上海牛津英语6bU10Forests and land笔记

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,Unit 10 notes,1, inform-inform,ation,2, importan,t,-importan,ce,3, differen,t,-difference,4, build-build,ing-,-build,er,5, countr,y,-countr,ies,v.,通知,n.,信息,a.,重要的,n.,重要性,a.,不同的,n.,不同点,v.,建造,n.,建筑物,n.,建筑工人,n.,国家 复数,6, l,ose,-l,ost,-l,ost,e.g. He _ his way when he was a little boy.,e.g. He got _ when he was a little boy.,7, d,ie,-d,ead-,-d,eath,e.g. His grandfather _ 10 years ago.,e.g. His _ made me sad.,e.g. He has been _ for 10 years.,8, lea,f,-lea,ves,树叶(复数),e.g. I saw a lot of _ after a heavy rain.,lost,lost,v.,死亡,a.,死亡的,n.,死亡,died,death,dead,leaves,9,wool-wool,len,e.g. This is a _ shirt.,10. wood-wood,en,e.g. I have made a _ door.,11, glass-glass,es,e.g. He wears a pair of _which is made of _.,n.,羊毛,a.,羊毛的,woollen,n.,木头,a.,木制的,wooden,n.,玻璃,n.,眼镜,glass,es,12, hard-hard,e.g. He works very _ in the factory.,e.g. The desk feels _ than the chair.,13, feel-feel,ing,e.g. I _ tired yesterday.,e.g. Humans have a lot of _.,a.,硬的,难的,ad.,努力地,hard,harder,v.,感觉,n.,感觉,felt,feelings,14. provide: v.,供给,provider: n.,供给者,provide,sth,for,sb.,或,provide,sb,with,sth,.,eg,: He has to provide food _ his family.,Peter always provides his students _ some sweets and milk.,We must keep the sea clean because the sea provides food _ the sea animals.,for,with,for,15.,in,trees,(外界飞入的)树丛中,on,trees,长在树上的 (叶,花,果),1) make nests,in,trees,2) The birds are singing,in,the trees.,3) We can see apples,on,the trees.,4) There are a lot of green leaves,on,the trees.,16, *,get,from,从,得到,,The Chinese children always get some money _ their parents.,*,borrow, from,从,借到,,If you need a knife, you can borrow one _ your teacher.,17.furniture: U,some furniture,一些家具,a piece of furniture,一件家具,eg,. I will move _ into my sisters bedroom.,A. a furniture B. some,furnitures,C. a piece furniture D. a piece of furniture,18. look,for,寻找,,,look,看,,,look,at,看着,find,找到,,,find,out,发现真相,eg,.,Look, the bus is coming.,Please,look at,the teacher and listen to him carefully.,Kitty is looking for her dog in the house. She cant,find it,in the garden.,The police wanted to find out what happened in the street.,19. We use glass,to make bottles,.,= We use glass,for making bottles,.,What,do we use glass,to do,?,What,do we use glass,for,?,Why,do we use glass?,* We can use glass to make,bottles,.,What,can we use glass to make?,$ we,use wood to make,paper.,=we,make paper with,wood.,20.* make :,制造,make paper, make cups,make plates, make clothes,* make:,make,a mistake,犯错,make,a noise,弄出噪音,make,tea,泡茶,make,progress,取得进步,*,make,sb,. +,形容词,make me happy,*,make,sb,. do,make us run around the playground,21. be made,of,(,看得见材料),be made,from,(看不见材料),be made,in+,地方,be made,by,sb,.,be made,up of,由,组成,The table _ wood. It is a wooden table.,Paper _ wood and cotton.,Our class _ 42 students.,The watch _ Japan in 1990.,The desk _ my father last week.,is made of,is made from,is made up of,was made in,was made by,22.,感官动词,+ a.,I,feel cold,because I havent worn enough clothes.,The food Mum cooked,tasted delicious,.,The dress,looks lovely,.,The air,smells terrible,.,The music,sounds beautiful,.,23 n. a.,wood wood,en,wool,wool,len,plastic,plastic,use use,ful,/ use,less,help help,ful,/ help,less,beauty beaut,iful,friend friend,ly,love love,ly,


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