. How did the writer end up missing both events?,The,writer went to get a coffee first and was not in the office when the plane hit the World Trade Center.,He or she,had,overslept,and missed,his or her,flight, so he/she is able to avoid the earthquake.,Incident,Date,Place,How did the writer end up missing both events?,1,2,Summary,The World,Trade Center,was hit by,a plane,September,11,2001,In New,York,He decided to get a,coffee first from a,coffee place two,blocks away.,Earthquake,February,22,2011,In New,Zealand,He missed his plane,to New Zealand.,3b Find words from the passage,with opposite meanings to the,words below. Then write a,sentence with each word.,lost : _ _,2. west :_ _,found,east,I found the money on the floor.,The sun rises in the east.,3. below:_,_,4. dead :_,_,5. empty:_,_,There was a large bird flying above us.,above,His family was so happy to hear that he was still alive.,alive,full,The train was so full that I couldnt get on at all.,Language points,Life is full of,the unexpected,.,生活充满了意外。,the unexpected,为名词化的形容词,意为,“出乎意料的事”,。,英语中,有些形容词与定冠词,the,连用,表示一类人或事物,在句子中起名词的作用。,例:,the homeless (,无家可归者,),the disabled(,残疾人,),the unwanted(,无人认领物品,),注意,当名词化的形容词用作,主语,时,谓语动词的单复数形式取决于它们所表示的概念的单复数情况。,多数,情况下,表示一类人或物品时,谓语动词用,复数,;,少数,情况下,当指抽象概念或不可数的物品及事件时,谓语动词用,单数,。,例:,The sick are,always taken good care of in that hospital.,在那家医院里病人们总是受到很好的照顾。,(the sick=the sick people),2.,We stared in disbelief at the black smoke,rising,above,the,burning,building.,我们难以置信地看着燃烧的建筑物升起的黑烟。,above,意为,“在,之上”,作介词,意为,“在,上面;超过;优于”,。,例:,Themoonisnow,above,thetrees.,月亮正位于树梢上。,Theyarechildren,above,sixyears,old.,他们是六岁以上的孩子。,above,,,on,over,的用法,辨析,above,over,on,a.,above,的意思是,“在,之上;高于,”,,表,示相对高度,,不一定是在正上方,,它的反,义词是,below,.,例:,Theplaneflew,above,theclouds.,飞机在云层上面飞行。,b.,over,的意思是,“在,之上”,,表示在,垂直之,上,,其反义词是,under,.,例:,Thereisabridge,over,theriver.,河上有座桥。,c.,on,的意思是,“在,上面”,,表示,与表面接触,。,例:,Heputthebook,on,thedesk.,他把书放在课桌上。,(2),burn,动词,有两个基本意思。,燃烧;点燃;发光,例:,We,burn,coaltokeepwarm.,我们烧煤取暖。,烧伤;烧焦;烫伤;晒黑,例:,Thechildgot,burnt,whileplayingwith fire.,那小孩玩火时,把自己烧伤了。,3.,Ifeltluckytobe,alive,.,我感到很幸运能活下来。,alive,(,not dead,),形容词,意为,“活着的,活 的,有生命的,还出气的”,,可指人也可指物。,拓展,】,burnaway,烧掉,Halfofthecandlehadburntaway.,蜡,烛,已,烧,掉一半了。,burndown,渐渐烧完,Theroomgrewcolderasthefireburntdown.,随着炉火逐渐减弱,屋里越来越冷。,alive,living,live,与,lively,辨析,alive,活着的,活的,有生命的,还出气的,可指人也可指物,living,活着,尚在人间,健在的,指人或物,live,活着的,活生生的,现场直播的,指物,不指人,lively,活泼的,活跃的,充满生气的,可指人,也可指物,He is alive. people alive,He is living. living people,a live fish,a lively girl,stare in disbelief take,o,unexpected burn above alive till/until arrive at be about to even though,3c Retell one of the events to your,partner. Use these words and,phrases to help you.,e.g. On September 11, 2001, I arrived at my .,Translation,1,.,我到家时她已经睡了。,By the time I got home, she had already gone to bed.,2,.,我没有去,因为我已看过这部电影。,I didnt go because I had already seen the film.,3.,他走以后我找到了那封信。,I found the letter after he had gone away.,We reached the cinema late. The film had already begun.,4.,我们到电影院晚了,电影已经开始了。,5.,我们发现有人把我们的窗户打破了。,We found that somebody had broken our window.,I soon realized that I had made a serious mistake.,6.,不久我意识到自己犯了一个严重的错误。,二、根据汉语意思完成句子。,1.,当我到车站时,火车已经开走了。,_Igottothestation,the,train_left.,2.,长大后,他会离开这儿。,He_herebythetimehe_up.,3.,他捎我去车站。,He_tothestation.,By the time,had already,will leave,grows,gave me a lift,4.,有时,坏事可以变成好事。,Abadthingcanbe_agood,onesometimes.,5.,你知道飞机什么时间起飞吗?,Doyouknowwhentheplanewill_,_?,6.,房间里全是学生。,Theroom_students.,turned into,take,off,is full of,Thank You!,


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